Engineering - General Information
Anirban De, Ph.D., P.E.
Interim Dean
Historical Note
Engineering education at Manhattan College developed out of a science program in coordination with liberal arts. In 1892, civil engineering and electrical engineering were among four curricula leading to the Bachelor of Science degree. Although civil engineering has continued uninterrupted since, electrical engineering was suspended shortly after its introduction. It was re-established as a degree program in 1935. Programs in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering and computer engineering were introduced in 1957, 1958, 1993, and 1998, respectively. The undergraduate program in environmental engineering was phased out in 2012. However, the master's degree programs in environmental engineering continue and undergraduate engineering students can minor in environmental engineering.
Vision and Mission Statements
The vision of the School of Engineering gives broad direction to long-term goals, i.e.:
The Manhattan College School of Engineering will be the school of choice for engineering education in the New York metropolitan region.
This means that the College will be the destination of choice when students apply to engineering schools. In order to realize this vision, every program in the school will develop curricula which attract and excite students while supporting the mission of the school.
The School of Engineering has developed the following mission statement with input from its stakeholders:
The mission of the Manhattan College School of Engineering is to prepare each student for a productive and rewarding career in engineering or a related profession.
This mission is congruent with the mission of the College. The curriculum supporting the school’s mission instills the techniques and skills of engineering design through the study of basic and advanced engineering science. This foundation of techniques and skills is integrated with practice-oriented engineering design experience covering technical and non-technical aspects of engineering practice. Students earning a Manhattan College engineering degree are prepared to enter the world of professional practice and to continue their studies through the pursuit of post-baccalaureate education.
The strong foundation coupled with thorough preparation in an engineering discipline ensures that the student will have life-long access to rapidly developing new technologies and prepares each student to be a citizen, an advocate, and a leader in the complex world of the 21st century.
The mission of the School of Engineering is consistent with the Lasallian and Catholic heritage of Manhattan College. Graduates of its engineering programs are expected to meet high academic standards, reflect on moral and ethical considerations in all aspects of their lives, and appreciate the need for life-long learning in the fulfillment of professional goals. Part of the ethical considerations expected of all students is their observance of academic integrity. Students accept the Manhattan College Community Standards and Student Code of Conduct under which they will not engage in academic dishonesty – cheating, plagiarism, and/or fabrication – or in academic misconduct, nor tolerate it in others. As aspiring engineers, students are expected to be aware of engineering codes of professional conduct which also prohibit dishonesty and misuse of intellectual property.
Program Educational Objectives
The Bachelor of Science undergraduate engineering programs in the Manhattan College School of Engineering are individually accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, ABET states that Program Educational Objectives must be published and that these objectives are consistent with the institution's mission, needs of program stakeholders and other ABET criteria. Each program is required to develop, publish, and periodically review its objectives.
Although each program develops its own objectives, there are some general themes that are recognized across the programs. These themes can be grouped as:
- Leadership, achievement, and involvement in engineering and related professions
- Dedication to furthering the engineering profession through continuous self-improvement
- Ethical practices and moral character
- Commitment to engineering as a service-to-humanity profession
Graduates of the School of Engineering will be valued for their ethical practices and moral character, leadership and involvement in engineering and related professions, dedication to the profession through self-improvement, and recognition that engineering is a service to humanity.
Student Outcomes for The Engineering Programs
ABET states that programs must have documented Student Outcomes that prepare graduates to attain the Program Educational Objectives. These outcomes relate to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program. ABET requires each program to adopt a standard set of outcomes plus any additional outcomes that may be articulated by the program. The standard set of seven (7) outcomes, referred to as ABET Student Outcomes (1) through (7), is:
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
- an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
- an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
These standard (1) through (7) student outcomes have been adopted by the undergraduate engineering programs in chemical, civil, computer, electrical and mechanical.
The educational objectives and outcomes of all the programs in the School of Engineering are consistent with the school’s mission and the Lasallian and Catholic heritage of Manhattan College. In addition, the outcomes articulated by each program are consistent with the Manhattan College core competencies of:
- Effective Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Information Literacy
- Technology Literacy
- Quantitative Literacy
- Scientific Literacy
- Global Awareness
- Religious and Ethical Awareness
- Independent and Collaborative Work
Engineering Education
The foundation of the engineering curriculum includes:
- The study of science representing the current state of human knowledge of the physical world and its behavior
- The study of mathematics, the language and tool that engineers use to describe the physical world
- Breadth of study in the humanities and social sciences, the basis for making ethical and moral engineering decisions
- Development of the ability for independent learning and critical thinking
- Development of skills in written, verbal, and graphical communication
In an age of revolutionary advances in science and technology, continual re-examination of trends in engineering has become imperative. Accordingly, engineering faculty, in consultation with the Manhattan College Engineering board of advisors, a distinguished group of engineers and industrial leaders assembled from engineering-related organizations, study and evaluate the concepts of engineering education and the school’s programs. These studies re-emphasize the importance of humanities, mathematics and sciences as the foundation of engineering education. The engineering curriculum is, therefore, planned to provide the sound and broad education required in important branches of engineering.
The engineering curricula have been designed with two premises in mind: one, that sound undergraduate engineering education must establish fundamental concepts at the expense of specialization; and two, that first-line engineering research, development or design requires post-collegiate specialization and advanced study through graduate work or industrial training, together with continuing self-development.
The engineering curricula are four-year programs and lead to the Bachelor of Science degree in one of the traditional branches of engineering: chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.
Each program provides opportunities for minor studies, focus areas, or concentrations within its discipline. Despite the apparent division of engineering study into these curricula, there is a core engineering curriculum designed to offer the fundamental education required for all engineering students.
All students must complete ENGL 110 First Year Composition . International students may be required to successfully complete ENGL 106 Introduction to Composition before enrolling in ENGL 110. Students graduating from a U.S. high school may be required to complete ENGL 106 before enrolling in ENGL 110. ENGL 106 will not count towards degree credit in any engineering program.
All students must complete RELS 110 The Nature and Experience of Religion and six additional credits in religious studies. The additional credits are selected from approved courses.
The curriculum for the first year is common to all undergraduate programs in engineering. In order to enable a student to test their interest in one of the major engineering disciplines, they take designated courses from a specific discipline in the sophomore year. The curricula of the various engineering majors are detailed in the following section.
Each curriculum offers four areas of study:
1. General Education: Courses in this area comprise about one fifth of the entire curriculum and are conducted throughout the four years. These courses are intended to develop foundations for the fuller life of the student as a person. Courses in history, literature, philosophy, social sciences, business, education and religious studies blend with the scientific and technological growth of the student so that the student may progress as a more complete person toward a satisfying professional life.
2. Mathematics and the Basic Sciences: Approximately one quarter of the entire curriculum provides a thorough grounding in mathematics, at least through differential equations, and the basic sciences of chemistry and physics. These subjects are essential to all engineering students as the foundation of the engineering sciences. All first-year students are required to pass a mathematics readiness and aptitude examination prior to enrolling in MATH 185 Calculus I.
3. The Engineering Sciences: Fundamental concepts in engineering sciences provide a comprehensive foundation for all engineering disciplines. Topics such as statics, dynamics, electrical circuits, materials science, and thermodynamics integrate and build on principles introduced in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Engineering science courses enable students to develop the competence to apply essential principles to synthesize and design engineering systems.
4. The Major: The fourth area of study is the major field which is described in the following sections.
The Major
Although significant specialization is postponed until after the bachelor’s degree, basic programs in chemical, civil, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering are offered as a major, comprising about one half of each curriculum. Each student is able to focus on one aspect of the engineering discipline in greater depth and to develop proficiency in engineering design.
The bachelor of science undergraduate degree programs in chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the EAC of ABET, The Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering program is also accredited by ABET.
Minor Studies
Engineering students have the opportunity to develop depth in an area other than the major by completing a minor.
Students may minor in many areas including air & space studies, biology, business, computer science, chemistry, economics, English, environmental studies, finance, political science, history, management, marketing, mathematics, modern foreign languages, peace studies, philosophy, physics, psychology, religious studies, urban affairs, and women and gender studies. In general, a minor requires 15 credits. Courses must be completed at Manhattan College.
Engineering students may also choose to minor in another engineering discipline. The minors are:
Chemical Engineering--
CHML 207 Process Calculations, CHML 208 Chemical Engineering Principles I, CHML 305 Chemical Engineering Principles II, CHML 306 Separation Process Design I, and CHML 321 Chemical Reaction Engineering.
Civil Engineering--
CIVL 302 Structural Analysis I, CIVL 309 Steel Design, CIVL 409 Reinforced Concrete Design, CEEN 303 Fluid Mechanics, and CIVL 310 Introductory Geomechanics.
Computer Engineering--
1. For all students except electrical engineering majors:
EECE 210 Applied Software Engineering I, EECE 229 Introduction to Digital Systems and EECE 232 Computer System, Organization & Design, and two additional computer engineering courses approved by the ECE department chair.
2. For electrical engineering majors:
EECE 210 Applied Software Engineering I and EECE 232 Computer System, Organization & Design, plus three elective computer engineering courses, of which at least two must be upper division or graduate, approved by the ECE department chair. These elective courses cannot be used to simultaneously satisfy the requirements for electrical engineering.
Electrical Engineering--
1. For all students except computer engineering majors:
EECE 201 Fundamentals of Electrical System Analysis I, EECE 203 Fundamentals of Electrical System Analysis II, and EECE 229 Introduction to Digital Systems, plus sequence A, B, or C as follows:
A. EECE 303 Signals and Systems I and EECE 304 Signals and Systems II , or
B. EECE 305 Electronic Systems I and EECE 306 Electronic Systems II, or
C. Two upper division courses in electrical engineering approved by the ECE department chair.
2. For computer engineering majors:
EECE 232 Computer System, Organization & Design, and EECE 321 Embedded Systems Design, plus three elective electrical engineering courses, of which at least two must be upper division or graduate level, approved by the department chair. These elective courses cannot be used to simultaneously satisfy the requirements for computer engineering.
