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Honors, Medals & Prizes

Manhattan University Honors Program

The Honors Program enhances a culture of success and achievement for our highest-performing students. Ordinarily, students who receive Presidential and Trustees Scholarships will be invited to join the Honors Program. Students in the honors program benefit from:

  • Engaging in advanced and academically enriched coursework.
  • Being part of an honors community with organized social events and faculty advisors across all years of study.
  • Taking part in exclusive leadership, alumni, networking events, and opportunities.
  • Receiving priority course registration.
  • Graduating with Honors Program noted on their official transcript and receiving an honor cord for graduation.

In order to complete the program, students must enroll in 4 to 6 honors designated or honors-contract courses throughout their undergraduate degree program plus an additional 1 or 3-credit senior research project, design project, or thesis course in their final year. To remain in the honors program, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and have no academic integrity violations. In addition to the curricular focus of the honors program, there are opportunities outside of the classroom, including community-building activities, career networking, exclusive events, and leadership development opportunities. 

Membership in a wide variety of professional and honorary societies may be earned by students of Manhattan University. These societies include:

Alpha Iota Delta, national honor society for students of decision sciences.

Alpha Kappa Delta, international honor society for students of sociology.

Beta Beta Beta, national honor society for students of biology.

Beta Gamma Sigma, national honor society for students of business.

Chi Epsilon, national honor society for students of civil engineering.

Eta Kappa Nu, national honor society for students of electrical engineering.

Gamma Sigma Epsilon, national honor society for students of chemistry and biochemistry.

Kappa Delta Pi, national honor society for students of education.

Lambda Nu, national honor society for students of training programs in radiological technology

Lambda Pi Eta, national honor society for students of communications.

Mu Kappa Tau, national honorary fraternity for students of marketing.

Omega Chi Epsilon, national honor society for students of chemical engineering.

Omicron Delta Epsilon, national honor society for students of economics.

Phi Alpha Theta, international honor society for students of history.

Phi Epsilon Kappa, national honor society for students of kinesiology and related career fields.

Phi Sigma Iota,  the International Foreign Language Honor Society.

Phi Sigma Tau, national honor society for students of philosophy.

Pi Delta Phi, national honor society for students of French language and literature.

Pi Mu Epsilon, national honor fraternity for students of mathematics.

Pi Sigma Alpha, national honor society for students of Political Science.

Pi Tau Sigma, national honor society for students of mechanical engineering.

Psi Chi, international honor society for students of psychology.

Sigma Delta Pi, national honor society for students of Spanish language and literature.

Sigma Iota Rho, national honor society for students of international studies.

Sigma Pi Sigma, national honor society for students of physics.

Sigma Tau Delta, national honor society for students of English language and literature.

Tau Chi Alpha, national honor society for students of environmental engineering.

Tau Sigma Kappa, Manhattan College Honor Society for Computer Science.

Theta Alpha Kappa, national honor society for students of Religious Studies.

Major National Honor Societies

Manhattan College hosts chapters of the major national honors societies: Phi Beta Kappa in the liberal arts, Sigma Xi in pure and applied scientific research, and Tau Beta Pi in engineering. Manhattan College is one of only four undergraduate institutions to host chapters of all three.

Scholastic Honors

Epsilon Sigma Pi Honor Society

Membership in this Society is the highest scholastic honor for which undergraduates of all programs of the College are eligible. Induction into this Society requires a cumulative scholarship index not less than 3.50. The Epsilon Sigma Pi Honor Society is listed on the student's transcript. The following conditions for membership are applicable:

  1. Students shall have completed six semesters with no fewer than 90 credits (including transfer credit, transient off-campus course credit, study-abroad credit, AP credit, CLEP credit, articulation or link-program credit).
  2. Transfer students have the requisite index for the number of semesters completed at Manhattan College and have the same or higher index at all other colleges or universities attended prior to matriculation at Manhattan College. Students who have transferred from a country with a different grading system will have their transcripts reviewed by the Dean to determine that the requisite index at prior institutions was achieved.
  3. Students may have no Ds or Fs on their transcripts from either Manhattan College or from any other colleges or universities attended after matriculation at Manhattan College.
  4. Admission for Fall Honors Convocation shall be granted according to the following sliding scale of GPA based on the number of semesters in residence completed at Manhattan College:
  5. Semesters at Manhattan GPA
    6 3.5
    5 3.6
    4 3.7
    3 3.8
    2 3.9
  6. At Spring Honors, all graduating students with a GPA of 3.5 or better (based on the prior Fall cumulative GPA), who have fulfilled conditions 1-3 listed above shall be inducted into Epsilon Sigma Pi.
  7. Under unusual circumstances, a student who does not meet at graduation the above conditions but who seeks nomination to Epsilon Sigma Pi may petition the Provost for special consideration. The Provost shall convene a meeting of the Deans to consider the special application. Their decision shall be final.

Dean’s Honor List. Students who complete a minimum of 12 credits in a Fall or Spring semester with a minimum grade point average of 3.40 with no course failures will be placed on the Dean’s Honor list.

