Chemical Engineering
Dr. Sasidhar Varanasi
Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering
Dr. J. Patrick Abulencia
Director, Graduate Program
The mission of the Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Chemical Engineering is to emphasize practice-oriented knowledge, detailed engineering analysis and design to prepare students for leadership roles in chemical engineering practice. In aid of this mission, the curriculum offers traditional graduate courses complimented by a diverse selection of elective courses taught by industry leaders through the New York Tri-State Area.
The Program Educational Outcomes are:
- Students will apply advanced principles of chemical engineering to solve complex engineering problems;
- Students will design engineering solutions to issues and problems in one of the following concentration areas: cosmetic and consumer goods engineering, biopharmaceutical engineering, and sustainable materials engineering;
- Students will conduct fundamental and/or applied research, and improve their oral and written communication skills in the form of presentations, reports and technical memos, as appropriate to the audience.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must possess:
- A baccalaureate degree from a chemical engineering program accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc., or from a recognized foreign institution; or
- A baccalaureate degree in another area of engineering, chemistry, or closely-related field with satisfactory grades in Calculus I, II, and III (or equivalent), Chemistry I and II, Physics I, Differential Equations, Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry Lab I. Applicants meeting these criteria will be considered for admission as matriculated but must complete the following undergraduate courses with a minimum grade point average of B (3.00) and no grade lower than C (2.00) before taking graduate courses:
- CHML 480: Basic Principles of Thermal-Fluid Science (offered during Summer Session I)
- CHML 485: Core Chemical Engineering Concepts (offered during Summer Session II)
- A baccalaureate degree in another area of engineering, chemistry, or closely-related field with satisfactory grades in Calculus I, II, or III (or equivalent), Chemistry I and II, Physics I but have not taken Differential Equations, Organic Chemistry I or Organic Chemistry Lab I. Applicants meeting these criteria will be considered for admission as non-matriculated but must complete the undergraduate courses listed below with a minimum grade point average of B (3.00) and no grade lower than C (2.00) before taking graduate courses. Upon completion of all but two courses, students can request a change of status to matriculated.
- CHML 480: Basic Principles of Thermal-Fluid Science (3 credits, offered during Summer Session I in an online synchronous delivery mode)
- CHML 485: Core Chemical Engineering Concepts (3 credits, offered during Summer Session II in an online synchronous delivery mode)
- MATH 285: Calculus III (3 credits, routinely offered in fall, spring, and summer sessions)
- MATH 286: Differential Equations (3 credits, routinely offered in fall, spring, and summer sessions)
- CHEM 319: Organic Chemistry I (3 credits, routinely offered in fall, spring, and summer sessions)
- CHEM 323: Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2 credits, routinely offered in fall, spring, and summer sessions)
Note that Calculus III, Differential Equations, Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I may be taken at another institution with approval of the Graduate Director.
Degree Requirements
All students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate course work with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. These hours include three core courses (nine credit hours) and seven additional courses (21 credit hours). The core courses are only offered once per year during the semesters specified below. The engineering electives may be chosen from any of the graduate chemical engineering courses offered within the school of engineering for which the prerequisites have been completed. The elective courses may also be used to complete either the cosmetic engineering, biopharmaceutical, or materials engineering concentrations offered by the department of chemical engineering. Graduate courses from outside the department may be allowed on a case-by-case basis with approval from the Graduate Program Director.
Required Courses (three courses, 9 credits)
CHMG 713 | Chemical Reactor Design (Fall) | 3 |
CHMG 722 | Elements of Transport Phenomena (Fall) | 3 |
CHMG 707 | Process Thermodynamics (Spring) | 3 |
Total Credits | 9 |
Additionally, students select a total of seven elective courses (21 credits) to complete the degree requirement.
Research Option
Students may replace two electives with a research project (CHMG 735) or thesis (CHMG 736). Students choosing the research project/thesis option are required to:
- complete one or two semesters of research, and
- present a written report/thesis upon completion of the project. All student presenting a thesis will need to follow procedures to archive a copy in the Manhattan University Library.
