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Chemical Engineering

Dr. Sasidhar Varanasi
Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be recognized for producing highly-valued professionals who are leaders in developing innovative solutions to engineering problems.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to graduate socially-responsible engineers with strong technical, communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills, while incorporating the Lasallian Heritage of Manhattan University. This mission enables our graduates to pursue wide-ranging career paths in chemical and related industries, advanced graduate studies, and to engage in life-long learning.  

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers combine mathematics and advanced chemistry with engineering principles to design, develop and operate industrial processes for the manufacture of a host of products including:

  • fuels,  plastics, synthetic fibers,
  • paints, solvents, industrial chemicals and chemical intermediates,
  • semiconductor and other advanced materials, and
  • biotechnology,  pharmaceutical products, medicines and vaccines
  • a variety of consumer products such as foods, beverages, and cosmetics.

A chemical engineer’s education permits the student to work in process engineering, design and construction, research & development, computer simulation, pollution prevention and remediation, safety and accident management.

The Chemical Engineering program includes course work in material and energy balances, thermodynamics, reaction engineering, heat and mass transfer, separation processes, chemical process control, process safety, and plant design.   Lectures are complemented by comprehensive laboratory courses covering experiments in fluid mechanics, material science, and wide range of unit operations such as distillation, filtration, heat-transfer, mass transfer, and reaction engineering. Computer usage including software applications, programming, process simulation packages, and data acquisition are integrated throughout the curriculum. Important aspects of process safety, economics, environmental sustainability, and engineering ethics are also incorporated seamlessly into the curriculum. In addition to core-chemical engineering courses, all students are required to complete three advanced engineering electives and an advanced science/engineering elective to fulfill the degree requirements. The program offers New York State-approved areas of concentration in: (1) Biopharmaceutical Engineering and (2) Cosmetic Engineering, as well as a focus area in (3) Principles and Processing of Novel Materials. Students can choose their advanced science/engineering electives (total of four) to fulfill the course requirements for the selected concentration/focus area. 

Areas of Concentration in Chemical Engineering

In addition to the foundational program in chemical engineering, a student may focus on a concentration area, as described previously

  • Biopharmaceutical Engineering: This concentration will prepare students for a variety of roles in the biopharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, including discovery, development, formulation and production of pharmaceutical products and therapeutic agents. 
  • Consumer Products and Cosmetic EngineeringThis concentration, the only one of its kind in the nation, will prepare students for a variety of roles in the cosmetic and consumer product industries, including product formulation and development, process engineering, and research and development. This specialized option in consumer products and cosmetic engineering brings together a unique set of courses designed specifically to prepare chemical engineering graduate students for a successful entry into this highly competitive and rapidly growing industrial sector.
  • Principles and Processing of Novel Materials: This concentration provides students a competitive advantage at companies specializing in biomaterials, semiconductors, additive manufacturing and smart materials, covering topics in chemical vapor deposition, 3-D printing, and energy storage materials such as solar cells.

Students interested in one of the concentrations must meet with the department chair to plan for the necessary coursework.

Biopharmaceutical Engineering courses

These courses will provide students with specialized training in microbial and cell growth, polymers and emulsions, bioseparation processing, bioprocess design, formulation of pharmaceutical products, and regulatory issues relevant to the biopharmaceutical field. Students are required to complete: CHML 461 Industrial Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry (3 credit hrs), and at least three of the following electives for a total of 12 credits: CHML 459 Formulations II (3 credit hrs); CHML 460 Emulsion & Polymer Tech (3 credit hrs); CHML 462 Manufacturing and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products (3 credit hrs); CHML 463 Industrial Regulations & Quality (3 credit hrs); CHML 470 Bioseparations (3 credit hrs),or CHML 472 Bioreaction Engineering (3 credit hrs). 

Consumer Products and Cosmetic Engineering courses

These courses will provide students specialized training in product formulation, polymers and emulsions, complex fluids, and regulatory issues relevant to cosmetic and consumer product industries. Students are required to complete: CHML 458 Formulations I (3 credit hrs); and CHML 460 Emulsions & Polymer Technology (3 credit hrs), and at least two of the following electives for a total of 12 credits: CHML 452 Advanced Processing Theory (3 credit hrs); CHML 453 Advanced Processing Techniques (3 credit hrs); CHML 459 Formulations II (3 credit hrs) or CHML 463 Industrial Regulations & Quality (3 credit hrs).

