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BS/MBA in Business

Marc Waldman, Ph.D., Director, MBA Programs

The B.S. Business / Masters of Business Administration Program offers students an option to complete a five-year dual-degree program. The successful completion of the five-year program leads to two degrees: a B.S. in Business (in one of seven majors) and an MBA. The program consists of a total of 150 hours in undergraduate and graduate credits, planned over a five-year period, including coursework during ten semesters and one summer session. 

The program is designed to increase students’ awareness of the multifunctional aspects of business and enhance their ability to integrate business knowledge in decision making. 

The initial admission into the O'Malley School of Business follows the institution’s admissions processes. Students are encouraged to apply to the 5th-year MBA program during the first semester of their senior year. 

O'Malley School of Business seniors who have earned an overall GPA of at least 3.0 can, with permission of the MBA Program Director and their academic adviser, take select MBA courses.

Undergraduate students enrolling in MBA courses (which include ACCG 600-level courses) should be aware of the following:
1) A maximum of two MBA courses (6 credits) can be used to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements.
MBA courses are typically applied toward a student's free or business elective requirements.
2) A student wishing to enroll in additional MBA courses (beyond the two allowed in the senior year) will be charged for the course at the graduate per-credit tuition rate. The graduate tuition rates are listed on the following web page:

Recommended course sequence:

First Four Years: Follow the undergraduate catalog's course sequence for your major (120 credits). The following minor modification can be applied to the fourth year sequence-

  • Any MBA core or concentration course can replace a Business Elective
  • Any MBA core or concentration course can replace a Free Elective

Summer Term (following 4th year)

Two MBA Concentration Courses6
Total Credits6

Fifth Year

Four MBA Core Courses12
MBA Elective3
Two MBA Concentration Courses6
MBA 622Leadership & Organizational Behavior3
Total Credits24

 Total Credits: 150

MBA Foundation Courses

MBAF 510. Foundations of Business Statistics. 3 Credits.

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with statistical data analysis methods and the corresponding computing tools and techniques. The topics of the course are exploratory data analysis, discrete and continuous probability distributions for the purpose of statistical data analysis, interval estimation of population means and proportions, hypothesis testing of population means and proportions and one-way analysis of variance of population means, linear regression modeling, analysis and prediction and time-series forecasting. This course is designed to meet a prerequisite of the MBA program. The course is open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a field other than business. Permission of MBA program director is required.

MBAF 520. Foundations of Financial and Managerial Accounting. 3 Credits.

The course introduces fundamental principles of accounting and demonstrates their use in financial and managerial reporting for business organizations. It emphasizes the four financial statements produced by the accounting information system and the concepts governing their preparation. It covers the relevant components of the annual report providing additional information to investors. It emphasizes the analysis of financial statement ratios. Managerial accounting topics include costing methods, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgetary planning and control, and standard costs. The course introduces ethical issues in accounting for analysis and discussion. This course is designed to meet a prerequisite of the MBA program. The course is open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a field other than business. Permission of MBA program director is required.

MBAF 530. Foundations of Economics. 3 Credits.

This course provides an introductory study of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics studies the behavior of individual households and firms in the marketplace, with topics including supply and demand, economic efficiency and welfare, the role of the government, and international trade. Macroeconomics covers the economy as a whole and is largely concerned with the level of output and prices in an economy. Topics include inflation and unemployment, money and banks, the role of the federal budget, monetary policy, and economic growth. This course is designed to meet a prerequisite of the MBA program. The course is open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a field other than business. Permission of MBA program directory is required.

MBAF 540. Foundations of Organizational and Operational Management. 3 Credits.

In this course, principles of management are introduced and how they are applied in organizations so that they may operate more effectively and/or efficiently. It is split into two parts beginning with broad concepts before moving on to more specific and quantitative topics. The course begins with classical theories on management, ethical behavior, innovation, teamwork, business strategy, and international business before moving on to the 2nd half of the course that will focus more on optimization. In this second part, decision-making will be based on calculations towards maximizing profit and/or minimizing cost. Topics include outsourcing, forecasting, statistical quality control, project management, queuing, linear programming, and inventory control. This course is designed to meet a prerequisite of the MBA program. The course is open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a field other than business. Permission of MBA program director is required. Prerequisite: MBAF 510 or equivalent.

