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Tuition and Fees

The uncertainty of present-day costs makes it necessary for the University to reserve the right to increase tuition and fees whenever necessary. In applying for admission, students and their families should anticipate future annual increases. Such changes will be formally announced in advance.

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees 2024-2025

A. Full Time Students

Full time students register for 12 or more credits per semester.

Tuition Charges per Semester

Fee Amount
All students 2024-2025 $24,200

Program Fees per Semester

Fee Amount
Kakos School of Arts and Sciences Program Fee $1,165
O'Malley School of Business $1165
Engineering $1,820
Overcredit Charges* $1,430 per credit hour

See section on Overcredits for more detail.

B. Part-Time Students, 2024-2025

Part-time students in day, evening, or special (January and Summer) sessions register for less than 12 credits per semester.

Fee Amount
Tuition Charges per Credit Hour $1,430
Comprehensive Fee Part-Time Commuter $300
Comprehensive Fee part-time Intersession (1-11 credits, charged per session,Summer 1, 2 & winter) $150
Comprehensive Fee Part-Time Resident $1,050

C. School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS), per Semester, 2024-2025

Fee Amount
SCPS- Accelerated Bachelors Tuition Per Credit $900
Information Services Fee assessed each Part of Term/ Intersession $100
Information Services Fee - Additional Resident Student Surcharge assessed per term (Fall/Spring only) $1,050
Student Health Insurance** $2,359

D. Room and Board Fee, per Semester, 2024-2025 Room and Board Occupancy with the following plans:

Fee Amount
Room Rate 4 Person Suite or Double Occupancy Room $5,775
Food/ Meal Plan $3,625
Double Room Apartment Room Rate TBD
Single Room Apartment Room Rate TBD
Chrys Single Room Rate TBD

Mandatory plan for all incoming freshman

E. One-Time Fees

Fee Amount
Application $75
Student Acceptance Deposit Commuter Undergraduate $500
Student Acceptance Deposit Resident Undergraduate $800
Student Acceptance International Student $1,300
Student Acceptance Deposit SCPS Commuter $100
Student Acceptance Deposit SCPS Resident $400
Student Acceptance Deposit Commuter Graduate $100
Student Acceptance Deposit Resident Graduate $400
Resident deposit includes Damage Deposit (Refundable upon completion of contract and abscence of damage to dormitory facilities) $300

F. Other Fees

Fee Amount
Comprehensive Fee - Full-Time - per semester $1,050
Comprehensive Fee - Part-Time Commuter - per semester $300
Comprehensive Fee - Part-Time Resident - per semester $1,050
Student Health Insurance ** $2,359
Non-matriculation - per registration $250.00
Monthly Payment Plan Charge (per semester) $50
Late payment charge (per month overdue balance) 1%
Returned Check Charge $25
Physical Education May Camp $1,500
Transcript - per copy $5
Off-Campus Course $200
Room Reservation Deposit (advanced each Spring term to secure plan in dorm $400
Study Abroad/ Away Fee $730
Deferment Fee $100

Undergraduate Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

Manhattan University establishes a full cost of attendance (COA) budget that includes tuition, fees, room and board, books, transportation and personal, miscellaneous expenses. Only the amounts for tuition and fees and on-campus residence will appear on your billing statement, but the other expenses are calculated into the student expense budget for the purpose of establishing need and awarding aid.

Annual Cost of Attendance* - Commuter, 2024-2025

Fee Amount
Tuition $48,400
Program Fee (average) $2,800
Comprehensive Fee - Commuter Full Time $2,100
Books $1,200
Miscellaneous $1,200
Transportation $1,200
Room and Board Allowance $2,500
Total Budget $59,400

Annual Cost of Attendance* - Resident, 2024-2025

Fee Amount
Tuition $48,400
Program Fee (average) $2,800
Room Rate $11,550
Food Rate $7,250
Comprehensive Fee - Full-Time $2,100
Dorm Damage Deposit $300
Books $1,200
Miscellaneous $1,200
Transportation $75,700
Total Budget $72,890

Note: COA is an estimate listed for new students entering 2024-2025 using the average of all schools program fees as a representative model. School of enrollment determines the program fee. Consult catalog for the appropriate charge. Adjustments are made for less than full-time status, overcredit charges, room rate and meal rate plans selected. Please refer to the Student Accounts and Bursar Services website for a complete COA listing for new and continuing students.


Student Health Insurance will be assessed annually to all full-time students, international students, resident students and students participating in intercollegiate athletics.  The charge can be waived if proof of existing comparable coverage is submitted timely and approved by the insurance provider.