Principles and Processing of Novel Materials courses

These courses focus on the production of biomaterials, polymers, ceramics, and semiconductor materials, as well as processing techniques including additive manufacturing, extrusion, blow molding, and calendaring, and thin-film formation techniques such as chemical vapor deposition. Students are required to complete:  CHML 460 Emulsions & Polymer Technology (3 credit hrs): CHML 473 Synthesis & Deposition of Thin Films(3 credit hrs); and CHML 475 Production & Application of Biomaterials (3 credit hrs) for a total of 12 credits.

These areas of concentration prepare students for professional employment as well as graduate studies. 

Pre-medical option

Chemical engineering curriculum has a significant overlap with the curricular requirements of a  B. S. degree recipient seeking admission to a MD program. Accordingly, Chemical engineering students who plan to enter the medical profession must complete BIOL 111 General Biology IBIOL 112 General Biology IIBIOL 191 General Biology I Lab; BIOL 192 General Biology II Lab  and CHEM 324 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II in addition to the courses required for graduation. Students interested in pursuing an MD degree must also consult with Drs. Bruce Liby  (Pre-Health Professions Advisor) and Rani Roy (AVP, Student & Faculty Development) to plan for the necessary coursework.

Environmental Engineering Minor within Chemical Engineering

An environmental engineering minor is available for students within the Chemical Engineering Department.  Students pursuing in the environmental engineering minor are required to take ENGS 204 Environmental Engineering Principles I in their Sophomore year, followed by a minimum of four courses from the following: CEEN 405 Construction Planning and Scheduling, CEEN 314 Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes, ENVL 410 Hazardous Waste Design, ENVL 439 Environmental Engineering Projects, ENVL 505 Surface Water Quality ModelingENVG 507 Groundwater and ENVG 508 Environmental Chemistry.

Seamless Masters

Academically qualified undergraduate students may be invited to participate in a Seamless Master's Degree program.  Additional information can be found on the School of Engineering webpage:

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates from the Chemical Engineering program at Manhattan University are expected to attain or achieve the following within a few years of graduation:

  • Be recognized in the chemical and related industries, consulting firms, government agencies, and other venues as highly valued-professionals
  • Progress towards or successfully complete graduate or other professional studies.

Student Outcomes

The Chemical Engineering program uses the standard set of ABET, Inc. Student Outcomes (1) through (7) as described above under the School of Engineering.

Four-Year Program

The curriculum for the first year is common to all branches of engineering. Students begin to take designated courses from the chemical engineering curriculum in their sophomore year. The junior and senior years allow for concentrated studies in a variety of traditional and focus areas including material and energy balances, mass transfer, heat transfer, thermodynamics, reactor design and kinetics, separations, process safety, process control and computer-based process simulation and process design.  Electives in the senior year allow students to choose one of the three Areas of Concentration: Consumer Products and Cosmetic Engineering; Biopharmaceutical Engineering; and Principles and Processing of Novel Materials or a minor in Environmental Engineering. A representative four-year program is shown in the following table.

Chemical Engineering

CHEM 101/CHEM 103* CHEM 101/CHEM 103* 
or PHYS 101/PHYS 191*4or PHYS 101/PHYS 191*4
ENGL 110 or RELS 110b3ENGL 110 or RELS 110b3
ENGS 1153ENGS 1163
MATH 185*4MATH 186*4
General Education Elective **3General Education Elective**3
 17 17
CHEM 102*/CHEM1044ENGS 204 or 2063
MATH 285*4MATH 286*3
CHML 2013MATH 3363
CHML 2021CHML 2083
CHML 205a3CHML 209 3
CHML 207a3CHML 2111
 ENGS 302+0
ENGS 301+0 
 18 16
CHEM 3193CHML 3213
CHEM 3232CHML 3393
CHML 3053CHEM 3203
CHML 306 3CHML 342 or 4233
CHML 3163ENGS 302+0
ENGS 301+0CHML 400 Level Adv. Engg Elective3
CHML 400 Level Adv. Engg Elective3 
 17 15
CHML 4033CHML 4043
CHML 4053CHML 4063
Adv Sci/Eng Elective3CHML 423 or 3423
Gen. Edu. Elective**3Adv Engineering Elective 400 level3
Rel Studies Elective 2xx/3xx3CHEM 310/335 or 4333
Gen Edu. Elective3RELS Elective 200/300 Level3
 18 18
Total Credits: 136

A grade of C (2.0) or better in calculus I, II, III, differential equations, chemistry, and physics is required.


