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Health Services

The Mission of Health Services is to promote the health and wellness of the Manhattan University community by providing accessible cost -effective quality healthcare and education. Health Services understands healthy behaviors support student success.

Health Services is responsible for compliance with the NY State immunization requirements for new students. 

The office also provides on campus healthcare to Undergraduate students of the University community.

Immunizations: New York State Law mandates that all students born after January 1, 1957 submit proof of immunity against measles, mumps and rubella to the University as well as a completed Meningitis Response Form. All students are also required to complete a Tuberculosis Risk Screen. Manhattan University Health Forms are available on the website. Immunization records may generally be obtained from the student’s private physician or previous educational institution. Any student who is having difficulty obtaining the necessary medical records should contact the Health Services staff for assistance (718-862-7217). Immunization compliance matters can generally be resolved quickly once a student requests assistance.

Health Services provides on campus evaluation and treatment for common health problems, including: episodic illnesses, injuries, blood pressure screening, vision screenings, suture removal, and a variety of other health-related services. Health Services providers facilitate referrals to off-campus healthcare when necessary. No cost appointments by our nurse practitioners and physician are available to all undergraduate students. Graduate students are charged a $25 visit fee. Students that require outside services, such as laboratory, x-rays, Urgent care, Emergency Care, etc., will be responsible for payment to that provider of services.

Health Services is located in Alumni Hall, Room 104. The office is open during the academic year Mondays through Fridays from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Students are advised to call or email for an appointment.

Phone: 718-862-7217


After Hours Urgent Care & Emergency Facilities resources are available on the Health Service's website for students in need of healthcare when the office is closed. Medical Emergencies: Public Safety (718-862-7333) should be contacted immediately for on campus medical emergencies. Public Safety responds to all emergency calls 24 hours a day, notifying Health Services or New York City Emergency Medical Services (911) as appropriate. 

Insurance: Manhattan University requires all full-time undergraduate students, degree-seeking international students, resident students, and Division 1 athletic participants to have health insurance. Students should check that their health insurance provides coverage in the New York area while they are attending university. Manhattan University students are automatically enrolled in a Student Health Plan until the student provides proof of insurance to waive the sponsored plan. This waiver process is available on the Health Services website.