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Business - General Information

Hany Guirguis Ph.D.
Interim Dean and Professor

Aileen Farrelly
Assistant Dean for Career Development

Rhonda Shuler
Senior Academic Advisor

Historical Note

In September 1926, a two-year program of courses in Business was offered to qualified students who had completed two years in Arts and Sciences. The success of this program prompted the establishment of Business in the spring of 1927. Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Business were awarded to the first graduates of the program in June 1928. During the next two years the program of professional subjects was again revised and extended to a four year curriculum of business and cultural courses. The first class to complete this curriculum conducted totally within Business was graduated in 1932. In 1933, the degree designation was changed to Bachelor of Business Administration. In 1970, as a result of an extensive curriculum revision which emphasizes a balance of humanities, mathematics, science, social sciences, and professional business courses, the degree was changed to the Bachelor of Science (Business Administration). At the same time, the baccalaureate degree program in the Evening Session was merged into Business.

The O'Malley School of Business is accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the premier accrediting agency for business programs globally.

Our Mission

To provide a transformative education: We add value by developing business leaders with integrity, intellectual curiosity, global consciousness, and a desire to change their community and the world for the better.

Our Vision

To be an innovative, inclusive Lasallian leader in business education: We are recognized as advancing knowledge through research, expanding minds through teaching, drawing on the vibrancy of business to make an impact on New York and beyond.

Curriculum and Programs

In order to accomplish the mission of Business, the curriculum is structured to achieve a balance of liberal arts courses and professional business courses, thus bringing together liberal education and professional business preparation. The program in liberal arts is divided among the areas of humanities, mathematics, sciences, and social sciences. The professional business program, which includes core courses required of all students and the study of a major field, offers the student both theory and application to practical problems. This approach increases students' ability to reason and analyze situations in the business context of the 21st century, thus helping them understand how today's challenges -- from technology to climate change -- are addressed in real business organizations.The societal considerations of the firm and the behavioral aspects of the managerial function are interwoven throughout the business curriculum. The focus in the professional area is on executive action in business and non-business organizations.

The program of liberal arts courses, which comprises one-half of the total curriculum, blends humanistic knowledge with professional career preparation. The sequence of general business-related courses examines topics of broad business knowledge and practice. The sequence includes introductory courses in accounting, economics, computer information systems, law, statistics, management, marketing, finance and operations. In each of these courses, emphasis is placed on essential analytical tools and their use in solving business problems. Course work emphasizing strategic planning, societal development, and global business is also included to help prepare students to enter a career in a functional field or undertake graduate studies. The major disciplines are accounting, business analytics, computer information systems, economics, finance, management, and marketing. Global Business Studies may be taken as a co-major or as a minor.

Undergraduate Learning Goals

1. Communicate effectively through writing and oral presentations.

2. Demonstrate global learning.

3. Employ quantitative skills in problem-solving to support decision-making

4. Understand how to incorporate ethics into business practices.

5. Demonstrate an ability to think critically by analyzing business situations and recommending appropriate actions.


The business curriculum provides seven major fields of study from which the student can select one or more for in-depth study. A student who opts to major in two areas must complete the requirements for both majors. Students may use business and free electives towards the second major. 


The major in accounting centers on financial and operational communications for business and governmental units. The program prepares students for careers in public accounting, industrial or private accounting, governmental and institutional accounting, or for a general business career. Accounting education provides a sound basis for advancement to managerial positions and is a desirable background for other non-business professions, such as law.

Students who want to follow careers in public accounting should pursue the five-year B.S. in  Professional Accounting/MBA Program. All accounting students should speak to their academic advisor about eligibility for the New York State CPA examination and the five-year program requirements.

Business Analytics

Using data, Business Analytics helps organizations evaluate their performance, gain operational insight, improve decision making and forecast market trends. It combines the study of analytical and statistical data analyses, data management, modeling and visualization. The underlying analytics tools and techniques emerge from a variety of disciplines such as operations research, statistics, computer science and traditional business fields. The Business Analytics major allows the student to develop the skills needed to pursue a data-related career in financial services, healthcare management, telecommunications, retail, media, or one of the many other industries where data analytics skills are in high demand.

Computer Information Systems

A CIS major enables a student to determine the informational needs of an organization and identify the patterns of information flow which satisfy those needs. The program includes studies in computer hardware and software, programming, computer decision systems, file and communication systems, operations analysis and simulation, management information systems, and the analysis and design of information systems. The CIS major will find excellent career opportunities in systems analysis and management information systems. Combining the CIS knowledge with business functional areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, or management, provides the CIS graduate with a competitive advantage in careers related to system development and analysis.


