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Graduate Engineering Core Courses

Dr. Anirban De, Ph.D.
Interim Dean of Engineering

The Graduate Engineering Core Courses (ENGG) are general engineering courses at the graduate level.  These allow students in all engineering graduate programs to enroll in courses designed to span a variety of engineering disciplines while emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches.

Engineering -Graduate Courses

ENGG 510. Logic of Value Creation. 3 Credits.

A 21st century school of thought that helps unlock the potential of engineering curricula by establishing the pragmatic relationship between philosophy and science and engineering towards business applications. This course is a method of transitioning graduate students towards graduate level thinking and mindset. Graduate students only.

ENGG 602. Internship for Engineering Graduate Students. 1-3 Credit.

ENGG 610. Numerical Methods in Engineering. 3 Credits.

Formulation of numerical techniques for solution of engineering problems; typical subject material includes linear and nonlinear equations, systems of equations, boundary value and initial value problems in ordinary and partial differential equations, matrix algebra, etc. Applications from various engineering disciplines are emphasized and computer solutions stressed. Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor.

ENGG 611. Solar Energy Systems. 3 Credits.

Study of solar energy systems with emphasis on solar heating and cooling of buildings, design of various types fo solar collectors using different materials, working fluids and geometries'energy storage systems for solar assisted heat pumps, use of solar energy in electricity generation.

ENGG 612. Finite Element Methods. 3 Credits.

Derivation of element equations using direct, variational, and residual methods; multidimensional problems in the steady state and transient domains; use of general purpose finite element computer programs; applications from a variety of engineering disciplines. Prerequisite:Permission of the Instructor.

ENGG 614. Engineering Mathematics. 3 Credits.

Mathematical formulation of problems of importance to engineering; solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations; mathematical series and orthogonal functions and their applications; matrix algebra; applications from a variety of engineering disciplines are emphasized. Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor.

ENGG 620. Applications of Instrumentation and Data Acquisition. 3 Credits.

Operation, application, and selection of engineering instruments for measuring common engineering variables, e.g. position, velocity, temperatures, pH, force, pressure, strain, flow rate, light intensity, concentration, etc; sensors, data acquisition and processing. Output devices, including logic and actuator operation and selection. Computer-based data acquisition and automated analysis are considered.

ENGG 630. System Control. 3 Credits.

Formulation of process models; transfer functions; multivariable systems; linear control and feedback systems; stability; steady state optional control; adaptive control; applications from a variety of engineering disciplines. Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor.

ENGG 632. Modern Engineering Computations. 3 Credits.

Applications of contemporary computer software to increase speed, improve comprehension, and enhance presentation; of results when analyzing, modeling and solving a wide variety of engineering problems in various branches of engineering and computer science. Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor.

ENGG 640. Information Processing and Technology. 3 Credits.

Examination of the technological issues, including design of integrated engineering information systems and environments. Topics to be taken from: the computer as an organizational information system; computer-based information system; manufacturing information systems; the virtual office; databases and database systems; knowledge-based systems; technology and role of the internet in integrated engineering information systems; organizational system theory and methodologies.

ENGG 650. Engineering Economics. 3 Credits.

Techniques for estimating investment and operating expenses; profitability analysis including depreciation and taxes in cash flow; methods for comparing alternate investments; market estimation and location efforts; application from a variety of engineering disciplines.

ENGG 651. Principles in Public Health. 3 Credits.

This course will cover basic principles in public health with emphasis on topics for engineering professionals. Fundamental concepts in the core public health sciences of epidemiology and biostatistics, as well as publice health biology and toxicology, will be presented. Applications of these principles to issues of human exposure to environmental agents and the role of the engineering disciplines will be examined. Human health risk assessment and the implications on regulatory policy will be discussed. Three credits.

ENGG 652. Project Management. 3 Credits.

Study of the content, planning, and control of an industrial project; comparison of functional management and project management, the role of the Engineering Manager, project organization structures, project planning, use of critical path methods and project control; emphasis on the project management concept and its applicability to a wide range of industrial projects; the case study method is used to examine a variety of specific management issues, e.g. staffing, controlling and directing the project, identifying and resolving critical issues, anticipating and solving team personnel problems, etc.; various managerial decision tools and project control methods, such as CPM and PERT are discussed.

ENGG 653. Statistical Decision Making. 3 Credits.

Methods dealing with the collection, tabulation, summarization, and presentation of data. Inferential statistics; reaching conclusions and making estimates about populations based upon sample information. Hypothesis testing is explored as a basis for decision-making. Design experiments to learn more about the natural world and how to model physical relationships. Engineering quality into a product.

ENGG 654. Quality Management for Engineers. 3 Credits.

Methods for improving the quality of engineered products and processes. Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Concurrent Engineering, Basic Statistics, Acceptance Sampling, Statistic Process Control (SPC), Reliability, Taguchi Techniques, introduction to Quality Assurance.

ENGG 656. Engineering Optimization. 3 Credits.

Introduction to optimization problems; mathematical preliminaries; unconstrained nonlinear optimization; one-dimensional search methods; equality and inequality constrained nonlinear optimization; linear programming; engineering applications to cost minimization, optimum system design and operation.