A list of general education electives can be found in the Academic Advising Manual online (  Students must take two (2) social science courses, one (1) humanities and one (1) additional social science or humanities.    For social sciences, these courses may be chosen from economics, political science, psychology, sociology or management (MGMT 201). For humanities, these courses may be chosen from history, philosophy, religious studies (in addition to the three (3) religious studies requirements), English (200 level), modern foreign language (200 level or higher), history-based art, history-based music, business law (LAW 203) and international studies (INTL 312).


A grade of "C" or better is required in CHML 205 (Introduction to Thermodynamics) in order to take CHML 209 (Chemical Thermodynamics). A grade of "C" or better is required in CHML 207 (Process Calculations), before a student will be allowed to CHML 208 (Chemical Engineering Principles I).  These are the gateway courses for the chemical engineering program and students are permitted to take these courses only three times in order to achieve a C or better.  Failing to do so will result in the student being dismissed from the program. 


All engineering students are required to take ENGL 110, RELS 110, one RELS 2xx elective and one RELS 3xx elective.


These are zero credit hour pass/fail courses that show up on the transcript with mandatory registration. You need to register for and pass ENGS 301 and ENGS 302 to fulfill graduation requirements. 


CHML 201. Chemical Engineering Materials Science. 3 Credits.

Atomic structure; crystallographic concepts; relationship of structure to properties of metals, ceramics and organic materials. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium relationships of multiphase materials. Methods for changing properties of materials. Three lectures, three-hour laboratory every week. Fall. Prerequisite; CHEM 101.

CHML 202. Chemical Engineering Materials Science Laboratory. 1 Credit.

This is the laboratory portion of CHML 201. Three hour laboratory every week, 1 credit, Fall.

CHML 205. Introductory Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.

A course that develops the concepts of energy, equilibrium, and reversibility for chemical engineering students. These principles, along with basic fluid mechanics, are incorporated into process applications commonly seen in the chemical industry. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, MATH 185, Corequisite: CHEM 102.

CHML 207. Process Calculations. 3 Credits.

Introduction to chemical engineering with principal emphasis on material and energy balance calculations. Application to chemical and environmental processes undergoing physical, chemical and thermal changes. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, MATH 185 (or MATH 103). Corequisite: CHEM 102.

CHML 208. Chemical Engineering Principles I. 3 Credits.

Introduction to fluid mechanics. Dynamics of fluids in motion; laminar and turbulent flow, Bernoulli's equation, friction in conduits; flow through fixed and fluidized beds. Study of pump and compressor performance and fluid metering devices. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: CHML 207. MATH 186 (or MATH 104).

CHML 209. Chemical Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.

Application of the first and second laws to chemical systems. Thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and mixtures, phase equilibria and chemical equilibria. Thermodynamic analysis of industrial processes. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: CHML 205, MATH 286 (MATH 201). Corequisite: MATH 286.

CHML 211. Chemical Engineering Principles I Fluids Lab. 1 Credit.

A practical, hands-on understanding of fluid mechanics phenomena is critical to the successful practice of chemical engineering, and the design of chemical processes. The laboratory course provides basic exposure to equipment commonly used to move fluids and to measure the regimes, characteristic, flow rates, and energy losses during fluid flow. Experiments include measurement of hydrostatic forces and viscosity, friction losses during flow through circular pipes, Reynolds number estimation, orifice and venture meters for flow metering, and pump characteristics. Spring. Co-requisite: CHML 208.

CHML 305. Chemical Engineering Principles II. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of heat transfer. Fundamentals of conduction and convection, with application to design of heat transfer equipment and systems. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: CHML 207, CHML 208, MATH 286.

CHML 306. Separation Process Design I. 3 Credits.

A study of the principles of mass transfer operations. Application to the design of stagewise and continuous separation processes with emphasis on absorption and distillation, and equilibrium stage operations. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 209, MATH 286.

CHML 316. Computer Simulation and Design. 3 Credits.

Use of modern simulation software to solve problems arising in chemical engineering processes and unit operations with an emphasis on material and energy balances and equipment specification. Pre-requisites: CHML 209, CHML 305, CHML 306, ENGS 116. Corequisite: CHML 321.

CHML 321. Chemical Reaction Engineering. 3 Credits.