Graduation With Honor. Honors are awarded based on the following cumulative indexes:

GPA Award
3.90-4.00 Summa Cum Laude
3.60-3.89 Magna Cum Laude
3.40-3.59 Cum Laude

Transfer students from other institutions are eligible for graduation honors if one half of the course credits for their degree are earned at Manhattan College. The required index for graduation honors will be based upon all course credits attempted at Manhattan College.

Students transferring from one program of the College to another are eligible for graduation honors. In calculating the required index for graduation honors, all course credits attempted at Manhattan College will be included.

Medals and Prizes

The following medals and prizes are awarded annually:

The Donald J. Carty Valedictory Medal. Donated by faculty friends in memory of Dr. Donald J. Carty, Professor of Speech at Manhattan College. Awarded to the valedictorian of each graduating class.

The Medal for Excellence in the Liberal Arts. Founded by Joseph R. Holahan in memory of his brother, Major William V. Holohan of the class of 1925.

The Medal for Art History. This medal is awarded for academic excellence in the study of Art and Architecture.

The Mendelian Medal for Biology. Founded in memory of Dr. James G. Robilotti of the class of 1922.

The Florence and Clarence Batt Medal for Biochemistry. Founded by the Batt family in honor of their parents.

The Medal for Chemistry. Established by the Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society.

The Medal for Environmental Science. Established by the faculty and students of the Environmental Science Program.

The John V. and Mildred G. Mahony Medal . Founded by their sons, Brian, Kevin, and John, in memory of their parents. This medal is awarded for noteworthy contributions in undergraduate research work in environmental engineering that foretokens fundamental contributions to these fields in the future.

The Medal for Communications. This medal is awarded for academic excellence in Communications studies.

The Brother John McNamara Medal for Computer Science. Founded in 1985 by the faculty and former students of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in honor of Brother John McNamara in recognition of his efforts to bring Computer Science into the undergraduate curriculum.

The Brother Birillus Thomas Medal for Mathematics. Founded in his memory by his brother, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Francis J. McKeon, M.A., 1930.

The Francis B. Taylor Medal for Excellence in Science and Mathematics. Founded in honor of Francis B. Taylor ’44, faculty member 1947-95.

The Paul Cortissoz Award for English Literature. Founded by family and friends in memory of Dr. Paul Cortissoz ’47; faculty member 1949-1989.

The Joseph L. McGoldrick Medal for English and World Literature. Founded in honor of Dr. Joseph L. McGoldrick, ’12, by his daughter, Miss Ann M. McGoldrick.

The Harry J. Blair Memorial Medal for Renaissance Literature. Founded in honor of Harry J. Blair, class of 1950; faculty member 1957-1976.

The Brian S. Broderick Medal. Founded in memory of Brian S. Broderick, Class of 1982, by his parents Michael and Mary Broderick, for award to a graduating senior who has conveyed through writing of distinction an understanding and appreciation of literature.

The Brother Andrew O’Connor Medal for French. Founded in 1998 by the members of the Sigma Beta Kappa Fraternity in memory of their Founding Moderator. This medal is awarded for excellence in the study of French and French literature.

The Ryan-Barlow Medal for Political Science. Founded in memory of Rev. Francis X. Ryan, C.S.P., ’36, and given in memory of  Aileen B. Ryan '76, Ryan, E. Gerard Ryan '34, Joseph F. Ryan ’26, and in honor of Capt. George D. Barlow, Jr. '65; Lt. Laurence C. Barlow '72, Francis X. Ryan '73 and Shayne F. X. Ryan '11.

The McGoldrick Medal for History. Founded by Joseph L. McGoldrick, ’12, A.M., M.D., in memory of his parents, Lawrence and Mary McGoldrick.

The Dorothy Nealy Sullivan Medal for International Studies. Established in 2006 by former dean of the school of arts, Mary Ann O’Donnell, and her family, in loving memory of her mother, Dorothy Nealy Sullivan. The medal is awarded annually to the top graduating major in International Studies who has achieved a minimum of 3.5 overall GPA with no grades of D or F.

The Harold E. Hazelton Humanities Medal. Founded in honor of Harold E. Hazelton, class of 1951; faculty member 1957-1985. The medal will be awarded to the graduating senior who has manifested a deep commitment to the humanities and has made a significant contribution to the life of the college in the spirit of Harold E. Hazelton.

The Frederick Mortati Medal for Italian. Founded by Mrs. Frederick Mortati in memory of her husband.

The Pope John XXIII Peace Studies Medal. Founded by Mrs. Robert Beardsley in memory of her parents, Michael and Luisa Pecora. This medal is awarded for excellence in Peace Studies.

The Brother Benignus Medal for Philosophy. Founded by Phi Rho Pi Fraternity in memory of Brother Benignus, F.S.C., teacher and author.

The Brother Gabriel Kane Medal for Physics. Donated by Physics Alumni.