Masters Business Administration Courses

MBA 601. Internship. 3 Credits.

Students will receive guidance in securing an appropriate internship and must obtain faculty sponsorship. Faculty supervisors will define appropriate academic activities in parallel to the work requirement in order to provide a complete internship experience.

MBA 602. Research. 3 Credits.

Faculty supervisors will direct complete research activities. These activities may focus on specific industries and can build on students' internship experiences.

MBA 603. Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

This course will encompass the creation and planning of a new business, which helps the economy by creating new jobs, which becomes jobs of the future. Included within this focus would be analysis of both for-profit and non-profit organizations (i.e. foundations, charitable organizations, community organizations and hybrid firms which employ social entrepreneurship) Topics of social and corporate responsibility feed into the increased awareness of sustainability. Subsumed within this course are the core management functions tailored to small business. Included topics discussed from an interdisciplinary point of view are: MGMT, MKTG,FIN, ACCT, Leadership and Human Resources, Operations, Strategic Planning, Organization and Control.

MBA 604. Business Plan Project A and B. 1,2 Credit.

Business Plan A is structured to give the students the opportunity to create a research plan for the company project. All avenues of research - both primary and secondary must be considered for the research plan. Once the project has been delivered - research plan will be put into process. Business Plan B is structured to have the students provide a deliverable to an outside business client and follows the work done in Business Plan A. The deliverable may include a feasibility study, segmentation analysis, target market analysis, preferred product attributes, product packaging and a business plan.

MBA 606. Doing Business:Study Trip. 3 Credits.

This is a unique course in which students spend 9-12 days abroad. The destination changes semester to semester. The objective of the course is to understand the designated Country’s unique place in the global economy and how businesses operate within that Country. The structure of the course is arranged around three main elements: onsite visits to local businesses to understand the way in which businesses operate; learning sessions in which local businessmen, politicians, intellectuals, and social activists discuss contemporary issues and problems relating to their economy and business environment. The experience also includes some tourism to explore the rich history and culture of each Country. Upon return from the Country, students complete a firm based project or consulting work. Such an experience is of critical importance to a well-rounded MBA graduate.

MBA 607. Business Plan Project. 3 Credits.

Individual students or student-teams of 2 to 3 members will be paired with an entrepreneur or small business owner for the term. Each owner will have a pressing business problem or issue that needs to be addressed. The student/team will work with the owner and provide a deliverable that addresses the problem or issue. The deliverable may include a feasibility study, segmentation analysis, target market analysis, preferred product attributes, product packaging and a business plan. Note: This course is the one term equivalent of courses MBAE604A/B. Students who have taken either MBAE604A or B are not eligible to take MBAE607.

MBA 610. Business Data Management. 3 Credits.

This course introduces the core concepts of data and information management. It is centered around the core skills of identifying organizational information requirements, modeling them using conceptual data modeling techniques, converting the conceptual data models into relational data models, and implementing the models using a commercial relational database management system. Additional topics include database administration, security, transaction management, distributed databases and SQL programming. Cross-listed with CIS 310.

MBA 611. Advanced Data Analysis. 3 Credits.

Decision makers require rigorous support from extensive data analysis. This course provides you with several tools to prepare, analyze, and present the results of data analysis. These tools cover topics in data design and visualization, exploratory data mining and basic machine learning, probability, sampling and statistical inference, traditional and robust regression, Monte Carlo simulation and bootstrapping, and decision optimization. Tools will be built in Excel and R, an open source programming language in wide use. They will be applied across an organization's value chain to problems of inventory, market share, pricing, budgeting and forecasting, and risk management, among other topics. Prerequisite: MBAF 510 or equivalent.

MBA 615. Computing in R. 3 Credits.

Introduces MBA students to the R programming language and the related eco-system. R is an invaluable tool for data analysis and reporting, for basic and advanced statistical inference and it has with a variety of business applications including finance, economics and marketing. This course will provide a skill-set that is in increasingly in demand in the business world.

MBA 616. Stock Market & Corporate Valuation. 3 Credits.