A review of reaction rate theories, rate equations, reaction order, and reaction velocity constraints. Development of equations for batch, tank flow, and tubular flow reactors. Application of equations to engineering processes. Design of fixed and fluid bed reactors. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: CHEM 310, CHML 209, MATH 286.

CHML 339. Separation Process Design II. 3 Credits.

Design of equipment and systems for separation processes based on rate-controlled-mass transfer. Applications in liquid extraction, absorption, drying, crystallization, and membrane separation. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequiste: CHML 306. Corequisite: CHML 316.

CHML 342. Process Safety and Quality Assurance. 3 Credits.

The management of process hazards in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and process industries has become an increasing concern of legislators, employees, contractors and the public. In response to serious incidents, regulations have been enacted in many countries to establish management systems that identify and control process hazards while maintaining product quality. The major content areas are toxicology; industrial hygiene; toxic, flammable and reactive hazards; source, consequence and dispersion models; overpressure protection; hazards identification; risk assessment and probability. Spring. Co-requisite: CHML 339.

CHML 400. Creativity & Innovation. 3 Credits.

This course invites each student to learn some of the early work in innovation and creativity while exploring their own creativity skills. Being mindful of a diversity of possible majors within the student body, each is asked to consider innovation and creativity within their own major as well as in general.Through this course, students will enhance their skills in creativity and innovative problem solving and thinking with an aim to increasing the originality of their ideas and thereby help generate and sustain high levels of innovation both in a start-up and corporate environments. In addition, the course will lay the foundation of the basic principles of innovation management, open innovation and design thinking, a key cornerstone of evolving corporate innovation strategies.Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisite: Permission from Instructor.

CHML 403. Chemical Engineering Laboratory I. 3 Credits.

Quantitative laboratory studies of operations such as fluid flow, filtration, heat transfer, mass transfer and fluidization which illustrate the fundamentals of momentum, heat and mass transfer. Laboratory safety, technical writing, and oral presentation skills are emphasized. Four hours of laboratory, field trips. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 208, CHML 305, CHML 306.

CHML 404. Chemical Engineering Laboratory II. 3 Credits.

A continuation of the topics in CHML 403. Experimental topics include distillation, drying, fluidization, reaction kinetics, membrane processes, and computer-controlled processes. Laboratory safety, technical writing, and oral presentation skills are emphasized. Five hours of laboratory, field trips. Pre-requisites: CHML 321, CHML 339, CHML 403.

CHML 405. Process and Plant Design I. 3 Credits.

Application of the principles of chemical engineering to the design of chemical processes. The sequence of design methods and economic evaluations utilized in the evolution of a chemical process design, from initial process research to preliminary equipment design, is developed. Students work in three-person groups on a comprehensive plant design. Technical writing required. Two lectures and one two-hour problem period. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 208, CHML 209, CHML 305, CHML 339, CHML 316, CHML 321. Corequisites: CHML 423.

CHML 406. Process and Plant Design II. 3 Credits.

Continuation of process development and design from CHML 405. Application of safety constraints, loss prevention, hazards evaluation, and engineering ethics to design of chemical processes and plants. Computer simulation software used for process design. Industrial review of design projects. Written and oral reports required only randomly assigned process plants. Two lectures and one two-hour problem period. Spring. Prerequisites: CHML 405.

CHML 423. Process Control. 3 Credits.

A study of dynamic behavior of first and second order processes under proportional, integral, and/or derivative control. Includes three liquid level experiments to supplement course material. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 321.

CHML 428. Petroleum Refinery Processing I. 3 Credits.

Overview of a modern, integrated petroleum refinery:feedstock properties, product slate, and processes used to convert crude and intermediate streams into desirable products. Topics include hydrocarbon chemistry, crude oil properties, fuel product quality, impacts of worldwide environmental legislation, and overall operability and economic performance of refineries. Three lectures.Fall. Pre-requisite: CHEM320. Corequisite: CHML 405.

CHML 429. Natural Gas Processing I. 3 Credits.

Overview of natural gas industry with emphasis on gas plant operations. Students will develop a working knowledge of the major processes for gas compression, dehydration, acid gas removal and tail gas cleanup, sulfur recovery, cryogenic extraction of natural gas liquids (NGL), as well as LNG production, storage, and transportation. Three lectures. Pre-requisite: CHEM320. Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CHML405.