The program offers a number of general electives as well as electives specific to cosmetic, biopharmaceutical, or materials engineering concentrations.
General Electives
The general electives offered within the program vary from year to year, but typically include:
CHMG 708 | Advanced Heat Transfer Applications | 3 |
CHMG 710 | Advanced Transport Phenomena | 3 |
CHMG 727 | Air Pollution Control Design | 3 |
CHMG 746 | Advanced Chemical Processes for Water Purification | 3 |
ENGG 652 | Project Management | 3 |
ENGG 670 | Pollution Prevention | 3 |
ENGG 678 | Sustainable Energy | 3 |
ENGG 700 | Creativity & Innovation | 3 |
Consumer Products and Cosmetic Engineering Electives
The Chemical Engineering Department offers a concentration in consumer products and cosmetic engineering at the graduate level. This concentration, the only one of its kind in the nation, will prepare students for a variety of roles in the cosmetic and consumer product industries, including product formulation and development, process engineering, and research and development. Coursework will provide students specialized training in product formulation, polymers and emulsions, complex fluids, and regulatory issues relevant to cosmetic and consumer product industries. In addition to the three required chemical engineering core courses, students are required to complete at least four of the following cosmetic engineering electives for a total of 12 credits:
Required Courses:
CHMG 752 | Advanced Processing Theory | 3 |
CHMG 753 | Advanced Processing Techniques | 3 |
CHMG 758 | Formulations I | 3 |
CHMG 759 | Formulations II | 3 |
CHMG 760 | Emulsion & Polymer Tech | 3 |
CHMG 763 | Industrial Regulations&Quality | 3 |
Total Credits: 12
The remaining nine elective credits for the cosmetic engineering concentration can be chosen from the available general electives, cosmetic engineering electives, biopharmaceutical engineering electives, and/or engineering materials electives (see the following).
Biopharmaceutical Engineering Electives
The Chemical Engineering Department offers a concentration in biopharmaceutical engineering at the graduate level. The Biopharmaceutical Engineering concentration will prepare students for a variety of roles in the biopharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, including discovery, development, formulation and production of pharmaceutical products and therapeutic agents. Coursework will provide students with specialized training in microbial and cell growth, polymers and emulsions, bioseparation processing, bioprocess design, formulation of pharmaceutical products, and regulatory issues relevant to the biopharmaceutical field. In addition to the three required chemical engineering core courses, students are required to complete at least four of the following biopharmaceutical engineering electives for a total of 12 credits:
Required Courses:
CHMG 759 | Formulations II | 3 |
CHMG 760 | Emulsion & Polymer Tech | 3 |
CHMG 761 | Industrial Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry | 3 |
CHMG 762 | Manufacturing and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products | 3 |
CHMG 763 | Industrial Regulations&Quality | 3 |
CHMG 770 | Bioseparations | 3 |
CHMG 772 | Bioreaction Engineering | 3 |
Total Credits: 12
The remaining nine elective credits for the biopharmaceutical engineering concentration can be chosen from the available general electives, consumer products and cosmetic engineering electives, biopharmaceutical engineering electives, and/or engineering materials electives (see the following).
Principles and Processing of Novel Materials Electives
The Chemical Engineering Department offers a concentration in principles and processing of novel materials at the graduate level. This focus area covers topics of interest to engineers in the consumer products, semiconductor, and biomaterials industries. The focus is on the properties and production and of these materials including additive manufacturing, thin film deposition and biomaterials. In addition to the three required chemical engineering core courses, students must complete at least four of the following materials engineering electives for a total of 12 credits:
Required Courses
CHMG 760 | Emulsion & Polymer Tech | 3 |
CHMG 773 | Synthesis & Deposition of Thin Films | 3 |
CHMG 774 | Additive Manufacturing: Technologies, Materials and Applications | 3 |
CHMG 775 | Production & Application of Biomaterials | 3 |
Total Credits: 12
The remaining nine elective credits can be chosen from the general chemical engineering graduate electives, biopharmaceutical engineering electives, or consumer products and cosmetic engineering electives.