Environmental Engineering--
The minor in environmental engineering is open to all engineering majors. Required course work includes ENGS 204 Environmental Engineering Principles I plus four courses from the following: CEEN 405 Construction Planning and Scheduling ENVL 406 Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes, ENVL 408 Environmental Engineering Design, ENVL 410 Hazardous Waste Design, ENVL 439 Environmental Engineering Projects, ENVL 505 Surface Water Quality Modeling. Students interested in the environmental engineering minor should contact Dr. Robert Sharp.
Mechanical Engineering--
ENGS 205 Introductory Thermodynamics, ENGS 206 Statics, MECH 230 Introductory Solid Mechanics, MECH 318 Fluid Mechanics I, and MECH 325 Heat Transfer. This set of courses may be modified by the mechanical engineering department chair based upon the background of the student.
Students are responsible for any required prerequisites. Completion of the minor may qualify students for entry to the graduate program of the minor department. Except for environmental engineering, students should contact the chair of the minor department for further information.
Engineering students may obtain an Application for Minor form at the office of the Dean of Engineering. After the form is completed by the program chair offering the minor, the form should be returned to the office of the Dean of Engineering by the student. When all courses have been completed, the dean will notify the office of the Registrar. The courses leading to a minor in engineering are subject to change. Please verify the coursework required with the Assistant Dean of Engineering before starting a minor.
Transferring from a Community College
Students who complete a pre-engineering program will generally be permitted to transfer up to 50% of the credits required for a Bachelor of Science degree in an engineering degree program. Transfer credit will only be permitted for courses in which a grade of C (2.0) or higher has been earned. All transfer credits are reviewed by the Assistant Dean of Engineering
Students who graduate with an associate degree in a technology program will generally only be permitted to transfer 9 credits towards a Bachelor of Science engineering degree.
Engineering has transfer arrangements with various community colleges in the Tri-State area. Additional information can be obtained from the office of the Dean of Engineering at (718) 862-7281.
Graduate-Level Courses (5XX, 6XX, 7XX)
Undergraduate students in all engineering disciplines may be allowed to take graduate-level courses. Only those students who have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.00 may take the course for graduate credit with the approval of the department chair. Undergraduate students with a cumulative GPA of less than 3.00 will need the approval of the department chair to take the course for undergraduate credit. These courses will count for either undergraduate or graduate credit but not for both degree programs. Students who take dual-listed undergraduate-graduate courses cannot take the undergraduate level course for undergraduate credit then later take the graduate level course for graduate credit. Undergraduate students who enroll for undergraduate credit will be graded according to the standard undergraduate grading system, and the grade will be counted in the undergraduate grade point average. Tuition for the undergraduates in the graduate-level courses will be charged at the undergraduate rates provided the student does not exceed the total number of credits permitted for the semester. Qualified students are limited to a total of six credits of graduate level courses as undergraduates as described elsewhere in this undergraduate catalog.
Seamless Master's Degree Program
Academically qualified undergraduate students may be invited to participate in a Seamless Master's Degree program in chemical, civil, computer, electrical, environmental, or mechanical engineering. Qualified students who enter Manhattan College with Advanced Placement and/or undergraduate college credit will generally be in a position to take graduate courses during their senior year at Manhattan College while completing the requirements for the bachelor's degree. It may then be possible to obtain a Master's degree with only an additional year of study.
Undergraduate students who have earned a minimum of 3.20 cumulative GPA by the end of the first semester of their junior year are eligible to apply for the Seamless Master's Degree program upon the recommendation of a member of the engineering faculty. Transfer students may be considered after completing courses at Manhattan College. All students participating in the Seamless Master’s Degree program are required to submit an application for admission to that graduate program. The application must be submitted in the senior year through the Office of Admissions. The application is online. Students are required to complete the baccalaureate degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.00, or better, prior to continuing for the additional year of graduate study.
Students admitted into the seamless master’s degree program may enroll in 500, 600, or 700 level courses while completing the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. These courses will count for either undergraduate or graduate credit but not for both degree programs. Students who take dual-listed undergraduate-graduate courses cannot take the undergraduate level course for undergraduate credit then later take the graduate level course for graduate credit. Because some required graduate courses are offered on a two-year rotation, admitted students must meet with the chair of the major department prior to their senior year in order to select appropriate 500, 600, and 700-level courses to satisfy the master’s degree requirements. There is no tuition increase for enrolling in graduate courses during the senior year provided the student does not exceed the total number of credits permitted for the academic year.
After completing the undergraduate degree requirements, financial support may be available from individual departments for the additional year of graduate study. This support typically includes research assistantships, graduate assistantships, academic scholarships and grants, and industrial fellowships.
Professional and Career Development
Experiential learning is invaluable to an undergraduate engineering student. Engineering students are encouraged to seek full-time positions in the summer, and manageable, part-time positions during the school year. Such jobs can enhance learning and develop complementary skills and personal growth. The engineering programs at Manhattan College do not offer academic credit for such internships. However, a student may take ENGS 401 Internship for Engineering Students, a tuition-free, zero credit course, which will be shown on the student's transcript thus demonstrating participation in this type of experiential learning. The School of Engineering encourages its students to investigate the benefits of internships.
Engineering Service
Service to the broader community is a Lasallian heritage that is exemplified in the engineering professions. Engineers are educated to serve the public via their work as professional employees of or as volunteers for public and private organizations – whether in design, manufacturing, project implementation, construction planning, public speaking, or teaching. They are also taught to consider the consequences of their work with respect to ethics and to sustainability. Students engaged in engineering service activities may take ENGS 402 Service for Engineering Students, a tuition-free, zero academic credits course, which will be shown on the student's transcript thus demonstrating participation in a contribution to the community. The School of Engineering strongly encourages its students to investigate the benefits of service.
Professional Engineering Licensing
An important distinction for engineers is to become a licensed professional engineer. Receipt of the baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by the EAC of ABET is one important step towards licensure. The requirements for licensure include a two part examination. Engineering students in good academic standing at Manhattan College may take the first part, the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination, during their senior year. All engineering students are strongly encouraged to take and pass the FE examination. The examination is heavily based on mathematics, basic sciences, and the engineering sciences. The engineering curricula at Manhattan College prepare the student for the examination.
Fellowships and Professional Schools
Engineers have a variety of career options open to them within and beyond the engineering profession. Undergraduate engineers go on to complete advanced degrees in engineering and other disciplines and also pursue careers in teaching, business, law, and medicine. Engineering students are encouraged to use the expertise and services of the Manhattan College Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement (CGSFA). The CGSFA is focused on helping students understand undergraduate research experience in the context of graduate school, fellowships, and career pathways. CGSFA advisors will work with students to determine whether graduate school fits in with their own professional development plans.
Applying for Fellowships
The Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement is committed to helping students understand the process of applying to very competitive national and international fellowships. The CGSFA guides students seeking fellowship opportunities well-suited to their personal and professional goals, crafting applications, developing research proposals and preparing for interviews. A faculty committee reviews student applications for fellowships requiring an institutional nomination.
Preparation for Law School
The Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement works closely with the faculty Pre-law Advisor, the Center for Career Development, and Alumni Relations to provide advising, resources, and opportunities for students interested in pursuing law school. No single major at Manhattan College is a prerequisite for applying to law school, nor is there a pre-law major or minor. Students that do well in the application process have strong analytic and problem solving skills, critical reading skills, writing skills, communication skills, research skills, task management skills and a dedication to public service and promotion of justice, according to the American Bar Association. Students are also encouraged to join and actively participate in the St. Thomas More Law Society.
Pre-Health Advising and Preparation for Medicine and Dentistry
CGSFA works closely with the Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC), a body of faculty members, to give guidance and support to students interested in careers in medicine, dentistry and allied health fields. We are available to help students investigate their career options in healthcare, and to discuss curricula, activities, internships, research, and application procedures in the health professions. We support candidates through all aspects of the application process, and we work to provide opportunities to prepare students to be competitive applicants to health professions schools.
Health Professions Advisory Committee
The Health Professions Advisory Committee is a group of faculty members who give guidance to students interested in preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry and allied fields. This committee helps students become aware of the course requirements and experiences essential for admission to professional schools. The committee advises students on the selection of programs of study that will give both background in the sciences and a broad liberal education to prepare them for effective participation in the human community. More detail and a list of minimum required courses for admissions to professional schools can be found in the undergraduate catalog section of Academic Resources.
Pre-Health Concentration
The Pre-Health minor is recommended for students that wish to gain entrance to health professions schools, including medical school, dental school, veterinary school, optometry school, physician assistant programs and other health profession schools. While students are not required to be a part of the concentration in order to get a committee letter of evaluation from HPAC, students are strongly encouraged to consider enrollment in this concentration to be part of the competitive cohort that applies to health professions schools each year.
Academic Standing
Students are considered to be in good academic standing in the College when their Manhattan College cumulative (GPA) is 2.00. To be considered in good academic standing in the School of Engineering, a student must have a cumulative engineering GPA of at least 2.00 and the semester grade point average must be at least 2.00. Grade point averages are computed at the end of each semester or term.
Students are expected to make adequate progress towards fulfilling their degree requirements every term. Adequate progress is described in the annually published School of Engineering Advising Manual. Students who are not making adequate progress are subject to academic sanctions.
