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Healthcare Informatics

The mission of the Healthcare Informatics degree program is to provide
students with the knowledge they need to enter the healthcare industry to
enhance quality and operations through the application and assessment of
healthcare data.

1. Students will be able to analyze and interpret healthcare data and how it
relates to patient care and operational effectiveness.
2. Students will be able to apply policies, standards, and regulatory
requirements to the collection, storage, classification, access, and
transmission of healthcare data.
3. Students will use healthcare information technology for
decision support, knowledge management, strategic planning, and
outcomes assessment.

Program of Study for the Healthcare Informatics

Total number of credits for the MS degree is 36; 24 core credits and 12 elective credits.

First Year
HCI 6013HCI 6183HCI 6303
HCI 6103HCI 6203HCI 6323
HCI Elective3HCI Elective3HCI Elective3
 9 9 9
Second Year
HCI 6903  
HCI 6913  
HCI Elective3  
Total Credits: 36