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Polices and Procedures

Payment Responsibilities and Agreement Notice

Enrolled students agree to be in accordance with all policies and procedures related to their financial obligation to the University. The enrolled student assumes liability for any debt incurred during his/her attendance at Manhattan University including late payment penalties and all legal and/or collection costs related to the efforts to collect a past due balance. The terms of payment, withdrawal and adjustment set forth in this catalog are incorporated upon enrollment.

Students are required to notify in writing to the University any change in address or other contact information. All changes in billing address must be provided immediately in writing even after such time as a student completes his/her program and has loans outstanding to the school. Failure to comply with the policies on address changes that result in the loss or delay of contact are the sole responsibility of the student.

Payment to the University is always the responsibility of the student regardless of the source of funding for tuition. Inquiries regarding accounts receivable and/or cashiering can be directed to Jasper Central at  (718) 862-7100 or e-mail

Account access is available at with official Manhattan University login credentials. Students and designated authorized users can view the billing account detail transactions and up-to-date account balances. Other student information services available to view via self service include financial aid awards, class schedules, grades, unofficial transcripts, and personal information such as address, phone number, and e-mail address.

Safeguarding Policy

This is an official notice of Manhattan University's policy regarding the safeguarding of customers' information established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Manhattan University is subject to the provisions of the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA, 16 CFR 314) which recognizes the University and other higher education institutions as a financial institution.

Manhattan University adheres to very strict privacy and safeguarding rules, keeping sensitive information safe. Manhattan University is in compliance with specific requirements related to the administrative, technical and physical safeguarding of customer information. Manhattan University also requires its service providers to implement and maintain such safeguards.

Tuition Liability for Fall and Spring Terms

Only students who have satisfied their current account for the term will be eligible for online pre-registration for an upcoming term. Billing statements with a tuition deadline date will be emailed to students in early July for the Fall term and by mid-December for the Spring term. Follow-up billing statements for outstanding balances  continue monthly thereafter, but it is the student’s responsibility to access the Student Account Suite,, for account updates. No student will be permitted to enroll for an academic term until all outstanding accounts with the University have been satisfied. Liability for tuition and fees is not contingent on completing courses, course attendance, receiving grades, receiving passing grades or status of financial aid awards. Students who register after the tuition deadline for a term or make adjustments which result in increased liability after the tuition deadline for a term must make payment to the University upon those transactions.

Registration/Payment for Intersession Terms

Summer preregistration is available online.  Students are encouraged to review their account balance on the Student Account Suite to view the charges.  Payment reminders will be sent approximately one week before the payment deadline. In order to enroll in person for an intersession term (January/Summer), payment must accompany a request for registration or be provided in advance. There is no option to register without prepayment after preregistration concludes and for the winter session. 

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Acceptable forms of payment are cash, personal check, bank check, money order, credit card (online only via PayPath), and bank wire, via Western Union. Checks must be payable to Manhattan University and routed to the Office of Student Accounts and Bursar Services. The student's identification number should be included on all payments. The University reserves the right to dictate form of future payments in cases where insufficient funds are presented and/or in cases of continued delinquent account status. Payment can be made in person at the Jasper Central Office in Thomas Hall, 3rd Floor or mailed. Secure, online credit card payments and ACH automatic check or savings withdrawals may be processed by accessing the Student Account Suite, with the appropriate login credentials.

Method of Financial Aid Payments

Financial aid will be credited directly to the student tuition account. Although initial tuition bills will list pending aid to assist in financing calculations, actual disbursements are subject to eligibility requirements, completion of necessary applications, and verification of applications. Institutional awards, Federal Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, Federal Pell, SEOG, ACG, SMART, TEACH, and New York State TAP will be disbursed to the student account in two disbursements; one-half at the scheduled start of the Fall term and the other half at the scheduled start of the Spring term. If a student earns eligibility for any federal aid (Pell, Direct Loans) for intersession terms, awards will be applied at the start of those terms. Private loans will also be applied in accordance with the authorized enrollment periods. Federal Work Study is not applied to the tuition account. FWS awards become active upon application and when a work position is secured. Paychecks are issued to students semi-monthly and are based on actual hours worked.

Non-Payment Penalties

Students can avoid late payment charges by paying their tuition and fees by the published deadline. A late penalty of 1% of the outstanding balance of any student account will be assessed at the end of each month until the account is settled. Accounts not paid in full may be referred to a collection agency, which can result in additional collection and/or legal costs.

Indebtedness to the University may automatically terminate current enrollment and indefinitely suspend future enrollment. The University reserves the right to request prepayment before allowing registration for future terms. In addition, students with an outstanding obligation to the University will also be barred from online account access via Self Service, receiving grade reports, parking decals, and participating in commencement until all account balances have been paid.

Policy on Returned Items

If for any reason a check, eCheck, eRefund does not clear for payment, a returned ACH and/ or check charge of $25 is charged to the student’s tuition account. Payment for the amount of the returned item and the $25 return item charge must be paid immediately by cash, credit card, certified bank check or money order. Personal checks and ACH withdrawal will no longer be accepted as a payment option.  Account restrictions will also bar electronic payments via eCheck after an item is returned. The University will request that future payments be made in form of cash, credit card, certified bank check or money order. The University reserves the right to cancel or deny enrollment for a particular term due to payment with insufficient funds.