Each of the engineering undergraduate programs has selected two different courses defined as gateway courses. These are essential courses in the different programs and the ability to successfully complete the courses in a timely manner is mandatory. Examples of gateway courses are ENGS 206 Statics for the civil engineering and mechanical engineering programs and CHML 207 Process Calculations for the chemical engineering program. A list of the gateway courses is published in the annual School of Engineering Advising Manual. A student will be allowed a maximum of three (3) attempts to take and pass, with a grade of C (2.00) or higher, each of the gateway courses in the student’s program. After three unsuccessful attempts to pass a gateway course with a C (2.00) or higher, the student will be subject to dismissal from the engineering program (but not Manhattan College), as determined by the department chair and the dean.
A letter of academic warning is typically issued to each student earning a grade of D or F in any given term, even if the student is still in good academic standing in engineering. Letters of academic warning in two consecutive terms, while the student is still in good academic standing in engineering, will result in a meeting with the Assistant Dean or the Dean of Engineering. The letter of academic warning clearly spells out the danger to an academic program from receiving unacceptable grades.
A letter of academic probation is typically issued to each student failing to remain in good academic standing in engineering. Also, a letter of academic probation is typically issued to students receiving multiple unsatisfactory grades (especially grades of F) even though the student may be in good academic standing. Freshman failing to remain in good academic standing after their first term may be placed on academic probation. Students on probation are required to take a reduced course load of 12 credits for the following term and may be restricted from participating in Manhattan College activities. Students may remove themselves from academic probation by achieving a grade point average of 2.0 by the end of the following regular term. Failing to achieve good academic standing while on probation can lead to an academic contract or, in extreme cases, dismissal.
An academic contract is typically issued to students failing to achieve good academic standing in engineering while on academic probation. A letter of academic contract is also typically issued to a student if the most recent term grade point average falls below 1.0 even if the student was not on probation the previous term. A student may not be on academic contract for two consecutive terms without authorization of the Dean of Engineering. A student who does not successfully complete an academic contract is subject to suspension or dismissal.
Students are subject to suspension when they fail to satisfy the conditions of the academic contract or fail to achieve good academic standing while on probation. In these situations, a judgment is made by the dean that the student’s studies should be interrupted for a designated time period, usually six months or one year, before reinstatement would be considered. Suspended students must present evidence of their ability to continue their studies successfully when applying for such reinstatement into the school of engineering. Upon return, suspended students are subject to an academic contract for their first term back.
Dismissal is a permanent separation from Manhattan College, not just the School of Engineering. A letter of dismissal from the college may be issued to each student failing to satisfy the conditions of the academic contract or failing to achieve good academic standing while on probation. A student may also be dismissed from the college when earning failing grades in all courses attempted in any one term.
Generally, a student not in good academic standing may not enroll in more than four courses or for more than 14 credits, whichever is less. Exceptions to this limitation require the written permission of the Assistant Dean or the Dean of Engineering.
Engineering students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in:
CHEM 101 | General Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 103 | General Chemistry Laboratory I | 1 |
CHEM 102 | General Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM 104 | General Chemistry Laboratory II | 1 |
MATH 185 | Calculus I | 4 |
MATH 186 | Calculus II | 4 |
MATH 285 | Calculus III | 4 |
PHYS 101 | Physics I | 3 |
PHYS 102 | Physics II | 3 |
as required by the program of study, before enrolling in any 300 level engineering courses. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required in MATH 286 Differential Equations prior to taking any 400 level engineering courses.
In addition, the following program-specific courses are also included in those which are allowed no more than three grades less than a C (i.e., no grades of C-, D+, or D).
CHEM 309 | Physical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 310 | Physical Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM 319 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 320 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM 323 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory I | 2 |
PHYS 201 | Wave Theory of Light and Matter | 3 |
A student is permitted no more than three grades below a C (2.0) in engineering courses. If a student earns less than a C (2.0) in more than three engineering courses, the student must repeat one or more of the courses with a grade of C (2.0) or higher. The course(s) to be repeated will be determined in consultation with and approval of the Assistant Dean of Engineering.
In addition, all CMPT and MATH courses required for any engineering program and any mathematics and science elective courses are also included in this requirement. Additional courses may be added during the period of this catalog so students are advised to contact the chair of their department or the Assistant Dean of Engineering to determine if they will need to repeat a course in which they earn a grade of C- (1.67) or lower.
General Education Requirements For Engineering Majors
A graduate of the School of Engineering is expected to be technically competent in the chosen program of study and also prepared as a citizen, an advocate, and a leader in the complex world of the 21st century. A broader education beyond science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses is expected of the modern engineering graduate. STEM courses must be augmented and balanced by courses from other disciplines such as English, foreign languages, history, religious studies, communication, sociology, education, political science, business, and economics.
The EAC of ABET requires that engineering program curricula offer a professional component which must include “a broad education component that complements the technical content of the curriculum and is consistent with the program and institution objectives.” In order to meet ABET requirements and institutional objectives, students graduating from an engineering program at Manhattan College must successfully complete the following general education requirements:
- ENGL 110 First Year Composition 3 credits (required of all students)
- RELS 110 The Nature and Experience of Religion 3 credits (required of all students)
- Religious Studies - Additional 6 credits with students selecting one course from Elective Group A (Catholic Studies) and one course from Elective Group B (Global Studies and Contemporary Issues)
- Humanities, Social Sciences or other approved courses – 12 to 15 credits (depending on the engineering program) from subject areas such as modern foreign languages (200 Level or higher), religious studies (beyond the 9 credits described above), fine arts, history, philosophy, English, political science, economics, psychology, sociology, business and education.
A list of acceptable courses can be found in the annually updated School of Engineering Advising Manual. Additional restrictions may be applied and final acceptance of all courses meeting the general education requirements are subject to approval by the Office of the Dean of Engineering.
Guidance Program
The guidance and advisory program for students in engineering follows the pattern established for the entire college. First-year students are advised by the Assistant Dean and Academic Advisor in the office of the Dean of Engineering. The chairs or designated faculty members of engineering departments act as advisors to upper division students. Those students may also receive guidance and advice through the office of the Dean of Engineering. The phone number for the office of the Dean of Engineering is (718) 862-7281.
Departmental faculty members are available to advise junior and senior students with respect to career opportunities in their major, as well as the program of study.
Student Societies
Student chapters of several national engineering societies have been established at Manhattan College to assist the student in becoming familiar with the engineering profession: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Other organizations of special interest to engineering students include: American Chemical Society; Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers; Society of Women Engineers; American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Engineers; The New York Water Environment Association; and the Society of Automotive Engineers. Chapters of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering), Omega Chi Epsilon (Chemical Engineering), Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering), Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering), and Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering) honor societies have been chartered at Manhattan College to recognize students who excel in scholarship and leadership. Membership in these national honor societies is open to juniors and seniors.
Certification For Graduation
The Dean of the School of Engineering must certify that a student has satisfied all requirements for their program of study prior to graduation. The dean may approve program modifications, if necessary, to meet program requirements.
Chemical Engineering Courses
CHML 201. Chemical Engineering Materials Science. 3 Credits.
Atomic structure; crystallographic concepts; relationship of structure to properties of metals, ceramics and organic materials. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium relationships of multiphase materials. Methods for changing properties of materials. Three lectures, three-hour laboratory every week. Fall. Prerequisite; CHEM 101.
CHML 202. Chemical Engineering Materials Science Laboratory. 1 Credit.
This is the laboratory portion of CHML 201. Three hour laboratory every week, 1 credit, Fall.
CHML 205. Introductory Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.
A course that develops the concepts of energy, equilibrium, and reversibility for chemical engineering students. These principles, along with basic fluid mechanics, are incorporated into process applications commonly seen in the chemical industry. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, MATH 185, Corequisite: CHEM 102.
CHML 207. Process Calculations. 3 Credits.
Introduction to chemical engineering with principal emphasis on material and energy balance calculations. Application to chemical and environmental processes undergoing physical, chemical and thermal changes. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, MATH 185 (or MATH 103). Corequisite: CHEM 102.
CHML 208. Chemical Engineering Principles I. 3 Credits.
Introduction to fluid mechanics. Dynamics of fluids in motion; laminar and turbulent flow, Bernoulli's equation, friction in conduits; flow through fixed and fluidized beds. Study of pump and compressor performance and fluid metering devices. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: CHML 207. MATH 186 (or MATH 104).
CHML 209. Chemical Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.
Application of the first and second laws to chemical systems. Thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and mixtures, phase equilibria and chemical equilibria. Thermodynamic analysis of industrial processes. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: CHML 205, MATH 286 (MATH 201). Corequisite: MATH 286.
CHML 211. Chemical Engineering Principles I Fluids Lab. 1 Credit.
A practical, hands-on understanding of fluid mechanics phenomena is critical to the successful practice of chemical engineering, and the design of chemical processes. The laboratory course provides basic exposure to equipment commonly used to move fluids and to measure the regimes, characteristic, flow rates, and energy losses during fluid flow. Experiments include measurement of hydrostatic forces and viscosity, friction losses during flow through circular pipes, Reynolds number estimation, orifice and venture meters for flow metering, and pump characteristics. Spring. Co-requisite: CHML 208.
CHML 305. Chemical Engineering Principles II. 3 Credits.
Theory and practice of heat transfer. Fundamentals of conduction and convection, with application to design of heat transfer equipment and systems. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: CHML 207, CHML 208, MATH 286.
CHML 306. Separation Process Design I. 3 Credits.
A study of the principles of mass transfer operations. Application to the design of stagewise and continuous separation processes with emphasis on absorption and distillation, and equilibrium stage operations. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 209, MATH 286.
CHML 316. Computer Simulation and Design. 3 Credits.
Use of modern simulation software to solve problems arising in chemical engineering processes and unit operations with an emphasis on material and energy balances and equipment specification. Pre-requisites: CHML 209, CHML 305, CHML 306, ENGS 116. Corequisite: CHML 321.
CHML 321. Chemical Reaction Engineering. 3 Credits.
A review of reaction rate theories, rate equations, reaction order, and reaction velocity constraints. Development of equations for batch, tank flow, and tubular flow reactors. Application of equations to engineering processes. Design of fixed and fluid bed reactors. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: CHEM 310, CHML 209, MATH 286.