ENGG 658. Legal Aspects of Engineering. 3 Credits.

Basic legal doctrines, professional-client relationship, design and practice problems. Fundamental concepts of contract law. Topics include American judicial system, contracts, quasicontracts, agency, licensing, client obligations, construction process, licensing, client obligations, construction process, liability of engineers, copyrights, patents and trade secrets.

ENGG 660. Engineering Ethics. 3 Credits.

Ethical issues in engineering are examined such as whistle blowing, computer ethics, employer/employee relationship and responsibilities, use of technology and the environment, public safety, codes of ethics. Case studies are emphasized.

ENGG 670. Pollution Prevention. 3 Credits.

Regulations, advantages and disadvantages of pollution prevention: EPA'S pollution prevention hierarchy, including source reduction, recycling, control and ultimate disposal; Multimedia approaches and total systems analysis of pollution prevention options; applications to specific processes and industries from various engineering disciplines.

ENGG 672. Accident and Emergency Management. 3 Credits.

Engineering process safety, including emergency planning and response; fires, explosions and other accidents; dispersion fundamentals, applications and analysis; hazard and risk assessment; legal considerations; examples from various engineering disciplines. Three credits.

ENGG 674. Green Engineering Design. 3 Credits.

Multi-disciplinary considerations and techniques for greener engineering design; historical perspective of the industrial revolution and the impacts of industrialization; industrial revolution and the impacts of industrialization; industrial activity and the environment, including energy usage and resource depletion; improved industrial and municipal (POTW) operations, including process design and development; green engineering economics, including life cycle cost assessment; design for the environment, including waste prevention, water and energy conservation and packaging; wastewater treatment, air pollution and fugitive emissions control, and solid water disposal methods; and, sustainable development and the role of engineers.

ENGG 676. Sustainable Material Selection. 3 Credits.

The first half of the class covers basic material selection issues such as material characteristics, and behavior for all types of engineering materials (metals, polymers, ceramics/glasses, and composites), along with how they fail and respond to environmental conditions (e.g. corrosion). In the second half of the class attention will be paid to material selection with particular emphasis being placed on ecological considerations such as recycling, reusability, carbon footprints, and pollution issues.

ENGG 678. Sustainable Energy. 3 Credits.

Options for sustainable energy utilization are discussed with regard to the current state of the technology, the opportunities for future development and the potential environmental and economic impact. This course will focus on specific renewable energies and sustainable energy solutions, such as, solar energy, utilization of wind power, geothermal and oceanic thermal processes, hydroelectric tidal and wave technologies, biofuels, and a systems approach to sustainable energy solutions. Pre-requisite: Consent of Instructor.

ENGG 679. Modeling Sustainable Energy Systems. 3 Credits.

This course covers modeling of sustainable energy utilization and will complement the content of Sustainable Energy (ENGG 678). Modeling tools such as ASPEN-HYSYS, STELLA-Silver or Gold, and EXCEL are used to assess the current state of the technology, opportunities for future development and potential environmental and economic impact. Case studies will be developed and evaluated in the course, thus. The technologies modeled will be fermentation, reforming, partial oxidation, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, methanation via Sabatier and combustion. This course will also focus on computer modelling of specific renewable energies and sustainable energy solutions, such as, solar energy, utilization of wind power, geothermal and oceanic thermal processes, hydroelectric tidal and wave technologies, biofuels, using a systems approach to sustainable energy solutions. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. Recommended Prerequisites CHML 209, CHML 305, CHML 306, ENGS 116., ENGG 678.

ENGG 680. Advanced Strength of Materials. 3 Credits.

Stresses in multidimensions; symmetrical and unsymmetrical bending; shear center; curved beams; beams on elastic foundation; beam columns; thin plates; torsion of noncircular sections; thin walled cylinders; general and symmetric bending of straight bars, curved beam and plates; applications from several engineering disciplines. Prerequisites: Undergraduate solid mechanics course.

ENGG 682. Applied Heat Transfer. 3 Credits.

Topics in process heat transfer including: steady state and transient conduction, free and forced convection, radiation and combined models, heat transfer with phase change; applications come from a variety of engineering disciplines and can include: design and rating of various heat exchangers, condensers and evaporators; heat pipes; solar collectors; electronic cooling, etc. Prerequisite: Undergraduate heat transfer course.

ENGG 695. Advanced Topics: in Engineering. 3 Credits.

ENGG 696. Spl Tpc:. 3 Credits.

Topics of current interest to graduate engineering students. Subject matter will be announced in advance of semester offering.

ENGG 700. Creativity & Innovation. 3 Credits.

This course invites each student to learn some of the early work in innovation and creativity while exploring their own creativity skills. Being mindful of a diversity of possible majors within the student body, each is asked to consider innovation and creativity within their own major as well as in general.Through this course, students will enhance their skills in creativity and innovative problem solving and thinking with an aim to increasing the originality of their ideas and thereby help generate and sustain high levels of innovation both in a start-up and corporate environments. In addition, the course will lay the foundation of the basic principles of innovation management, open innovation and design thinking, a key cornerstone of evolving corporate innovation strategies.Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisite: Permission from Instructor.

ENGG 741. Special Topic: in Mechanical Engineering. 3 Credits.