CHMG 501. Adv Engineering Mathematics. 3 Credits.
This course covers the various mathematical methods of importance in chemical engineering modeling and analysis. Topics include the development of analytical and numerical solutions of linear and nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations, use of the Newton-Raphson method to solve systems of non-linear equations, application of Fourier transforms, and use of optimization and minimization methods. Prerequisites: All Math courses required for an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engg.
CHMG 707. Process Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.
Emphasis on the application of thermodynamics to process design; development and use of thermodynamic principles in single-phase and multi-phase processes; applications in reactor design. Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 708. Advanced Heat Transfer Applications. 3 Credits.
This course will cover heat transfer mechanisms and
models for unsteady state and transient conduction,
convection, and radiation in engineering systems.
Applications include novel thermal and fluidic components and heat-exchange systems in the areas of
alternative energy, green materials, food technology
and bio-processing. Prerequisite: Undergraduate heat transfer course. Three credits. Prerequisite: CHML 305 or equivalent.
CHMG 710. Advanced Transport Phenomena. 3 Credits.
Topics include continuum and molecular theories of matter; non-dimensionalization; velocity, temperature and concentration distributions in flow; boundary layer analysis; simultaneous momentum, energy and mass transport; mathematical analogies; simultaneous diffusion and chemical reaction. Prerequisite: CHML 411 or equivalent.
CHMG 713. Chemical Reactor Design. 3 Credits.
Application of engineering analysis, computer design and optimization of chemical reactor systems.
Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 722. Elements of Transport Phenomena. 3 Credits.
This course covers the development of the mass, energy and momentum transport equations used to solve problems in chemical engineering.
Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 727. Air Pollution Control Design. 3 Credits.
Emphasis on particulate control. Industrial sources and regulatory codes for particulate emissions; review of fine particle technology; development of performance equations and design procedures for gravity settlers, cyclone-electrostatic precipitators, baghouse and venturi scrubbers; atmosphere dispersion adn stack design; overview of gaseous control equipment.
CHMG 735. Independent Project Or Thesis. 3 Credits.
Chemical engineering project or thesis on selected topics, involving experimental research, process design, computer simulation, and/or authoring technical papers. Written report or publication, and oral presentation are required. Topic to be selected by the student with approval of a faculty advisor and the Chair.
CHMG 736. Independent Project or Thesis. 3 Credits.
Chemical engineering project or thesis on selected topics, involving experimental research, process design, computer simulation, and/or authoring technical papers. Written report or publication, and oral presentation are required. Topic to be selected by the student with approval of a faculty advisor and the Chair.
CHMG 739. Introduction to Design Project. 3 Credits.
Reaction path screening; exploratory technical and economic process evaluations; process synthesis; preliminary process flow diagram; material and energy balances; quick sizing design techniques and factored cost estimate; material selection. Written report or publication and oral presentation are required. Prerequiste: CHML 406 or equivalent.
CHMG 740. Design Project. 3 Credits.
Preliminary equipment design techniques; computer-aided process optimization studies; hazards and safety evaluation; site location and layout studies; detailed economic evaluation. Written report or publication and oral presentation are required.
Prerequisite: CHMG 739.
CHMG 741. Special Topics. 3 Credits.
Special topics of current interest to graduate students; subject matter will be announced in advance of semester offering. Written report or publication and oral presentation are required.
CHMG 743. Advanced Fluid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
A course focused on differential equations of motion for incompressible fluids. Major topics include tensor notation and vector calculus, linear and angular momentum conservation, scaling, Stokes flow, inviscid flow, boundary layer, vorticity, potential flow and lubrication.