Monthly Payment Plan

Manhattan University partners with TouchNet to offer semester based 5-month installment plans (Fall & Spring only), referred to as the Monthly Payment Plan (MMP) for matriculated students enrolling at least part time. The cost to enroll is $50.00 per term.  The monthly payment plan allows for convenient adjustments and will automatically notify you via email anytime your installments increase or decrease based on changes in tuition and fees or revisions in financial aid items.  For more information, you can refer to the Payment Options tab on the Student Accounts Website (

Employer Deferment

Students expecting reimbursement from their employer may defer payment of tuition and applicable fees upon approval of our Application for Deferral. Upon approval, a student’s account is charged the deferral fee (listed on application) and any portion of tuition/fees not covered by the employer will be payable in advance. The application will require certification of the employer’s reimbursement on company letterhead. Please contact the Jasper Central for the current terms and fees and to seek eligibility for a regular student deferral if there is no employer reimbursement.  The cost of an employer deferral is $100 (subject to change) which is charged to the student account and payable immediately. 

Regular Student Deferment

Students who need additional time to secure tuition financing will have the opportunity to apply for a tuition deferment, with an approved source of funding. If approved, a deferment can extend your tuition payment deadline by approximately six weeks. Applications must be filed by the tuition deadline date. The cost of a deferral is $100 (subject to change) which is charged to the student account and payable immediately. The deferment fee and extended deadline date will be listed in the signed and approved application.

Refund and Liability Policy

If a student withdraws from a term, takes a leave of absence after the start of term, or is dismissed from Manhattan University, then the school may be required to return all or some portion of federal funds awarded to the student. The student may be eligible for a refund for a portion of the tuition, fees, and room and board paid to the University depending on the refund/liability schedule and the determined official withdrawal date. Students must complete an official “Withdrawal from University” form.

Failure to attend class and/or failure to notify the Office of the Dean and Office of the Registrar does not constitute an official withdrawal. Also, failure to make or complete payment does not constitute official withdrawal. Students who never attend or stop attending classes and fail to file the official paperwork mandated by University policy are responsible for 100% of tuition and fees.

Official Date of Withdrawal

The date used for refund/liability purposes will be the date that the paperwork was completed, not the last date of attendance. Drops or withdrawals received by mail will be effective as of the official postmarked date.

Refund of Tuition/Liability of Tuition- Traditional 15 week term

Refund of tuition charges only will be made in accordance with the following schedule:

Duration Refund/Liability
During the 1st week 100% refund no liability
During the 2nd week 80% refund 20% liability
During the 3rd week 60% refund 40% liability
During the 4th week 40% refund 60% liability
During the 5th week 20% refund 80% liability

After Week 5 there is no refund, and 100% liability of tuition.

Refund of Tuition/Liability of Tuition- SCPS, Degree Programs & 7-week Session:

Refund of tuition charges only (not Information Services Fee or other fees) will be made in accordance with the following schedule:

Duration Refund/Liability
During the 1st week 100% refund no liability
During the 2nd week 70% refund 30% liability
During the 3rd week 30% refund 70% liability

After Week 3 there is no refund, and 100% liability of tuition and fees.

Room and Board Liability

Charges will be prorated per calendar week up to 5 weeks, as authorized by the Office of Residential Life.

Official Date of Withdrawal

The date used for refund/liability purposes will be the date that the paperwork was completed, not the last date of attendance. Drops or withdrawals received by mail will be effective as of the official postmarked date.

Tuition Insurance Plan

Manhattan University has partnered with GradGuard to offer an optional insurance plan, Tuition Protection Plan by Allianz Global Assistance, which helps protect you in cases of accident or illness. Your participation in Tuition Protection Plan is completely voluntary; it represents a contract between you and the Allianz Global Assistance. Manhattan University does not benefit from your participation. 

Enrollment Instructions

Should you decide to participate in the Tuition Protection Plan, you can learn more and obtain a quote by calling 877-232-0765 or go to Sign-up is required prior to the first day of classes. For the 2024-25 year, August 26 is the first day of classes in the Fall and January 14 is the first day of classes in the Spring.

What the Plan Covers

The coverage complements our refund policy-providing reimbursement for eligible tuition payments, room and board fees and other nonrefundable expenses if you withdraw for a covered illness or injury at any time during the plan period.

Adjustment of Institutional Aid

The University's refund policy exists for calculating liability for institutional tuition charges. Therefore, if any charges are prorated as a result of voluntary or involuntary withdrawal, the University must in turn prorate any institutional grants based on the percentage charged to the student as listed in the above policy.

Return of Title IV Federal Aid

When a student withdraws during a term, the amount of federal financial aid earned by the student is determined on a pro-rata basis up to the end of 60% completion point of a term. The amount of federal Title IV aid earned is based upon the period of enrollment completed. A percentage is computed by dividing the number of days completed (as of the date the student officially withdraws) by the total number of days in the term as determined by the Office of Financial Aid Administration. Scheduled breaks of more than four consecutive days are excluded. The percentage is then applied to the aid received to determine earned and unearned aid. If and when any aid is determined to be unearned, it must be returned to the appropriate financial aid program(s). Once a student has completed more than 60% of the term, the student is considered to have earned 100% of aid and no adjustment to aid is made.

Refunds of Credit Balances

Refunds are subject to the review of the Jasper Central. Institutional awards can never be refunded to the student. Credit balances resulting from private scholarships, federal and alternative loan programs are subject to specific guideline review and approval by a financial aid counselor and a student account representative. Refunds will be routed through the approval process when the credit amount actually exists on the student’s account, after the census date for each term (first week of each term, or the add/drop period). In the event of an overpayment of personal funds paid to the University by check, refunds will be subject to a ten day holding period while original funding is cleared by the bank. Credit balances resulting from excess payments will be refunded to the student’s name.

Processing of Refunds

Checks will be mailed to the current home address of the student, if the student does not elect to receive an eRefund.  The turnaround timeframe for refund availability is 10-14 business days