CHML 339. Separation Process Design II. 3 Credits.
Design of equipment and systems for separation processes based on rate-controlled-mass transfer. Applications in liquid extraction, absorption, drying, crystallization, and membrane separation. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequiste: CHML 306. Corequisite: CHML 316.
CHML 342. Process Safety and Quality Assurance. 3 Credits.
The management of process hazards in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and process industries has become an increasing concern of legislators, employees, contractors and the public. In response to serious incidents, regulations have been enacted in many countries to establish management systems that identify and control process hazards while maintaining product quality. The major content areas are toxicology; industrial hygiene; toxic, flammable and reactive hazards; source, consequence and dispersion models; overpressure protection; hazards identification; risk assessment and probability. Spring. Co-requisite: CHML 339.
CHML 400. Creativity & Innovation. 3 Credits.
This course invites each student to learn some of the early work in innovation and creativity while exploring their own creativity skills. Being mindful of a diversity of possible majors within the student body, each is asked to consider innovation and creativity within their own major as well as in general.Through this course, students will enhance their skills in creativity and innovative problem solving and thinking with an aim to increasing the originality of their ideas and thereby help generate and sustain high levels of innovation both in a start-up and corporate environments. In addition, the course will lay the foundation of the basic principles of innovation management, open innovation and design thinking, a key cornerstone of evolving corporate innovation strategies.Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisite: Permission from Instructor.
CHML 403. Chemical Engineering Laboratory I. 3 Credits.
Quantitative laboratory studies of operations such as fluid flow, filtration, heat transfer, mass transfer and fluidization which illustrate the fundamentals of momentum, heat and mass transfer. Laboratory safety, technical writing, and oral presentation skills are emphasized. Four hours of laboratory, field trips. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 208, CHML 305, CHML 306.
CHML 404. Chemical Engineering Laboratory II. 3 Credits.
A continuation of the topics in CHML 403. Experimental topics include distillation, drying, fluidization, reaction kinetics, membrane processes, and computer-controlled processes. Laboratory safety, technical writing, and oral presentation skills are emphasized. Five hours of laboratory, field trips. Pre-requisites: CHML 321, CHML 339, CHML 403.
CHML 405. Process and Plant Design I. 3 Credits.
Application of the principles of chemical engineering to the design of chemical processes. The sequence of design methods and economic evaluations utilized in the evolution of a chemical process design, from initial process research to preliminary equipment design, is developed. Students work in three-person groups on a comprehensive plant design. Technical writing required. Two lectures and one two-hour problem period. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 208, CHML 209, CHML 305, CHML 339, CHML 316, CHML 321. Corequisites: CHML 423.
CHML 406. Process and Plant Design II. 3 Credits.
Continuation of process development and design from CHML 405. Application of safety constraints, loss prevention, hazards evaluation, and engineering ethics to design of chemical processes and plants. Computer simulation software used for process design. Industrial review of design projects. Written and oral reports required only randomly assigned process plants. Two lectures and one two-hour problem period. Spring. Prerequisites: CHML 405.
CHML 423. Process Control. 3 Credits.
A study of dynamic behavior of first and second order processes under proportional, integral, and/or derivative control. Includes three liquid level experiments to supplement course material. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: CHML 321.
CHML 428. Petroleum Refinery Processing I. 3 Credits.
Overview of a modern, integrated petroleum refinery:feedstock properties, product slate, and processes used to convert crude and intermediate streams into desirable products. Topics include hydrocarbon chemistry, crude oil properties, fuel product quality, impacts of worldwide environmental legislation, and overall operability and economic performance of refineries. Three lectures.Fall.
Pre-requisite: CHEM320. Corequisite: CHML 405.
CHML 429. Natural Gas Processing I. 3 Credits.
Overview of natural gas industry with emphasis on gas plant operations. Students will develop a working knowledge of the major processes for gas compression, dehydration, acid gas removal and tail gas cleanup, sulfur recovery, cryogenic extraction of natural gas liquids (NGL), as well as LNG production, storage, and transportation. Three lectures. Pre-requisite: CHEM320. Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CHML405.
CHML 431. Chemical Engineering Project. 3 Credits.
An independent investigation, including literature, theoretical and/or experimental studies of a chemical engineering project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. (For students of superior ability.) Written and oral reports required. Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair.
CHML 434. Chemical Engineering Economics. 3 Credits.
Interest, cash flow diagrams, investment balance equation, analysis of economic alternatives (cost only and investment projects) using annual worth, present worth, and discounted cash flow. Effects of depreciation and income taxes. Economic optimization of engineering systems. Three lectures. Prerequisite: Senior Status*.
CHML 452. Advanced Processing Theory. 3 Credits.
The theory of multi phase and reactive flow processes, including: non-newtonian and time-dependent flow, heat transfer at
boundaries, powder and solids processing, surface forces, phase transitions, ripening and sintering, flow with chemical
transformations. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced
coating formulations. Prerequisite: CHML 411 or CHMG 710 or equivalent.
CHML 453. Advanced Processing Techniques. 3 Credits.
Applications of advanced processing techniques for multiphase processes including: multiphase flow, pumping, mixing, homogenization, atomization, drying. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Pre-requisites: CHML 403, CHML 404 or equivalent.
CHML 458. Formulations I. 3 Credits.
This is the first of two formulations courses which are focused on developing the knowledge and skills set necessary
to carry out effective formulation design and engineering of complex fluids to develop products for the cosmetic and
consumer industry. This course will focus on skin care formulations with the aim to develop formulation design rules
to enhance performance attributes such as hydration, photoprotection, tactile and visual sensory. This will be done
through effective engineering of the microstructure-processing-performance linkages for emulsions, complex fluid
gels and creams utilized in skin care. Co-requisite: CHMG 760 or CHML 460.
CHML 459. Formulations II. 3 Credits.
This is the second of two formulations courses which are focused on developing the knowledge and skills set
necessary to carry out effective formulation design and engineering of complex fluids to develop products for the
cosmetic and consumer industry. This course will focus on hair care and make-up formulations with the aim to
develop formulation design rules to enhance performance attributes such as hair conditioning, tactile and visual
sensory. This will be done through effective engineering the microstructure-processing-performance linkages for
structured fluids and semi-solids utilized in producing hair-care and make-up products. Pre-requisite: CHMG 758 or
CHML 460. Emulsion & Polymer Tech. 3 Credits.
This is an introductory complex fluids course with a particular emphasis on emulsions and polymer technologies. The following topics as applied in an engineering context will be covered: advanced characterization including rheology and scattering, physico-chemical aspects and stability of suspensions, emulsions, surfactants and micelles. Polymer science fundamentals required for applications will additionally be covered. Applications include cosmetics, personal care products, adhesives, food technology, pharmaceutical and advanced coating formulations. Pre-requisites: CHEM 310, 320; CHML 308.
CHML 461. Industrial Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry. 3 Credits.
Advanced study of the principles used for pharmaceuticals production with an emphasis on physiochemical processes governing development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical agents and drugs. Technologies covered include aseptic, vaccines, injectables, ophthalmics, ingestible and Oncology. Analysis of quality control processes in conformance with government oversight and regulations, especially the FDA.
Pre-requisite: Senior Status or Approval of Graduate Director.
CHML 462. Manufacturing and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products. 3 Credits.
Systematic study of the unit operations, practices and analysis techniques that are important to the pharmaceutical products industry. Topics covered include agitation, aeration, crystallization, mixing of solids, mixing of complex fluids, analysis of particle size distributions, granulation and blending, pelletizing, encapsulation, principles and practice of freeze drying, and quality assurance and testing.
Pre-requisite: CHMG 761 or CHML 461.
CHML 463. Industrial Regulations&Quality. 3 Credits.
Discussion of a variety of aspects of regulated and quality-driven industries: Regulations - CFR, regulating authorities, regulatory inventories, applications, compliance, and recalls; Quality Systems - Six Sigma@, GXP, and TQM, documentation, measurement, safety, training, and cleanliness; Quality Control Techniques - Validation, ASTM testing, run rules, control charts.
Pre-requisites: Approval of Graduate Director or senior status.
CHML 464. Fundamentals of Engineering for Chemical Engineers. 0 Credits.
This course prepares students for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Chemical Exam. Topics are covered from the areas of mathematics, probability and statistics, engineering sciences, computational tools, material science, chemistry, fluids, thermodynamics, material and energy balances, heat transfer, mass transfer/separations, reaction engineering, process design, process control, safety, and ethics. The course consists of a lecture period followed by problem sets with question and answer sessions. Offered in Spring semester. Pass/Fail. Must have Senior status.
CHML 465. Biopharmaceutical Formulations. 3 Credits.
This course is focused on effective product and formulation design for the biopharmaceutical industry. The course will cover key aspects of biotherapeutic product development including: Formulation design for liquid dosage forms; Development of analytical control strategy such as stability indicating (QC) assays; and Characterization assays through various biophysical techniques. Co-listed with CHMG 765. Senior Status and approval by department chair.
CHML 470. Bioseparations. 3 Credits.
Bioseparations consists of a sequence of recovery and separations steps that maximize the purity of the bioproducts while minimizing the processing time, yield losses, and costs. Topics include: centrifugation and filtration, extraction, membrane separations, electro-kinetic separations, precipitation, crystallization, and chromatography. Students in this course will be expected to submit a special topic assignment. Pre-requisites: CHML306 and CHML339.
CHML 471. Chemical Engineering Project Management. 3 Credits.
Study of planning, construction, operation and control of an industrial chemical engineering project; comparison of senior management, functional management and project management, the role of Engineering Manager, project organization structures, project planning using tools such as the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), use of critical path methods (CPM) and project control; emphasis on the project management concept and its applicability to a wide range of industrial projects; case studies are used to examine specific management issues including staffing, project direction, scheduling, resolving critical issues, and solving team personnel problems.