The Broderick Medal for Psychology. Founded by Most Reverend Edwin B. Broderick, D.D., Ph.D., and John M. Broderick of the class of 1935 in honor of their father, Patrick J. Broderick.

The Edward J. Morris, M.D. Medal for Religious Studies. Founded by the estate of Loretta R. Morris.

The Sigma Xi Medal for Research in Science. Donated by the Manhattan College Sigma Xi Chapter.

The John T. Miller, Jr. Medal for Sociology. Founded by Mrs. John T. Miller, Jr., in memory of her husband, class of 1972.

The Cristina R. Toosie Medal for Spanish Studies. Founded by Mrs. Thomas A. Toosie. This medal is awarded for excellence in the study of Spanish language, literature, and culture.

The Draddy Medal for General Excellence in Engineering. Founded in memory of Daniel Anthony Draddy of the class of 1913 and of Robert Emmet Draddy.

The Brother Amandus Leo Call Engineering Medal. Founded by Robert N. Pucci, class of 1940, and Margaret R. Pucci, M.D. Awarded annually to a graduating senior for distinguished leadership in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in Engineering. The winner of this medal is the student marshal for Engineering at the May Commencement.

The Prutton Medal for Chemical Engineering. Founded in honor of Dr. Carl F. Prutton by his friends.

The Brother B. Austin Barry Medal for Civil Engineering. Donated in honor of Brother B. Austin Barry, F.S.C. upon his retirement after forty-five years as a member of the faculty of Civil Engineering. This medal is to be awarded to a student for assiduity and competence in Civil Engineering and a spirit that bodes well for a future as a Civil Engineer.

The John F. Hoban Medal for Civil Engineering. Founded by friends in memory of John F. Hoban, class of 1951.

The Brother Azarias Michael Medal for Civil Engineering. Donated by the Civil Engineering Department in memory of Brother Azarias Michael, F.S.C.

The Florence P. Wojtaszek Medal for Computer Engineering. Given in memory of one who worked with the IBM Group, which wrote the first Fortran program.

The Medal for Electrical Engineering. Founded by Thomas R. Finn of the class of 1933 in honor of his mother, Mrs. Mary Finn.

Lawrence Eckenfelder Award for Environmental Engineering. Donated by the friends and family of W. Wesley Eckenfelder in memory of his son to recognize an outstanding undergraduate student in Environmental Engineering.

The Brother Aubert Medal for Mechanical Engineering. Founded by Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity in memory of Brother Aubert of Jesus, F.S.C.

The Prize for Accountancy. The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants Superior Scholarship in Accounting Award.

The Brother Cornelius Justin Brennan Medal. Founded by Thomas J. Wright, Professor Emeritus of Managerial Sciences. Awarded to a graduating senior from Business in recognition of distinguished performance in academic and in co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities.

The Edward Dougherty Medal for Business. Donated by Beta Sigma Fraternity in memory of Edward Dougherty of the class of 1928.

The Professor William P. Cain Medal for Computer Information Systems. Founded by the students and alumni of Business in tribute to Brother J. Anthony Flynn who established the program endowed by a gift from James Suarez, Dean of Business.

The Richard J. Carey Medal for Economics. Founded by Richard J. Carey of the class of 1942.

The Captain Frederick J. Finn Medal for Finance. Founded by Thomas R. Finn of the class of 1933 in memory of his brother, Captain Frederick J. Finn.

The Dean James L. Fitzgerald Medal for Management. Founded by the Faculty of Manhattan College in memory of Dr. James L. Fitzgerald, the first Dean of the School of Business, who served in that capacity from 1926 to 1962.

The Medal for Marketing. Donated by the Sales Executives of New York.

The Thomas H. Lindgren Medal of Excellence in Education. Founded in memory of Thomas H. Lindgren ’55.

The Brother A. James Norton Medal for Education. Founded by the late Frank and Catherine Norton in honor of their son, Brother Adelbert James Norton, ’40, professor and dean for many years in the School of Teacher Preparation.

The John S. Sich Medal for Physical Education. Founded by former students of Professor John S. Sich in honor of his 35 years of service to Manhattan College.

The Paul R. Simon Medal for Radiological and Health Sciences. Founded by Louis C. Simon in memory of his son, Paul R. Simon, a member of the first class of the Radiological Institute of Manhattan College.

The David C. Broderick Medal for Campus Ministry. Founded by David C. Broderick of the class of 1907 in memory of his son, David C. Broderick, Jr., of the class of 1939. Awarded to a graduating student for distinguished service to the Campus Ministry.

The Signum Fidei Medal for Service and Social Action.  Founded by John M. Reilly of the class of 1975 and Lois Harr. Awarded to a graduating student for commitment to service and social action in the Bronx and beyond.

The Joseph J. Gunn Alumni Medal. This medal, awarded annually, is merited by the graduating senior who has been prominently involved in leadership activities over a period of four years at Manhattan College. Established in memory of Joseph J. Gunn, ’30, by his family.