Financial markets have existed since ancient civilization. The Aztecs held worth in the Cacao bean, the ancient Egyptians in metal, and the ancient Chinese in silk. Markets were necessary so that people could trade their assets for others that were needed or desired. With an increasing complexity, financial markets continue to exert a powerful presence in our lives and are central to the functioning of our economy. What shape do assets take in the modern economy? What role do financial markets play and how do they function? How are assets such as stocks and bonds priced in these markets? This course introduces the main financial principles necessary to understand the role of financial markets today.

MBA 617. Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets. 3 Credits.

Spreadsheet packages have changed the way business executives make strategic decisions. Decision makers increasingly rely on sophisticated quantitative analysis through the intuitive and comfortable environment offered by computerized spreadsheet packages. This course is designed to introduce MBA students to quantitative modeling for strategic decision-making using the popular spreadsheet package, Microsoft Excel. The course covers applications for various business areas including finance, marketing, and operations. Applications include break even analysis, cash flow analysis, pricing models, revenue management, project management, portfolio analysis, supply chain management, and channel selection. Though the course covers the use of a spreadsheet package, the focus is not on the technicalities of the software. The course focuses on the process of understanding, structuring, and solving business issues as well as interpretations of solutions.

MBA 618. Financial Management. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the role of the financial manager as decision maker. The first half of the course, therefore, deals with the tools of the trade: It defines the financial environment and its diagnostics system, the analysis of financial statements. It then studies the interest rates and time value of money in connection with the characteristics of discounted cash flow method of asset valuation. The second half of the course involves in dynamic financial management: building a discussion of the relationship between risk and return will be followed by the bonds and stocks as financial assets and their valuation. Finally, the capital budgeting and basic long-term financing including the impact of financial leverage on firm value will be covered.

MBA 621. Readings and Cases in Financial Reporting. 3 Credits.

The purpose of this course is to explore case studies in financial accounting. The case studies will present a variety of scenarios including issues of fraud and corruption in the post Enron era. Students will be fully involved in the understanding of the legislation and the roles of regulatory bodies both in the US and in foreign countries. The course will provide a mixture of theory and practice and will introduce students to analytical problem solving using the case method.

MBA 622. Leadership & Organizational Behavior. 3 Credits.

This course uses a behavioral science approach to help students gain an understanding of leadership and its impact on the organizational behavior of individuals. Students will examine leadership theories, learn about current research findings, investigate examples of leadership in practice, and engage in developmental activities to evaluate and enhance their leadership skills.

MBA 624. Going Global:Business & Society. 3 Credits.

In a globally integrated economy, it is imperative that we investigate and understand multi-disciplinary and multi-dimensional perspectives to global business issues. In this course, we examine how doing business globally has become incredibly viable and challenging at the same time. We explore economic, social, cultural and technological issues in the context of a diverse global environment. For example, we investigate Facebook in emerging economics (i.e: the push back on free internet for all), Netflix in Kenya (i.e: streaming entertainment without local censorship), Apple (i.e: personal security versus national security), Uber (i.e.: the shared economy and employee rights) and more.

MBA 625. Creativity for Entrepreneurs. 3 Credits.

This course provides students with deep insight into which factors and techniques foster creativity and which ones inhibit it, in both individuals and groups. Many techniques, including lectures, classroom exercises and workshops, case studies, team projects, readings and guest lectures, will be used. Students have ample opportunities in the course to practice their creative thinking skills in many different domains and in different design challenges. (3 CREDITS).

MBA 626. Environmental Economics & Policy. 3 Credits.

An introductory study of the way economists model environmental problems. The course starts with an overview of externalities, public goods, and common-pool resources, encompassing situations in which the market fails to maximize total welfare for society. The course explores the economics of environmental quality focusing on marginal damages and marginal abatement costs of pollutants. Subsequently, it covers cost-benefit analysis, an important framework used by environmental economists to assess environmental policies. To estimate benefits, different valuation methods including revealed and stated preference methods, will be examined. The course concludes studying various environmental policy instruments used to internalize environmental externalities, including standards, emission charges, Pigouvian taxes, subsidies, and cap-and-trade. (Prerequisites: MBAF 530 and MBAF 510 or equivalent undergraduate courses).

MBA 630. Accounting for Business Decision Making. 3 Credits.