CHML 472. Bioreaction Engineering. 3 Credits.
Application of engineering principles to biological processes. Topics include enzyme-catalyzed reactions, kinetics of cell growth and product formation; aeration, agitation and oxygen transfer; bioreactor design and scale-up; biological waste treatment, and fermentation laboratory experiments. Three lectures. Prerequisites: CHML 306, CHML 321.
CHML 473. Synthesis & Deposition of Thin Films. 3 Credits.
This course will introduce students to synthesis and deposition of thin films of materials on different substrates for different applications. The course will cover the fundamentals of techniques associated with different classes of materials – metals, polymers, semiconductors, and ceramics. The course will also include guest lectures by researchers from industry and academia as well as hands-on work on a state-of-the-art, polymer Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) instrument located in the chemical engineering department.
CHML 474. Additive Manufacturing: Technologies, Materials & Applications. 3 Credits.
This course will build the technical knowledge base for understanding additive manufacturing technologies including an understanding of the materials, required material science principles and applications. Structural materials (polymers, ceramics, bioinks etc.) in use in additive manufacturing and their forms, the physical models for processing them will be discussed in detail. Technologies including extrusion-based printing, droplet-based printing, powder-based printing, and vat photopolymerization printing will be discussed with respect to printable materials printing parameters, and end-product properties. The course will include a number of team based projects to allow students to apply the learned principles for designing 3D printed components through correct choice of materials/technologies.
CHML 475. Production & Application of Biomaterials. 3 Credits.
Biomaterials encompasses the field of study focusing on producing porous, often proteinaceous, materials which can host living organisms, a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure. The topics include: investigation of the mechanisms of release from polymeric delivery systems of insulin, interferon, growth hormones and vaccines; stimuli-sensitive controlled drug-delivery systems; biodegradable materials as tissue-engineering scaffolds and as drug-delivery matrices. Emphasis will be on the synthesis and application of collagen nanofibrils for environmental engineering, scaffolds, and cell culture.
CHML 480. Basic Principles of Thermal-Fluid Sciences. 3 Credits.
This is one of the two online chemical engineering bridging courses designed to prepare students with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, and other non-chemical engineering fields for graduate study in chemical engineering. This course is not open to undergraduate chemical engineering majors. The course covers core concepts of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Topics include properties of pure substance, first and second laws of thermodynamics, fluid statics, Bernoulli and energy equations, drag and lift during fluid flow, mechanisms of heat transfer, heat conduction, forced and natural convection, radiation heat transfer, and heat exchangers. Permission of department chair is required.
CHML 485. Core Chemical Engineering Concepts. 3 Credits.
This is one of the two online chemical engineering bridging courses designed to prepare students with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, and other non-chemical engineering fields for graduate study in chemical engineering. This course is not open to undergraduate chemical engineering majors. This course covers core concepts of mass and energy balances, chemical reactor design, and separation processes. Topics include (1) elementary principles of chemical processes (material balances, energy balances of non-reactive/reactive processes), (2) elements of chemical reaction engineering (reactor sizing, isothermal reactor design), and (3) design of separation processes (distillation, extraction, and gas absorption). Permission of department chair is required.
Civil Engineering Courses
CIVL 201. Introduction to Civil Engineering. 3 Credits.
Basic components of buildings, and how they are constructed; Topics of soils, excavation, foundations and building loads and materials (steel and concrete); Building design and construction process; How to conduct surveys, read and create maps and drawings in plan and cross-sectional views to scale; Introduction to basic concepts of sustainability and energy efficient green building design; Basic elements of engineering economics. Three hours. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: MATH 185.
CIVL 202. Transportation. 3 Credits.
Principles of transportation and traffic engineering; an introduction to highway design including roadway alignment, stopping sight distance, and horizontal and vertical curves; traffic flow theory and quantification of highway level of service; an examination of multi-modal transportation systems in the context of social, economic, and political considerations; and practical issues regarding data collection, analysis, and evaluation. Fall. Three credits. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: MATH 185.
CIVL 302. Structural Analysis I. 3 Credits.
Analysis of determinate structures (beams, frames, and planar trusses): Loads and reactions, internal resisting forces (axial force, shear force, and bending moment), static equilibrium and superposition, free-body diagrams, shear force and bending moment diagrams, deflections. Three hours. Fall. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: ENGS 230, CIVL 201, PHYS 102.
CIVL 305. Computer Solutions of Civil Engineering Problems. 3 Credits.
Matrix algebra, eigenvalue problems, nonlinear equations, simultaneous linear algebraic equations, numerical integration, initial value and boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations. Three lectures. Fall. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisites: MATH 286, ENGS 230 with a grade of C or better.
CIVL 306. Civil Engineering Materials. 3 Credits.
Study of ferrous and nonferrous metals; physical properties in relation to the phase diagram. Consideration is given to plastics and other materials. The relationship of aggregates and other constituents of concrete and related conditions to the strength and related properties of concrete. Study of physical properties of wood. Study of asphalt properties and application to pavements. One-hour lecture and one two-hour laboratory. Corequisite or Prerequisite: ENGS 230.
CIVL 309. Steel Design. 3 Credits.
Design of steel structures subjected to various loads, such as dead, live, snow, wind, and earthquake forces. Design of tension members, beams, columns, and connections according to the AISC Specifications. Design project. Use of AISC Steel Construction Manuals. Spring. Three lectures. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: CIVL 302.
CIVL 310. Introductory Geomechanics. 3 Credits.
Origins of soil and rock; physical properties of soils and phase relationships; geostatic stresses and effective stress principles; seepage and flownet; one-dimensional compression and consolidation; shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soils. Three lectures. Spring. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisites: ENGS 230, CEEN 303. Corequisite: CIVL 311.
CIVL 311. Soil Mechanics Laboratory. 1 Credit.
Soil description and classification systems; site characterization; index property tests for water content, particle-size distribution, and plasticity characteristics; engineering parameter tests for compaction characteristics, permeability, one-dimensional consolidation, and shear strength. One credit. Three-hour laboratory. Spring. Corequisite: CIVL 310.
CIVL 312. Structural Analysis II. 3 Credits.
Analysis of statically indeterminate structures considering loadings, support movements and thermal effects. Mathematical modeling, virtual work, flexibility method, stiffness method, slope deflection, and moment distribution. Analysis and modeling of structures using general purpose finite element, and structural computer programs. Three lectures. Spring. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisites: CIVL 302, CIVL 305.
CIVL 398. Introduction to Professional Development: Seminar 1. 1 Credit.
A series of lectures and field trips designed to expose students to different facets of the Civil and Environmental Engineering profession. Material will cover current trends in the professional and research fields within the discipline, as well as closely associated disciplines. Students will write papers based on material covered. All three courses will be offered each semester. Students will be required to take all three courses in order to graduate. These courses are only open to Junior and Senior students in the Civil & Environmental Engineering undergraduate program. The cumulative credits in the three courses will count as a technical elective.
CIVL 399. Introduction to Professional Development: Seminar 2. 1 Credit.
A series of lectures and field trips designed to expose students to different facets of the Civil and Environmental Engineering profession. Material will cover current trends in the professional and research fields within the discipline, as well as closely associated disciplines. Students will write papers based on material covered. All three courses will be offered each semester. Students will be required to take all three courses in order to graduate. These courses are only open to Junior and Senior students in the Civil & Environmental Engineering undergraduate program. The cumulative credits in the three courses will count as a technical elective.
CIVL 403. Civil Engineering Economy and Law. 3 Credits.
Economical conditions and law requirements impact on Civil Engineering projects. Time value of money, equivalency, present worth, future worth, depreciation, economic comparisons; Law: contracts, torts and malpractice, patents and copyrights, business associations, commercial law, real estate law, environmental law. Three lectures.
CIVL 404. Geology. 3 Credits.
The origin, nature, and distribution of materials that comprise the Earth; dynamic internal and surface natural processes, with particular attention to their effect on engineered construction. One or more field trips outside the regular class schedule. Three lectures. Prerequisite: Senior Status*.
CIVL 405. Rock Mechanics. 3 Credits.
This course provides the students and civil engineers with a working knowledge of rock mass and processes relevant to exploration, design, construction and performance of large civil and tunnel structures. The course will cover origin and types of rock, rock mass classifications, rock properties, civil engineering projects, fluid flow through jointed rock mass and slope stability.
CIVL 406. Structural Analysis III. 3 Credits.
General introduction to vibration and dynamics of structures. Analysis of multistory and complex frames, bridges and other structures due to wind and seismic loading. Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures. Cables and space frames. Analysis of structures using state-of-the-art structural computer programs. Two lectures, one two-period program session and two hours professional development outside the classroom. Fall. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisites: CIVL 309, CIVL 312.
CIVL 407. Groundwater Resources. 3 Credits.
Legislation and legal considerations. Evaluation of groundwater resources and associated geology and hydrology. Derivation of governing transport equations. Groundwater quality. Analysis of well problems. Systems approach to problems. Study of pollution problems and geothermal energy. Three lectures. Prerequisite: CEEN 303.
CIVL 409. Reinforced Concrete Design. 3 Credits.
Design of reinforced concrete structures. Design of structural members, such as beams, columns, slabs and foundations. Ultimate strength and serviceability requirements, latest ACI Code. Theoretical, practical, and economic considerations. Design projects. Three credits. Two two-period lectures. Fall. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: CIVL 309, CIVL 312.
CIVL 410. Introduction to Geotechnical Applications. 3 Credits.
Application of geomechanics principles to analyzing and designing foundations and slopes. Topics covered in detail include: shallow and deep foundations; unsupported-slope stability; lateral earth pressure theory and its application to basement, rigid, and flexible retaining walls; overview of ground improvement methods and technologies; overviews of construction and constructability. Three credits. Two two-period lectures. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisites: CIVL 309, CIVL 310. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIVL 409.