CHML 431. Chemical Engineering Project. 3 Credits.

An independent investigation, including literature, theoretical and/or experimental studies of a chemical engineering project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. (For students of superior ability.) Written and oral reports required. Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair.

CHML 434. Chemical Engineering Economics. 3 Credits.

Interest, cash flow diagrams, investment balance equation, analysis of economic alternatives (cost only and investment projects) using annual worth, present worth, and discounted cash flow. Effects of depreciation and income taxes. Economic optimization of engineering systems. Three lectures. Prerequisite: Senior Status*.

CHML 452. Advanced Processing Theory. 3 Credits.

The theory of multi phase and reactive flow processes, including: non-newtonian and time-dependent flow, heat transfer at boundaries, powder and solids processing, surface forces, phase transitions, ripening and sintering, flow with chemical transformations. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Prerequisite: CHML 411 or CHMG 710 or equivalent.

CHML 453. Advanced Processing Techniques. 3 Credits.

Applications of advanced processing techniques for multiphase processes including: multiphase flow, pumping, mixing, homogenization, atomization, drying. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Pre-requisites: CHML 403, CHML 404 or equivalent.

CHML 458. Formulations I. 3 Credits.

This is the first of two formulations courses which are focused on developing the knowledge and skills set necessary to carry out effective formulation design and engineering of complex fluids to develop products for the cosmetic and consumer industry. This course will focus on skin care formulations with the aim to develop formulation design rules to enhance performance attributes such as hydration, photoprotection, tactile and visual sensory. This will be done through effective engineering of the microstructure-processing-performance linkages for emulsions, complex fluid gels and creams utilized in skin care. Co-requisite: CHMG 760 or CHML 460.

CHML 459. Formulations II. 3 Credits.

This is the second of two formulations courses which are focused on developing the knowledge and skills set necessary to carry out effective formulation design and engineering of complex fluids to develop products for the cosmetic and consumer industry. This course will focus on hair care and make-up formulations with the aim to develop formulation design rules to enhance performance attributes such as hair conditioning, tactile and visual sensory. This will be done through effective engineering the microstructure-processing-performance linkages for structured fluids and semi-solids utilized in producing hair-care and make-up products. Pre-requisite: CHMG 758 or CHML458.

CHML 460. Emulsion & Polymer Tech. 3 Credits.

This is an introductory complex fluids course with a particular emphasis on emulsions and polymer technologies. The following topics as applied in an engineering context will be covered: advanced characterization including rheology and scattering, physico-chemical aspects and stability of suspensions, emulsions, surfactants and micelles. Polymer science fundamentals required for applications will additionally be covered. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Pre-requisites: CHEM 310, 320; CHML 308.

CHML 461. Industrial Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry. 3 Credits.

Advanced study of the principles used for pharmaceuticals production with an emphasis on physiochemical processes governing development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical agents and drugs. Technologies covered include aseptic, vaccines, injectables, ophthalmics, ingestible and Oncology. Analysis of quality control processes in conformance with government oversight and regulations, especially the FDA. Pre-requisite: Senior Status or Approval of Graduate Director.

CHML 462. Manufacturing and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products. 3 Credits.

Systematic study of the unit operations, practices and analysis techniques that are important to the pharmaceutical products industry. Topics covered include agitation, aeration, crystallization, mixing of solids, mixing of complex fluids, analysis of particle size distributions, granulation and blending, pelletizing, encapsulation, principles and practice of freeze drying, and quality assurance and testing. Pre-requisite: CHMG 761 or CHML 461.

CHML 463. Industrial Regulations&Quality. 3 Credits.

Discussion of a variety of aspects of regulated and quality-driven industries: Regulations - CFR, regulating authorities, regulatory inventories, applications, compliance, and recalls; Quality Systems - Six Sigma@, GXP, and TQM, documentation, measurement, safety, training, and cleanliness; Quality Control Techniques - Validation, ASTM testing, run rules, control charts. Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director or senior status.

CHML 464. Fundamentals of Engineering for Chemical Engineers. 0 Credits.

This course prepares students for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Chemical Exam. Topics are covered from the areas of mathematics, probability and statistics, engineering sciences, computational tools, material science, chemistry, fluids, thermodynamics, material and energy balances, heat transfer, mass transfer/separations, reaction engineering, process design, process control, safety, and ethics. The course consists of a lecture period followed by problem sets with question and answer sessions. Offered in Spring semester. Pass/Fail. Must have Senior status.