This course covers essential financial and managerial accounting concepts and places emphasis on the critical and analytical thinking skills needed for making business-related decisions. Students learn to measure, process and communicate accounting and managerial information about an economic entity so that they can hold intelligent discussions with all relevant stakeholders. Some of the topics covered include financial statements and analysis, internal control and why it is important, performance evaluation, business income tax concepts and tax planning strategies, mergers and acquisitions and the related accounting process.

MBA 631. Innovation Management. 3 Credits.

This course will examine the path of creation of new products, new ideas and new management styles. The course will include examination of styles of organization for team development and creativity, development of creative human resource practices and learning conflict management practices to encourage team building and interpersonal cooperation.

MBA 635. Managerial Economics. 3 Credits.

Managerial Economics introduces the students to the application of economic principles to key management decisions within organizations. MBAC 635 consists of three parts. Part I examines the theory of demand and the relevant estimation and forecasting techniques. Part II introduces the economic theories of production and cost in the short and long run. Finally, part III combines all the elements of demand, production, and cost as we examine the notion of profit maximization and pricing strategy in case of perfectly and non-perfectly competitive markets. This course teaches future managers how to apply theories and techniques to solve real-world problems and how to think analytically to make better decisions. Thus, this course provides future managers with the conceptual and quantitative tools for analyzing problems and developing strategies at their business. Prerequisite: MBAF 530 or equivalent.

MBA 636. Supply Chain Analysis. 3 Credits.

Supply chains are an integral part of contemporary business practices. This course will examine key issues related to the design and management of supply chains. It will include discussion on the integration of various parts of the supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, warehouses and retailers. Theories related to the efficient distribution of products to customers will be presented. Also, management techniques addressing tradeoffs between cost and services will be discussed. The use of information systems in supply chain management will be introduced. Much of the course concepts will be covered through real-word case studies using quantitative and qualitative analysis. Prerequisite: MBAF 540 or equivalent.

MBA 637. Marketing Strategy & the Consumer Experience. 3 Credits.

The objective of this course is to facilitate students' understanding of basic concepts and to enhance their appreciation for the importance of marketing strategies. The course focuses on the impact of marketing strategy and research on the operations of organizations, and on the behavior of consumers. The topics engage students in experiential activities designed to demonstrate the implementation of marketing theories. Topics include marketing processes and research; international and global marketing; strategic planning and budgeting; economic, cultural and legal aspects of marketing; and topical developments in marketing. Permission of MBA Program Director is required to register for this course.

MBA 638. Markets, States & Policies in the Global Economy. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the study of large-scale economic interactions among interdependent economies. It provides a deep exploration of the interconnections among nations which is essential to understanding how the global economy works. Those interconnections are analyzed by focusing on key economy-wide variables, such as exchange rates, prices, interest rates, income, wealth, and the current account. The broad range of topics and issues in international macroeconomics can be reduced to three key elements: the many monies present in the world, the financial integration of countries, and the choice and implementation of economic policies. Accordingly, the course is divided into three major parts or study modules: exchange rates, the balance of payments, and application and policy issues. Course Prerequisites: ECON 203 and ECON 204, or MBA Foundation of Economics (MBAF 530).

MBA 639. Corporate Finance. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to cover the essential tools and concepts of advanced corporate finance and expand the students' understanding of how organizations make investment and financing decisions. It is in line with CFA Level II topics, including capital budgeting, cost of capital, measures of leverage, dividend, share repurchases, and mergers and acquisitions. The course pays special attention to the application of theoretical corporate finance materials to the real world and prepares students for today’s modern corporations with rapid and sustainable growth goals. Prerequisite: MBA 618.

MBA 640. Decision Making for Sustainability. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to introduce you to decision making theories and approaches that influence sustainability at individual, organizational, and societal levels. Using a systems perspective, the course addresses the fundamental question of how organizations, markets, communities, and industries can change the way they operate by integrating environmental and social concerns.

MBA 641. Real Estate Capstone. 3 Credits.

This course offers the student the opportunity to analyze an actual real estate sustainability challenge faced by a corporation. Student teams will review an exist1ng facility, either on or off-campus, and by utilizing actual energy, water, and real estate data, develop sustainable solutions. Students' recommendations will be used to eventually achieve the LEED O&M certification for the facility under review. The proposed solution must be presented in the form of 1. A detailed, written report; 2. A slide presentation summarizing the solution; and 3. A financial proforma which details the costs and the energy savings derived from the recommended solution. Prerequisite: MBA 640.