CIVL 411. Capstone Structural Design. 3 Credits.
This course provides the students with a culminating design experience in which they will use the skills and knowledge gained throughout the curriculum to work as a team on a real design project. Three credits. Two two-period lectures and design; two hours professional development outside the classroom. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisites: CIVL 309, CIVL 406 CIVL 409. Corequisite: CIVL 410.
CIVL 412. Highway Design. 3 Credits.
Design standards and geometrics of highways; traffic volume and flow related to geometrics; earthwork estimations and economic analysis of highway alternates; basic pavement and roadside drainage design; planning, locating, and designing a highway segment. Three lectures. Spring.
Prerequisite: CIVL 202 and Senior Status or Permission of Chair.
CIVL 413. Hydraulics. 3 Credits.
Looping pipe systems, three-reservoir problem; open channel flow, non-rectangular channels, critical flow at bridge piers and humps, backwater calculations, surface curves; unsteady flow, discharge under varying head, unsteady flow equation, water hammer, surge tanks; introduction to coastal hydraulics; hydrology, stream flow system analysis. Three lectures. Spring Prerequisite: CEEN 303, CEEN 307 with a minimum of C grade.
CIVL 414. Introduction to Construction Management. 3 Credits.
Introduction to principles of project management; procurement and project delivery methods, roles, responsibilities, and risks; phases of a project; overview of budget estimating, time value of money (engineering economics), planning and project scheduling; understanding the financial, management, safety, and sustainability aspects required for successful project completion. Senior Standing or Permission of Chair.
CIVL 415. Civil Engineering Projects. 3 Credits.
Individual student research or design projects, utilizing computer methods, experimentation and literature surveys. Proposal and report required. Under the sponsorship of a civil engineering faculty member; must be approved in writing by the Chairperson; for students of superior ability. Prerequisite: Senior Status*.
CIVL 416. Fe Prep. 0 Credits.
CIVL 417. Civil Engineering Practice. 3 Credits.
This course presents non-engineering skills needed to prepare students for professional careers in engineering. Through classroom lectures, workshops, collaborative projects and professional presentations from guest speakers, students will learn how the following are essential to an engineers full professional life: Public vs. Private Sector employment opportunities:Diversity;Ethics;Legal and Financial Matters; Public Involvement;Social Media; Client Relations; The Competitive Process; Program Management;Project Management;and Leadership.
CIVL 418. Trans Eng Capstone Design. 3 Credits.
This course is the capstone design course in transportation engineering. It is a project based course focusing on the design of roadways, highways and bridges according to the AASHTO, ITE Best Practices, and other state guidelines and codes.
The students will work in groups and are responsible of submitting several written reports and participate in a technical oral presentation. In addition, the course will focus on Highway Funding; Travel Forecasting; Ethical Practice; Design Standards and Geometrics; Interchanges and Intersections; Parking; Traffic Control Devices; Highway Maintenance; Roadside Design; Earthwork; Traffic Flow and Capacity Analysis. Spring.
CIVL 419. Civil Engineering Projects. 3 Credits.
Individual student research or design projects, utilizing computer methods, experimentation and literature surveys. Proposal and report required. Under the sponsorship of a civil engineering faculty member; must be approved in writing by the Chairperson; for students of superior ability. Pre-requisite: CIVL 415, Senior Status.
CIVL 420. Bridge Engineering. 3 Credits.
Planning and design of highway bridge projects. Bridge Engineering will include analysis and design of both superstructure and substructure. Design will be based on LRFD and the specifics of bridge loading according to AASHTO specifications. Design project. One three-hour period. 3 credits. Pre-Reqs: CIVL309, 409, 410, 412 all with a grade of B or better.
CIVL 424. Essential Traffic Control. 3 Credits.
Traffic Control design for roadways and intersections. The history, design, and implementation of traffic control devices including markings, signs, signals, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Layout of text and pictograms for signs. Timing of static and actuated traffic signals, sensor placement, and intersection geometry. ITS components including fiber and wireless communication, cameras and monitors, and operational protocols. Efficient and automated toll collection methods. Two lectures (One on campus, one remote). Prerequisite: CIVL 202. Corequisite: CIVL 412.
CIVL 425. Airport Design. 3 Credits.
Airport design standards for airside operations based on aircraft characteristics. Topics include aircraft performance, airport layout, site location, wind analysis, runway geometric design, obstruction analysis, taxiway design, lighting/marking/signage, air traffic control and airfield pavement.
Prerequisite: CIVL 202; Corequisite: CIVL 412.
CIVL 426. Advanced Pavement Engineering. 3 Credits.
Advanced pavement design methods including mechanistic, empirical and mechanistic-empirical methods; pavement distresses and distress survey methods; advanced destructive and non-destructive tests on asphalt mixtures to determine mechanistic properties and structural condition of pavement layers; pavement maintenance techniques and rehabilitation methods; Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for pavement structures.
CIVL 428. Structural Renovation. 3 Credits.
In renovation, repair, retrofit, or adaptive reuse projects on existing structures, practicing engineers are faced with unique challenges that often require a combination of in-depth knowledge of material properties and durability, construction practice and detailing (including historic construction systems), and structural analysis and design. This course will offer a review of various aspects of structural repair and rehabilitation projects, while examining structures, components, and systems of various types and materials. The students will learn about challenges of investigation, typically the first step in any repair and rehabilitation project on existing structures. Use of visual, non-destructive, and destructive investigative methods will also be discussed. Then, focus will shift to a review of available information sources, known deterioration mechanisms, recognized repair techniques, as well as typical strengthening and alteration options as they apply to repair and rehabilitation projects involving various structure types (concrete, steel, wood, and masonry). Finally, the course will focus on a review of options for repair and retrofit of building lateral systems and facades.
Cross-listed with CIVG 508.
CIVL 440. Special Topics in Civil Engineering. 1 Credit.
CIVL 441. Special Topics in Civil Engineering. 3 Credits.
Topics of current interest to senior civil engineering students. The scope and content of the course will be decided by the instructor. Permission of chair is required to take this course. Prerequisite: Senior Status.
CIVL 445. Wood Structures. 3 Credits.
Mechanical properties of wood; orthotropic nature
of wood as a material, dimensional instability, susceptibility to biological deterioration, implications
of duration and types of load. Design of solid, laminated and composite beams, columns, shear walls,
diaphragms, roofs, and trusses. Behavior and design
of mechanical connections. Introduction to light
framed wood structures, arches, bridges, and other
timber structures. Prerequisite: senior standing and permission of the Chair. Three credits
Cross-listed with CIVG 505.
CIVL 446. Tsunami Loads & Design Provisions. 3 Credits.
Introduction to the calculation of tsunami induced loads and structural design provisions
required by the ASCE 7 Standard. Topics include; history of tsunami events, application of
tsunami design zone maps, tsunami risk categories, tsunami flow characteristics, calculation of
inundation depths and flow velocities based on runup, calculation of hydrostatic
loads, hydrodynamic loads and debris impact loads on structural systems, structural
performance evaluation of buildings. Pre-requisites: CEEN 303 and CIVL 406; can be taken with CIVL 406.
CIVL 498. Introduction to Professional Development: Seminar 3. 1 Credit.
A series of lectures and field trips designed to expose students to different facets of the Civil and Environmental Engineering profession. Material will cover current trends in the professional and research fields within the discipline, as well as closely associated disciplines. Students will write papers based on material covered. All three courses will be offered each semester. Students will be required to take all three courses in order to graduate. These courses are only open to Junior and Senior students in the Civil & Environmental Engineering undergraduate program. The cumulative credits in the three courses will count as a technical elective.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Courses
CEEN 303. Fluid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
Fluid properties; fluid statics; calculation of static forces on submerged objects; fluid flow; flow balances; derivation and application of the Bernoulli equation; analysis of pressure pipe systems; force of fluid; head loss; pipe friction losses; minor friction losses; open channel flow; rivers; road drainage; partially full pipes; fluid measurement. Three lectures. Fall. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: ENGS 206. Corequisite: CEEN 304.
CEEN 304. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. 1 Credit.
Application and verification of principles of fluid mechanics. Three hours. Fall. Corequisite: CEEN 303.
CEEN 307. Hydraulic Design. 3 Credits.
Hydrology; river hydraulics; peak discharge estimation; detention basin design; water distribution systems; storm sewer design; sanitary sewer design. Four design projects: river flood and bridge analysis using HECRAS; storm sewer design for a subdivision using SWMM; water system design for a town using EPANET; sanitary sewer design for a subdivision using SWMM. Three credits. Two lectures, one two-hour project period. Spring. Must earn no grade lower than a C. Prerequisite: CEEN 303.
CEEN 308. Reliability Analysis in Civil and Environmental Engineering. 3 Credits.
Statistics, data analysis and inferential statistics, distributions, confidence intervals. Application of statistics and probability theory in civil engineering disciplines; structures, water resources, transportation, environmental, and geotechnical. Three lectures.Fall. Prerequisite: MATH 286 (or MATH 203), ENGS 230 with a minimum of C grade. Prerequisites: ENGS 230, MATH 286.
CEEN 309. Environmental Law. 3 Credits.
A course exploring a particular topic within United States Government. Specific topics vary and are announced by the Dept.
This course is cross-referenced with GOVT325, Special Topics: U.S. Govt.
CEEN 314. Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes. 3 Credits.
The general theory and the various applications of unit operations in both potable water and wastewater treatment including discussion of related water and wastewater quality standards and regulations. Unit processes include coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and activated sludge. Laboratory sessions will introduce students to standard water and wastewater treatment practices that are currently used in industry. Prerequisite: CHEM 102, ENGS 204. Prerequisite or corequisite: CEEN 303 or CHML 208 or MECH 318.
