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Academic Support & Resources

Center for Academic Success

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) is committed to providing student-centered and student-led programs and initiatives designed to enhance learning and promote success and persistence for all Manhattan University students. Students will work collaboratively with qualified peers and professionals to develop knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to thrive in the classroom and beyond. The Center for Academic Success (CAS) employs peer tutors, writing consultants, writing fellows, student success mentors, supplemental instructors, professional learning specialists, and an English language specialist, all of whom work to support the academic success and learning experiences of all students. The CAS has two locations on campus: the Writing Center and the Learning Center in Thomas Hall, and the math and engineering tutoring center in Leo Hall.

The Center prides itself on its holistic approach to learning and is proud to offer various programs designed to support the entire student body. We provide tutoring designed to support students with their courses by providing them with content-specific assistance accessed through individual in-person or online tutoring. All peer tutors employed through the CAS meet the highest standards of academic achievement and are certified through the University Reading and Learning Association. 

The Manhattan University Supplemental Instruction (SI) program targets traditionally difficult gateway courses and provides regularly scheduled peer-facilitated study groups. SI is an academic assistance program designed to improve student academic performance and increase retention.

Student Success Mentors work with students who want to improve their academic and self-management skills. This program seeks to support students as they strive to reach their academic goals. Each session is collaborative and tailored to the individual student's needs. Student and mentor work together to formulate a plan for academic support and promote self-advocacy.

The Writing Center offers peer-to-peer support on any writing-related assignment or task. Assistance is available for writing assignments from any discipline as well as for any professional writing activities. Our cornerstone practice is one-on-one conferencing with trained writing consultants. We forge intellectual partnerships to work on specific assignments, to increase confidence, and to improve overall writing performance. Our mission is to collaborate with writers from across the academic disciplines to nurture individuals’ unique writing practices, to guide writers to hone their own writing processes, and to cultivate an equitable learning environment. 

The Writing Fellows program matches a trained writing consultant with a section(s) of English 110. Writing Fellows attend their assigned section's class and facilitate writing conferences and workshops for their assigned students. The goal of this program is to support students in this foundational course as they adjust to the expectations of university academic writing and refine their own writing and research processes.

Our Learning Specialists are professional staff members who offer one-on-one support in reading, writing, and STEM disciplines. They meet with students who need assistance adjusting to the rigors of university academics. All sessions are tailored to the student's individual learning needs. Learning Specialists are assigned to students on a referral basis.

Our professional English Language Specialist is available on a referral basis for students seeking instruction and support with the English language.


Specialized Resource Center

The Specialized Resource Center (SRC) serves all students with a special need or disability.  The SRC is a resource for students, faculty and the university at large. Use of services is voluntary, strictly confidential and without fee. The mission of the center is to ensure educational opportunity for all students with special needs by providing access to full participation in campus life. This is accomplished by assisting students in arranging individualized support services. A sampling of auxiliary aids and/or academic adjustments offered by the SRC for students providing appropriate documentation based on their individual needs for no fee include: priority seating; alternative testing environments; readers, note takers and scribes; access to adaptive technology and liaison with faculty and other university departments. The SRC is located in Thomas Hall, 3rd floor within the Learning Commons.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Certain Manhattan University graduate programs offer the opportunity to earn credits through short-term study abroad programming. Further information is available through the graduate program directors and the Office of Study Abroad.

International Student Services

The office of International Student and Scholar Services provides programs and services for Manhattan University students and scholars who are in the United States on non-immigrant F and J visas. These programs and services are designed to aid their adjustment to living and studying in New York City. Services include issuing required federal visa documents; assisting with immigration regulations governing enrollment, employment and travel; and publishing a monthly electronic newsletter, which provides important and timely information on a variety of topics. The office conducts an orientation session for all new international students and scholars in August and in January, coordinates a variety of cross-cultural programs and acts as liaison between students and scholars and other university offices, student groups and U.S. and foreign government agencies.

International students and scholars on non-immigrant visas are required to visit the office of International Student and Scholar Services when they arrive on campus, and are encouraged to maintain close contact with the office throughout the year. The office is located in Room 3.02A within the Multicultural Center on the third floor of the Student Commons.  For further information, contact the Director of International Student and Scholar Services at (718) 862-7213.