CHML 465. Biopharmaceutical Formulations. 3 Credits.

This course is focused on effective product and formulation design for the biopharmaceutical industry. The course will cover key aspects of biotherapeutic product development including: Formulation design for liquid dosage forms; Development of analytical control strategy such as stability indicating (QC) assays; and Characterization assays through various biophysical techniques. Co-listed with CHMG 765. Senior Status and approval by department chair.

CHML 470. Bioseparations. 3 Credits.

Bioseparations consists of a sequence of recovery and separations steps that maximize the purity of the bioproducts while minimizing the processing time, yield losses, and costs. Topics include: centrifugation and filtration, extraction, membrane separations, electro-kinetic separations, precipitation, crystallization, and chromatography. Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisites: CHML306 and CHML339.

CHML 471. Chemical Engineering Project Management. 3 Credits.

Study of planning, construction, operation and control of an industrial chemical engineering project; comparison of senior management, functional management and project management, the role of Engineering Manager, project organization structures, project planning using tools such as the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), use of critical path methods (CPM) and project control; emphasis on the project management concept and its applicability to a wide range of industrial projects; case studies are used to examine specific management issues including staffing, project direction, scheduling, resolving critical issues, and solving team personnel problems.

CHML 472. Bioreaction Engineering. 3 Credits.

Application of engineering principles to biological processes. Topics include enzyme-catalyzed reactions, kinetics of cell growth and product formation; aeration, agitation and oxygen transfer; bioreactor design and scale-up; biological waste treatment, and fermentation laboratory experiments. Three lectures. Prerequisites: CHML 306, CHML 321.

CHML 473. Synthesis & Deposition of Thin Films. 3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to synthesis and deposition of thin films of materials on different substrates for different applications. The course will cover the fundamentals of techniques associated with different classes of materials – metals, polymers, semiconductors, and ceramics. The course will also include guest lectures by researchers from industry and academia as well as hands-on work on a state-of-the-art, polymer Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) instrument located in the chemical engineering department.

CHML 474. Additive Manufacturing: Technologies, Materials & Applications. 3 Credits.

This course will build the technical knowledge base for understanding additive manufacturing technologies including an understanding of the materials, required material science principles and applications. Structural materials (polymers, ceramics, bioinks etc.) in use in additive manufacturing and their forms, the physical models for processing them will be discussed in detail. Technologies including extrusion-based printing, droplet-based printing, powder-based printing, and vat photopolymerization printing will be discussed with respect to printable materials printing parameters, and end-product properties. The course will include a number of team based projects to allow students to apply the learned principles for designing 3D printed components through correct choice of materials/technologies.

CHML 475. Production & Application of Biomaterials. 3 Credits.

Biomaterials encompasses the field of study focusing on producing porous, often proteinaceous, materials which can host living organisms, a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure. The topics include: investigation of the mechanisms of release from polymeric delivery systems of insulin, interferon, growth hormones and vaccines; stimuli-sensitive controlled drug-delivery systems; biodegradable materials as tissue-engineering scaffolds and as drug-delivery matrices. Emphasis will be on the synthesis and application of collagen nanofibrils for environmental engineering, scaffolds, and cell culture.

CHML 480. Basic Principles of Thermal-Fluid Sciences. 3 Credits.

This is one of the two online chemical engineering bridging courses designed to prepare students with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, and other non-chemical engineering fields for graduate study in chemical engineering. This course is not open to undergraduate chemical engineering majors. The course covers core concepts of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Topics include properties of pure substance, first and second laws of thermodynamics, fluid statics, Bernoulli and energy equations, drag and lift during fluid flow, mechanisms of heat transfer, heat conduction, forced and natural convection, radiation heat transfer, and heat exchangers. Permission of department chair is required.

CHML 485. Core Chemical Engineering Concepts. 3 Credits.

This is one of the two online chemical engineering bridging courses designed to prepare students with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, and other non-chemical engineering fields for graduate study in chemical engineering. This course is not open to undergraduate chemical engineering majors. This course covers core concepts of mass and energy balances, chemical reactor design, and separation processes. Topics include (1) elementary principles of chemical processes (material balances, energy balances of non-reactive/reactive processes), (2) elements of chemical reaction engineering (reactor sizing, isothermal reactor design), and (3) design of separation processes (distillation, extraction, and gas absorption). Permission of department chair is required.