CEEN 401. Sustainable Water Resource Engineering. 3 Credits.
An examination of water resource issues at local, regional and global scales. Special emphasis will be placed on the effects of climate change on water resources, restoration of aquatic ecosystems, and methods of low-impact development and green infrastructure. The course will include an examination of water resources policy and regulation, sustainability principles and concepts, water issues in the developing world, water supply protection, approaches to flood damage control, watershed management and water quality. Control and emerging water resource issues in the New York City and the Tri-state areas will be used as case studies.
CEEN 402. Introduction to Geoenvironmental Engineering. 3 Credits.
Application of geotechnical engineering in the design and analyses of environmental systems. Waste Disposal, waste containment systems, waste stabilization. Engineering design of solid and hazardous waste landfills. Groundwater monitoring at landfill sites. Use of geosynthetics in containment system design. Slurry walls and other containment systems. Three lectures. Spring. Cross-listed with CIVG 501.
CEEN 405. Construction Planning and Scheduling. 3 Credits.
This course deals with the planning and control of
construction projects.This course will cover topics
on time schedules for materials, labor, equipment,
expediting material delivery and bar charts. Emphasis on the theory behind the scheduling techniques used in the construction industry such as
Critical Path Methods (CPM),precedence diagrams
and Program Evaluation Review Techniques
(PERT). Three credit
Cross-listed with COMG 605.
CEEN 406. Building System Design. 3 Credits.
In this course, students will gain familiarity with the various systems required within buildings. Students will gain knowledge of various code issues as they relate to buildings and building construction. Systems covered will include, Mechanical & HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing/Sanitary, Fire Production, and Life Safety. The course will also address the interaction between building systems as they relate to the Architectural and Structural components of buildings. The course will also address the evolution of building systems, and what to expect in the coming years. At the completion of this course, students will be able to identify as well as understand the purpose of the major components of building systems and understand how they relate to the overall building. Cross-listed with COMG 606.
CEEN 411. Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects. 3 Credits.
To provide the student with an introductory overview of the environmental law system including the legal & regulatory process. To acquaint the student with the major Federal (e.g. NEPA), state (e.g. SEQRA), & local (e.g. CEQR, ULURP, zoning) environmental impact legislation and procedures affecting the practice of engineering. To provide the student with the tools necessary to find, understand, use and comply with relevant laws, regulations, codes, forms, premitting, etc. To familiarize the student with real world practice applications of environmental laws and regulations to major construction projects. To enhance understanding of the interaction of the environmental law system with engineering through case studies.
Cross-listed with COMG 611.
CEEN 414. Contracts and Specifications. 3 Credits.
Fundamental concepts of contract law. Types and selection of contracts, e.g. construction. Procedures for advertising, awarding and administering contracts. Specifications and their cost impacts. Liability of engineers. Engineering professional services. Cross-listed with COMG 614.
CEEN 415. Project Controls. 3 Credits.
The course will start with a discussion of Project controls systems involved in Design and Construction of Projects. It will then move into an introduction and examination of two specific Control Systems. First CPM Scheduling including Cost/Resource loading. The student will become intimately familiar with the industry's leading methodology of scheduling for design and construction. The student can expect to become conversant with the terminology, calculations and computer reporting utilized in CPM Scheduling. Finally the course will examine Cost Engineering aspects for Design and Construction Industry. The student can expect to become conversant in Labor Budgeting and Variance Analysis for a Design/construction firm's effort and the Cost Engineering aspects for Construction of a project. Cross-listed with COMG 615.
CEEN 416. Construction Estimation. 3 Credits.
A key parameter for all types of construction emerges from the answer to the fundamental question: "How much is the work expected to cost?" This course examines the process used by the construction industry to arrive at an answer and how the result fits into the overall construction process. Key concepts covered include quantity and quality takeoffs, assigning costs, and finalizing estimates and proposals. Implementation of classic estimating approaches via spreadsheet models will be stressed using examples of particular interest to Civil, Environmental, and construction Management students. Cross-listed with COMG 616.
CEEN 418. Safety and Environmental Issues in Construction for Engineers. 3 Credits.
This course presents an overview of safety and environmental issues related to construction. Included is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 30 Hour Construction Industry Outreach Training course that is a comprehensive orientation to the federal safety and health standards as well as an introduction of specific safety and environmental construction related issues.To receive the OSHA Certification, the student cannot miss more than one class period during the semester. Cross-listed with COMG 618.
CEEN 420. Construction Project Delivery. 3 Credits.
This course will address the fundamentals of completion of a Construction Project. It will provide guidance on the setting up of a project, developing a project plan, putting together a team from the various groups, such as legal, environmental, real estate, public affairs, all associated engineering disciplines, estimating, scheduling, construction management, procurement, quality assurance, safety, financing, operations and associated stake holders. The course will describe how budgets and schedules are established and used to drive the project. The course will also cover what should be included in a project plan and in monthly reports. At the completion of the course, the students will have an understanding of the various aspects of Project Management and how the Project Manager is able to bring them together so they function as one, much as a conductor does with an orchestra. Cross-listed with COMG 620.
CEEN 422. Construction Accounting and Finance for Development. 3 Credits.
This course gives an overview of the uses of accounting and financial analysis in decision making in a construction and development environment. The course will help construction professionals – both those who are working in the construction industry and those seeking degrees in construction management – learn how the principles of accounting and financial management can be adapted to and used in the management of construction companies and project management. Students will review accounting concepts, rules, regulations and report requirements as they apply to construction and development and discuss the financial tools needed to understand the financial statements and financial positions of development and construction projects. This course requires minimal proficiency in the use of the Hewlett-Packard HP 12C calculator and EXCEL or their equivalents. Cross-listed with COMG 622.
CEEN 424. Leadership in Civil Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course covers principles of self-management and leadership. Its focus is on knowledge and skills needed for an engineer to successfully manage and lead oneself, then a project team, and finally, an organization. By better knowing and understanding oneself, defining what one wants to do, effectively communicating it to others, and behaving in an ethical manner, students and civil engineers will have a working knowledge of how to be an authentic manager and leader. Students are required to research, investigate and present case studies on leadership and ethical practices in civil engineering. Cross-listed with COMG 624.
CEEN 429. Sustainable Construction. 3 Credits.
Foundational information as to quantitative and qualitative metrics to the three pillars of sustainability (environment, economy, and society), specific applications of sustainability in the primary areas of civil engineering (environmental, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and construction management fields). Senior standing. Three credits, Fall.
CEEN 430. Water Infrastructure Systems Analytics. 3 Credits.
The course will cover various analytics techniques for optimal planning and operation of water resources systems. Applied techniques include advanced regression, machine learning, nonlinear programming and meta heuristic algorithms, and multi-criteria approach for water resources management. Cross-listed with CIVG 530, ENVG 530.
CEEN 432. Building Information Modeling in Construction. 3 Credits.
The course will introduce the students to the applications of BIM in construction. In this course the student will learn the following.
1. How technology is used in construction, specifically for coordination, logistical, estimating and cost purposes (3D, 4D and 5D).
2. BIM and VDC Processes and Workflows during the construction phase.
3. Past, new and upcoming standards used to coordinate buildings and how technology keeps shaping the way we collaborate.
4. Tools and Applications used in construction that support BIM and VDC (Virtual Design and Construction).
Cross-listed with COMG 632. (Proficiency in AutoCAD required).
CEEN 446. Coastal Engineering. 3 Credits.
This is an introductory course in coastal engineering. It blends environmental and civil engineering topics and has a strong focus on design. Topics covered include: Tides, Waves, Storm Surge, Shore Protection, Breakwaters, Harbors, Beach Protection, Sediment Transport, Beach Restoration, Floodwalls, Levees. Cross-listed with CIVG 546.
CEEN 450. Energy & the Environment. 3 Credits.
The application of thermodynamics, mass balances and engineering principles to energy production, thermal pollution, air quality, climate change, resource recovery and sustainability. Specific topics include energy consumption; thermodynamics of energy production and energy recovery, air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, the Clean Air Act and air quality standards, atmospheric transport of pollutants, the global energy balance, CO2 emissions and climate change, alternative energy supplies, energy conservation and resource recovery. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: CHEM 102, ENGS 204 with a minimum of C grade. Three credits, Fall.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses
EECE 201. Fundamentals of Electrical System Analysis I. 3 Credits.
This course is an introduction to basic concepts of Electrical Networks, including Kirchoff’s Laws, fundamental analysis of resistive networks using nodal and loop analysis, Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Theorems. Introduction to operational amplifiers as well as capacitive and inductive networks. Transient analysis of first-order systems. PSPICE will be employed for the analysis of electrical networks. Three hours of lecture per week and three-four lab sessions during the semester. Prerequisite: MATH 185 with a Minimum Grade of C. Corequisite: MATH 186.
EECE 203. Fundamentals of Electrical System Analysis II. 3 Credits.
Building on the concepts in EECE 201, this course is an introduction to the transient behavior of 1st and 2nd order systems; AC steady state analysis in the frequency domain; power considerations in single and polyphase circuits; and transformers and magnetically coupled networks. PSpice will be employed for the analysis of electrical networks. Three lecture hours per week and three-four lab sessions during the semester.
Prerequisite: EECE 201 Minimum Grade is C.
EECE 210. Applied Software Engineering I. 3 Credits.
This course introduces hardware-software design applications and computer software development. Students will work with hands-on projects where they will gain an understanding of the relationship between the software they write and the hardware it is controlling. The software portion of the course covers the fundamentals of programming and is divided into three modules that introduce students to the C, C++, and Python programming languages.
EECE 229. Introduction to Digital Systems. 3 Credits.
This course introduces the fundamental principles of the design of digital systems. The material includes number representations, switching algebra, and logic systems for the analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits. Basic design concepts and implementation technology, and the use of HDL and computer-based design tools are also covered. The course will include a course-embedded laboratory component.