Prerequisites: MATH 286, CHML 208 or equivalent.
CHMG 746. Advanced Chemical Processes for Water Purification. 3 Credits.
Advanced study of the processes used for water treatment and purification with an emphasis on design principles and process modeling. Processes covered include carbon adsorption, ion exchange, chemical oxidation of inorganic and organic chemicals, disinfection using chlorine, ozone and ultraviolet light, strategies for control of disinfection byproducts, and chemical precipitation Spring: Prerequisite CHML 321.
CHMG 747. Pollution Prevention. 3 Credits.
Regulations, advantages and disadvantages of pollution prevention: EPA'S pollution prevention hierarchy, including source reduction, recycling, control and ultimate disposal; Multimedia approaches and total systems analysis of pollution prevention options; applications to specific processes and industries from various engineering disciplines. Three Credits: Instructor Consent.(cross-listed with ENGG 670).
CHMG 748. Petroleum Refinery Processing I. 3 Credits.
Overview of a modern, integrated petroleum refinery:feedstock properties, product slate, and processes used to convert crude and intermediate streams into desirable products. Topics include hydrocarbon chemistry, crude oil properties, fuel product quality, impacts of worldwide environmental legislation, and overall operability and economic performance of refineries. Three lectures.Fall.
Pre-requisite: CHEM320. Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CHML405.
CHMG 749. Natural Gas Processing I. 3 Credits.
Overview of natural gas industry with emphasis on gas plant operations. Students will develop a working knowledge of the major processes for gas compression, dehydration, acid gas removal and tail gas cleanup, sulfur recovery, cryogenic extraction of natural gas liquids (NGL), as well as LNG production, storage, and transportation. Three lectures. Pre-requisite: CHEM320. Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CHML405.
CHMG 752. Advanced Processing Theory. 3 Credits.
The theory of multiphase and reactive flow processes, including: non-newtonian and time-dependent flow, heat transfer at boundaries, powder and solids processing, surface forces, phase transitions, ripening and sintering, flow with chemical transformations. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 753. Advanced Processing Techniques. 3 Credits.
Applications of advanced processing techniques for multiphase processes, including: multiphase flow, pumping, mixing, homogenization, atomization, drying. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations.
Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 758. Formulations I. 3 Credits.
This is the first of two formulations courses which are focused on developing the knowledge and skills set necessary to carry out effective formulation design and engineering of complex fluids to develop products for the cosmetic and consumer industry. This course will focus on skin care formulations with the aim to develop formulation design rules to enhance performance attributes such as hydration, photoprotection, tactile and visual sensory. This will be done through effective engineering of the microstructure-processing-performance linkages for emulsions, complex fluid gels and creams utilized in skin care. Co-requisite: CHMG 760. Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 759. Formulations II. 3 Credits.
This is the second of two formulations courses which are focused on developing the knowledge and skills set necessary to carry out effective formulation design and engineering of complex fluids to develop products for the cosmetic and consumer industry. This course will focus on hair care and make-up formulations with the aim to develop formulation design rules to enhance performance attributes such as hair conditioning, tactile and visual sensory. This will be done through effective engineering the microstructure-processing-performance linkages for structured fluids and semi-solids utilized in producing hair-care and make-up products. Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 760. Emulsion & Polymer Tech. 3 Credits.
This is an introductory complex fluids course with a particular emphasis on emulsions and polymer technologies. The following topics as applied in an engineering context will be covered: advanced characterization including rheology and scattering, physico-chemical aspects and stability of suspensions, emulsions, surfactants, and micelles. Polymer science fundamentals required for applications will additionally be covered. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 761. Industrial Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry. 3 Credits.
Advanced study of the principles used for pharmaceuticals production with an emphasis on physiochemical processes governing development and manufacturing of pharmaceuticall agents and drugs. Technologies covered include aseptic, vaccines, injectables, ophthalmics, ingestible and Oncology. Analysis of quality control processes in conformance with government oversight and regulations, especially the FDA. Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment
Pre-requisite: Approval of Graduate Director.