A major in business economics is designed for those students whose primary interest is oriented towards an examination of economic relationships. Students seeking a broad global economic background for government, industry, or law would benefit from this program. Students are able to choose one of three concentrations: quantitative economics, applied economics, or environmental economics. This program is also suitable for students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in Economics.


The major in finance enables the student to examine the tasks and techniques of financial management within business and government units and to study the structure of financial institutions and analytical instruments. Course work emphasizes the knowledge and tools needed to understand and participate in the global economic system. The program stresses financial analysis and decision-making and prepares students for careers in financial management and analysis.


The management program examines theories and concepts of organizations, describes the skills used by managers in fulfilling their roles and functions,and  provides an opportunity for students to apply quantitative methods to solve management problems.The major emphasis is on behavioral aspects of organizations and administrative actions, in both business and nonprofit organizations. Special attention is given to the social responsibilities of the business executive, the ethics of decision-making, and the role of the modern corporation in society. Students also learn to master the latest technologies, which allows them to graduate with a functional knowledge of the tools that will be used in their careers. Students can choose to complete a concentration in Talent Management or Behavior and Decision Making. 


Marketing is essential for the effective managing of both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Marketing involves creating products and services, communicating their value, and managing customer relationships based on a thorough understanding of customers’ needs and wants. The tasks of marketing managers include determining the firm’s competitive market position and strategy, and formulating the optimum marketing mix: the product portfolio, communication, pricing and distribution strategies.

The marketing program emphasizes a managerial approach and is designed to train marketing professionals who are globally-oriented business leaders. The curriculum stresses analysis, critical thinking and decision making in the marketing process.


Global Business Studies

This co-major develops in the student a thorough and rigorous global perspective and understanding of the international environment and markets. Such understanding is essential for any business person who competes domestically and in the international arena. This field is interdisciplinary in nature and includes studies in business, communication, political science, and sociology. Students who are interested in pursuing careers in the international aspects of business or in government may complete the program as a second, co-major. Proficiency in a second language is strongly recommended.

Minors for Business Students

In order to provide an opportunity for students to broaden their educational experiences, students in Business are able to minor in another business area such as management, marketing, business analytics, CIS, economics, finance, and accounting. This program consists of three courses in the discipline. Details of these programs may be found under the separate headings for each department in the business school.

Through special arrangements with Liberal Arts and Sciences, a business student may take a minor program consisting of approximately 15 credits in the humanities, mathematics, sciences, or social sciences. Business students who are interested in pursuing a minor outside the school of business must contact the academic advisor of the school for further information. 

All major and minor credits must be taken at Manhattan University. A minimum grade of C is necessary to receive major or minor credit. Also, all 300 and 400 level Business courses must be taken at Manhattan University.

Minors for Non-Business Majors

Students who are in Schools other than Business may pursue a minor in Business. Students must obtain the permission of the School in which they are enrolled. The minor in Business for non-business majors requires the completion of 15 credits. The five course sequence consists of:

ACCT 201Principles of Accounting I3
ECON 203Microeconomics3
MGMT 201Introduction to Management3
MKTG 201Essentials of Marketing3
Business Elective (with proper prerequisites)3
Total Credits15

Students in the Business minor who are specifically interested in Finance may select FIN 301 Principles of Business Finance as their elective, but must meet the prerequisite for the course, BUAN 227 Business Statistics, or its equivalent. Students interested in a minor in Business must consult with the School of Business advisor.

Non-Business majors may also pursue 15-credit minors in specific areas of business such as Economics, Finance, Management, and Marketing. Please consult the department section of the catalog for more information. The specific area minor must be approved by the chair of the department.


The B.S. Business / Masters of Business Administration Program offers business students an option to complete a five-year multiple award program. The successful completion of the five-year program leads to two awards: a B.S. in Business (in one of seven business majors) and an MBA. The program consists of a total of 150 hours in undergraduate and graduate credits, planned over a five-year period, including coursework during ten semesters and one summer session. The program is designed for students who are academically competitive. Students may use the free electives to commence with the masters level classes in their fourth year.


Advisement for students in Business is conducted by the Senior Academic Advisor in conjunction with the Department Chairs and faculty. The Senior Academic Advisor counsels all first-year students, sophomores, and transfer students, as well as any juniors and seniors when necessary. All students select their major at the end of their sophomore year. Programs of study for first-year students, sophomores, and transfer students, as well as co-approval of athletes, are approved by the Senior Academic Advisor. Programs of study for juniors and seniors are approved by the Department Chairs who act as advisors to the students in selecting a major. Department Chairs and faculty are responsible for advising upper level students. The faculty are closely associated with professional business organizations and industrial groups carrying out related activities, thus assuring maximum service to the student in preparing to meet the requirements for the degree, for advanced professional study, and for placement.

