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Real Estate Minor

New York City is the second-largest real estate investment market in the world. The Real Estate Minor is designed to introduce O'Malley School of Business students to critical skills, concepts, and applications in real estate, including acquisitions, design and planning, construction management, asset and property management, financial structuring, fundraising, and valuation. The Real Estate Minor can be taken as a complement to any major in the O’Malley School of Business and is a strong match with Finance, Accounting, Marketing, and Business Analytics. 

Real Estate Minor (for O'Malley School of Business Students)

Students in the OMSB who wish to complete the Real Estate Minor must complete three courses for a total of 9 credits:

Two Core Requirements
REAL 310Real Estate Development3
REAL 420Real Estate Capstone3
One Additional Course from the list below3
Real Estate Investment
Negotiation & Conflict Mgmt
Sales Management
Total Credits9

A minimum grade of C is necessary to receive minor credit.



REAL 310. Real Estate Development. 3 Credits.

This course offers a thorough study of real estate development, finance and investment. It offers a step-by-step analysis of the phases utilized in the real estate development process including conceptualization, site acquisition, zoning and permits, planning and design, the construction process, budgeting, financing, and financial reporting and evaluation. It includes an overview of the major types of valuation methods and approaches used for analyzing the main categories of real properties. The course also discusses the challenges and techniques for raising capital for real estate projects. Leadership, management and control of the development team are also featured topics. Prerequisites: The student must be at least in their Sophomore year.

REAL 420. Real Estate Capstone. 3 Credits.

This course offers the student the opportunity to analyze an actual real estate sustainability challenge faced by a corporation. Student teams will review an exist1ng facility, either on or off-campus, and by utilizing actual energy, water, and real estate data, develop sustainable solutions. Students' recommendations will be used to eventually achieve the LEED O&M certification for the facility under review. The proposed solution must be presented in the form of 1. A detailed, written report; 2. A slide presentation summarizing the solution; and 3. A financial proforma which details the costs and the energy savings derived from the recommended solution. Prerequisite: REAL 310.