CHMG 762. Manufacturing and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products. 3 Credits.
Systematic study of the unit operations, practices and analysis techniques that are important to the pharmaceutical products industry. Topics covered include agitation, aeration, crystallization, mixing of solids, mixing of complex fluids, analysis of particle size distributions, granulation and blending, pelletizing, encapsulation, principles and practice of freeze drying, and quality assurance and testing. Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisite: CHMG 761 or CHML 461.
CHMG 763. Industrial Regulations&Quality. 3 Credits.
Discussion of a variety of aspects of regulated and quality-driven industries: Regulations - CFR, regulating authorities, regulatory inventories, applications, compliance, and recalls; Quality Systems - Six Sigma@, GXP, and TQM, documentation, measurement, safety, training, and cleanliness; Quality Control Techniques - Validation, ASTM testing, run rules, control charts.
Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director for Undergraduates only.
CHMG 765. Biopharmaceutical Formulations. 3 Credits.
This course is focused on effective product and formulation design for the biopharmaceutical industry. The course will cover key aspects of biotherapeutic product development including: Formulation design for liquid dosage forms; Development of analytical control strategy such as stability indicating (QC) assays; and Characterization assays through various biophysical techniques. Co-listed with CHML 465.
CHMG 770. Bioseparations. 3 Credits.
Bioseparations consists of a sequence of recovery and separations steps that maximize the purity of the bioproducts while minimizing the processing time, yield losses, and costs. Topics include: centrifugation and filtration, extraction, membrane separations, electro-kinetic separations, precipitation, crystallization, and chromatography. Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisites: CHML306 and CHML339.
CHMG 772. Bioreaction Engineering. 3 Credits.
Application of engineering principles to biological processes. Topics include enzyme-catalyzed reactions, kinetics of cell growth and product formation; aeration, agitation and oxygen transfer; bioreactor design and scale-up; biological waste treatment, and fermentation laboratory experiments. Three lectures. Prerequisites: CHML 306, CHML 321.
CHMG 773. Synthesis & Deposition of Thin Films. 3 Credits.
This course will introduce students to synthesis and deposition of thin films of materials on different substrates for different applications. The course will cover the fundamentals of techniques associated with different classes of materials – metals, polymers, semiconductors, and ceramics. The course will also include guest lectures by researchers from industry and academia as well as hands-on work on a state-of-the-art, polymer Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) instrument located in the chemical engineering department. A term paper submission based on a journal article critique is required as a part of the final course grade.
CHMG 774. Additive Manufacturing: Technologies, Materials and Applications. 3 Credits.
This course will build the technical knowledge base for understanding additive manufacturing technologies including an understanding of the materials, required material science principles and applications. Structural materials (polymers, ceramics, bio inks etc.) in use in additive manufacturing and their forms, the physical models for processing them will be discussed in detail. Technologies including extrusion-based printing, droplet-based printing, powder-based printing, and vat photopolymerization printing will be discussed with respect to printable materials printing parameters, and end-product properties. The course will include a number of team-based projects to allow students to apply the learned principles for designing 3D printed components through correct choice of materials/technologies. A term paper submission based on a journal article critique is required as a part of the final course grade.
CHMG 775. Production & Application of Biomaterials. 3 Credits.
Biomaterials encompasses the field of study focusing on producing porous, often proteinaceous, materials which can host living organisms, a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure. The topics include: investigation of the mechanisms of release from polymeric delivery systems of insulin, interferon, growth hormones and vaccines; stimuli-sensitive controlled drug-delivery systems; biodegradable materials as tissue-engineering scaffolds and as drug-delivery matrices. Emphasis will be on the synthesis and application of collagen nanofibrils for environmental engineering, scaffolds, and cell culture. A term paper submission based on a journal article critique or an experimental project is required as a part of the final course grade.