MBA 642. International Marketing Field Project. 3 Credits.

A team of MBA students will work on specified research tasks commissioned by a business client under the direct supervision of a faculty advisor to produce professional quality research reports which will assist the client firm in conducting international marketing and business. Students will gain field-based substantive knowledge and valuable professional skills necessary for conducting business in the international market place.

MBA 644. Employment Law. 3 Credits.

This course will examine the statutory foundations of employment law in the United States and address a variety of legal issues related to the workplace. Consideration will be given to the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees throughout the employment relationship. Topics to be discussed will include principal-agent liability, the doctrine of employment at will, employee privacy, and the history and development of labor unions. Other employment issues will include employment discrimination, workers’ compensation, occupational safety and health and the hiring and termination process. The enforceability of confidentiality, non-competition and other restrictive covenants in employment agreements will be addressed. Also courses not used to fulfill experiential or core requirements may be used as electives.

MBA 645. Special Topics in Business. 3 Credits.

Advanced and special topics in business. Topics may vary from semester to semester. Information about the course will be available prior to registration. May be repeated for additional credit as long as the topic presented is substantially different than a previously taken special topics class.

MBA 646. Project Management. 3 Credits.

Application and integration of the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) areas to managing projects. Focuses on project management tools and techniques for defining and managing the projects goal, scope, schedule, and budget. Other topics include quality management, risk management, knowledge management and managing high tech projects.

MBA 647. International Management Field Project. 3 Credits.

A team of MBA students will work on specified research tasks commissioned by a client under the direct supervision of a faculty advisor to produce professional quality research reports which will assist the client to achieve its goals in an international setting. Students will gain field-based substantive knowledge and valuable experiential professional skills necessary for being successful in a global setting.

MBA 650. Real Estate Development. 3 Credits.

In this course students learn about all aspects of real estate development, including project conception, design, planning and zoning, financial feasibility, approval, construction, and operations and management. Students will also learn about the key participants on the development team, including the developer, architect, contractor and manager, and understand the concepts, principles, and analytical methods and tools used in making investment decisions regarding residential and commercial real estate, including the evaluation of ownership structures, exit decisions, and financing alternatives.

MBA 651. Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior. 3 Credits.

In this core course, you will be introduced to concepts, models and frameworks to help you develop critical skills that will improve your ability to be a valuable organizational member and future leader in diverse and global work settings. To do so we will examine common organizational behavior topics like communication, trust, negotiation, emotions, motivation, team dynamics, leadership and change through a cross cultural lens and explore barriers and opportunities to cultivate synergy in cross-cultural teams and global organizations. Additionally, to enable your application of class materials and hone your cultural competency skills each student will be assigned to a multicultural team working with 3-4 international MBA students from Business schools world-wide to complete a cross cultural team project.

MBA 652. Human Resource Management: Functions, Systems & Analytics. 3 Credits.

This course will provide an overview of the role and function of human resources (HR) in organizations and how HR must leverage the use of supportive technology and data to accomplish strategic initiatives. The course focuses on understanding the role of systems in support of specific HR functions and processes such as recruiting, performance management, benefits administration and government compliance. Additionally, the use of employee data and analytics to support effective HR policies will be explored. These issues will be examined in the context of the overall objective of HR management: Helping an organization achieve and maintain success, profitability and viability.

MBA 710. Professional Ethics. 3 Credits.

This is an advanced business ethics course that uses readings and case studies to explore issues in the management of ethics in organizations and in the professions. The course requires students to examine the recurring ethical issues in the world of business, in the professions and in society as a whole. Emphasis is placed on students gaining a practical understanding of ethical theories and the application of these theories in ethical decision-making. A primary focus of the course is challenging students to analyze and resolve the kinds of moral problems and ethical dilemmas they may face in their own business, professional, or personal lives.

MBA 720. Advanced Strategic Management. 3 Credits.

Students will tackle problems related to the development or maintenance of the competitive advantage of the firm. Readings and cases by leading researchers and practitioners in the field are used to provide real context in developing the tools and skills required for strategic analysis. Students will also examine processes, models and theories for strategic planning.