Business students who plan to enter law should consult with the Prelaw Advisor. The Advisor will guide the students through the preparation and application process required for law school admissions.


Students in the O'Malley School of Business are encouraged to complete a business internship. Students can complete an approved internship experience for academic credit. Interested students must consult with the Assistant Dean for Career Development for guidance on the process of securing an appropriate internship and obtaining the required faculty sponsorship. Faculty supervisors will define appropriate academic activities in parallel to the work requirement in order to provide a complete internship experience. Credit bearing internships must be approved by the Department Chair, the Dean, and the Assistant Dean for Career Development.

Student Organizations

Organizations of special interest to students in Business include: The Accounting Society; Beta Alpha Psi, the International Honor Society for Financial Information Professionals; Beta Gamma Sigma, the  National Honor Society in Business; the Business Analytics Data Society; Alpha Iota Delta, the National Honor Society for Computer Information Systems and Decision Sciences; the Economics-Finance Society; Omicron Delta Epsilon, the National Honor Society in Economics; the Entrepreneurship Club; Financial Management Association; the National Honors Society in Finance; Fair Trade Fuel, the student-run business; the Investment Club; the Management Club; Sigma Iota Epsilon, the National Honor Society in Management; the Marketing Club; American Marketing Association, Student Chapter; Mu Kappa Tau, the National Marketing Honor Society; the Women in Business Club. 

Study Abroad

Students interested in studying abroad should discuss their interest with the Senior Academic Advisor by the beginning of sophomore year. Students may opt to study abroad for either a full semester or on one of the University’s short-term programs during the winter intersession or summer break. If planning to go abroad for a full semester, it is best to plan the semester of study abroad for the second semester of sophomore year or the first semester of junior year. Further information about study abroad opportunities is available through the Study Abroad Office. The O'Malley School of Business also sponsors a study tour, linked to a course, GLBL 414 International Field Study Seminarconducted once a year for three credits. The course can be used towards fulfilling the requirements of the Marketing major, Global Business Studies co-major, or as one of the student’s free or business electives.



I. Liberal Arts and Science Courses

A. Humanities Courses
ENGL 110First Year Composition3
CIS 110Introduction to Information Systems3
ENGL 211Business Communication3
ENGL Literature Elective3
PHIL 201Ethics3
RELS 110The Nature and Experience of Religion3
RELS Elective 200 Level3
RELS Elective 300 Level3
B. Social Sciences Courses
ECON 203Microeconomics (Microeconomics)3
ECON 204Macroeconomics (Macroeconomics)3
HIST History Elective3
PSYC 203Introduction to Psychology3
SOC 201Introduction to Sociology3
C. Mathematics and Science Courses
MATH 153Finite Mathematics for Business Decisions3
MATH 154Calculus for Business Decisions3
SCI Science Elective 16
Liberal Arts Elective 29
Total Credits60

Science requirements: 6 credits from the following: Astronomy & Earth Science 201, 202, Science 203-204, Science 207; other science courses only with the approval of the dean and chair of the department.


Approved Arts and Science courses.

II. Business Courses

A. Business Core Program for all Students

ACCT 201Principles of Accounting I3
ACCT 202Principles of Accounting II3
BUAN 227Business Statistics3
FIN 301Principles of Business Finance3
ECON 305Money and Banking3
LAW 203Business Law I3
MKTG 201Essentials of Marketing3
MGMT 201Introduction to Management3
MGMT 307Operations and Quality Management3
MGMT 406Strategic Management3
MGMT 430Business, Government, and Society3
Total Credits33

B. Business Program for Non-Accounting Majors

Major Field21
Free Electives *6
Business Core Courses33
Total Credits60

*Students interested in pursuing the five-year B.S./MBA program can use the free electives in their senior year to complete courses toward the MBA program.

 C. Business Program for Accounting Majors

Accounting Major Courses27
Business Electives *3
Business Core Courses33
Total Credits63

*Students interested in pursuing the five-year B.S./MBA program can use the business elective in their senior year to complete a course toward the MBA program.

 Total Credits for Graduation:

Non-Accounting Majors120
Accounting Majors123

Business students who are interested in pursuing a minor outside the O'Malley School of Business must contact the senior academic advisor of the school for further information.