Prerequisite: MATH 185 -Minimum Grade is C.
EECE 232. Computer System, Organization & Design. 3 Credits.
This course presents register transfer systems and datapaths, microprocessors, microprocessor architecture and operation, instruction formats, assembly language programming, procedures and parameter passing, system bus timing, interfacing memory and I/O ports, serial and parallel data transfer, and interrupts. C-language programming for hardware device interfacing is introduced. A course-embedded laboratory will be included.
Prerequisite: EECE 229.
EECE 303. Signals and Systems I. 3 Credits.
Modeling and analysis of continuous-time systems. Convolution of signals and representation of linear time invariant systems. Fourier series. The Fourier Transform and its applications. The Laplace Transform and its applications to continuous-time systems. Stability of continuous time systems.
Prerequisite: EECE 203 - Minimum Grade is C.
EECE 304. Signals and Systems II. 4 Credits.
The Sampling Theorem. The Z-Transform and discrete-time systems analysis. Stability of discrete-time systems. Design of analog and digital filters. The Discrete Fourier Transform and its applications. The Fast Fourier Transform. State-space analysis. Four hours of lecture per week and three-four lab sessions during the semester. Prerequisite: EECE 303.
EECE 305. Electronic Systems I. 4 Credits.
Terminal characteristics of solid-state devices. Power supply design. Transistor circuit biasing. Graphical analysis of transistor circuits. Small signal transistor circuit models and gain analysis. Selected lab sessions during the semester. Prerequisite: EECE 201- Minimum Grade is C.
EECE 306. Electronic Systems II. 4 Credits.
Multistage transistor circuit analysis and design. Frequency response of electronic circuits. Operational amplifiers. Power amplifiers. Digital electronic circuits. Selected lab sessions during the semester. Prerequisite: EECE 305.
EECE 307. Mathematical Methods for Electrical & Computer Engineering. 4 Credits.
Application of the basic principles of Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra to representative areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Subject matter includes review of vector and matrix methods and techniques with subsequent utilization in areas of Circuit Analysis, Linear and Control Systems, Power Systems, and Electromagnetics, with specific consideration given to the role of vector operators in Maxwell’s Equations Prerequisites: MATH 186; Minimum grade is C.
EECE 308. Mathematical Methods for Electrical and Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
Application of the basic principles of Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra to representative areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Subject matter includes review of vector and matrix methods and techniques with subsequent utilization in areas of Circuit Analysis, Linear and Control Systems, Power Systems, and Electromagnetics, with specific consideration given to the role of vector operators in Maxwell's Equations. Prerequisite: MATH-186 with a minimum grade of C.
EECE 311. Applied Electromagnetics. 3 Credits.
An introduction to the principles of Electromagnetics with particular emphasis on waves and their applications. Topics will be chosen from: nature of electromagnetism; fields; transmission lines (lumped parameter models, lossless lines, open- and short-circuit models, standing wave ratios, transient responses, impedance matching); radiation; fiber optics; telecommunication systems. Prerequisites: EECE 307 and MATH 286.
EECE 312. Signals & Systems II. 3 Credits.
The Sampling Theorem. The Z-Transform and discrete-time systems analysis. Stability of discrete-time systems. Design of analog and digital filters. The Discrete Fourier Transform and its applications. The Fast Fourier Transform. State-space analysis. Prerequisite: EECE 303.
EECE 315. Probability and Statistics for Electrical & Computer Engineering. 4 Credits.
Application of the basic principles of Probability and Statistics to areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering involving uncertainty and randomness in Signals and Systems. Principles include discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, moments, and characteristic functions; empirical distribution functions; parameter estimation; confidence limits; linear regression; hypothesis testing; and statistical approaches to engineering decisions. Topics for consideration are taken from Communications, Power Systems, Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Control Systems and are used to both develop and illustrate principles and their application. Prerequisites: MATH 285; Minimum grade is C.
EECE 316. Probability and Statistics for Electrical and Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
Application of the basic principles of Probability and Statistics to areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering involving uncertainty and randomness in Signals and Systems. Principles include discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, moments, and characteristic functions; empirical distribution functions; parameter estimation; confidence limits; linear regression; hypothesis testing; and statistical approaches to engineering decisions. Topics for consideration are taken from Communications, Power Systems, Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Control Systems and are used to both develop and illustrate principles and their application. Prerequisites: MATH 285 with a minimum grade of C.
EECE 320. Applied Software Engineering II. 3 Credits.
This course gives an introduction to the concepts of object-oriented software development, and hardware integration. The course covers the basics of object-oriented Java programming, interaction of JAVA with hardware. It also introduces the student to the Integrated Development Environments, Agile Software Development, and UML (Unified Modeling Language). Pre-Requisite EECE 210 and EECE 229.
EECE 321. Embedded Systems Design. 3 Credits.
This software-hardware oriented course emphasizes the components and techniques used in the embedded systems with applications in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Topics include embedded system architectures, WSN topologies and implementation techniques, IoT system architecture, and software implementation using the C programming language. Prerequisite: EECE 232.
Cross-listed with ECEG 721.
EECE 326. Instrumentation Systems. 3 Credits.
Detection, acquisition, and analysis of information from the environment. Topics will include: sensors and measurement methods, instrumentation and transducers for the measurement of signals, information conditioning, computer control of data acquisition, and interpretation of results. Pre-requisites: EECE 303, EECE 305.
EECE 329. Modeling Techniques in Electrical & Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
The application of computing techniques for the simulation and modeling of complex electrical, electromechanical and computer hardware systems. Models will be developed that will allow simulation to replace the cost of expensive experimental work on the actual engineering systems. The course will focus on efficient mathematical modeling of real-world engineering systems.
EECE 400. Industrial Electric Drives (IED). 3 Credits.
Hands-on experiments and demonstrations in industrial electric drives, requirements placed by mechanical systems on electric drives, and their role in various applications such as flexible production systems, energy conservation, renewable energy and transportation. Power electronics in drives using switch-mode converters and pulse width modulation to synthesize the voltages in dc and ac motor drives. Design of a controller using Matlab /Simulink. Prerequisites: EECE 303, EECE 305.
Cross-listed with ECEG 700.
EECE 403. Trustworthy AI Applications in Electrical & Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
Recently ethical, legal, and privacy consequences on humanity and environment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have received increased attention. This course examines the trustworthiness of AI foundations related to data preparation, algorithm design, systems development, and deployment in electrical and computer engineering applications. Legal frames are investigated on how AI’s processes of development and deployment could be adapted for safety goals. As case studies, AI electrical and computer engineering applications will be examined for ethical aspects, fairness, privacy, and liability.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 703.
EECE 404. Bioinstrumentation. 3 Credits.
Design principles of biomedical devices, bioelectronics, medical nanodevices, transducers, sensors, interface electronics, microcontrollers, and engineering programming. Signal modalities, bioelectrical signal monitoring, acquisition, analysis, and processing. Case studies and platform-based designs of medical devices, and instrumentation. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306. Cross-listed with ECEG 704.
EECE 409. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing. 3 Credits.
This course provides students with essential skills in performing penetration testing, vulnerability identification, and risk mitigation. Students will utilize advanced tools to detect and exploit vulnerabilities in target network environments.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
EECE 410. Capstone Design I. 3 Credits.
This course is the first semester of a year-long effort in which senior ECE students, working in teams or individually, complete a project under the direction of a faculty coordinator and mentor. The project must address a question of importance related to electrical and/or computer engineering. In this first semester, students will: identify the problem to be investigated; research the associated topics including relevant literature; develop the engineering tools (e.g., application software, HLLs) as needed or appropriate; develop a comprehensive plan for completion of the project; and complete any necessary preliminary testing or feasibility studies. The plan must reflect those normally produced by professional engineers in similar assignments. The team members will meet frequently with the faculty mentor to discuss and evaluate progress. The faculty mentor will lecture on those topics common to such projects as well as any technical material that is necessary.
Prerequisite: EECE 304 & EECE 306 & EECE 315 & (EECE 320 or EECE 326).
EECE 411. Capstone Design II. 3 Credits.
Students will complete the engineering design undertaken in EECE 410. The outcomes to be achieved are consistent with those specified in the ABET general engineering criteria. In particular, when completed, students will have: understood modeling associated with a design; demonstrated skills in using a computer in the course of an engineering design; exhibited critical thinking; have solved an open-ended problem; successfully functioned on an interdisciplinary team; completed a successful engineering design; shown that they can communicate effectively; have understood ethical implications of their efforts; and understood how continued learning is important in refinement of the enterprise. To meet these outcomes, students will be required to make a presentation before the faculty of the department. In addition, students or teams must submit a final report that will be evaluated by members of the department or invited reviewers.
Prerequisite: EECE 410.
EECE 416. NERC Standards & Operation. 3 Credits.
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards and related compliance concerns in relationship to operational principles of the power systems. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 737.
EECE 417. Mobile App. & Cybersecurity. 3 Credits.
The proliferation of smart mobile systems gives rise to new areas of security vulnerability. This course explores the security considerations associated with smart consumer mobile devices, smartphones, mobile telecommunication systems, and sensor networks. Topics include smartphone security, mobile location privacy, and wireless sensor security. Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 717.
EECE 418. Intro to Power Electronics. 3 Credits.
Topics of importance in Power Electronics including techniques for the design of Electric Vehicles, highly efficient power supplies, power factor correction and motor control systems . High voltage DC to AC power conversion methods . Vehicle battery design and charging issues. Laboratory experience with semiconductor electronic switching devices and different motor types.
Prerequisite: EECE 304 and EECE 306. Cross-listed with ECEG 718.
EECE 419. Senior Project A. 1-3 Credit.
Independent investigation, under the guidance of an approved advisor and the sponsorship of an electrical engineering faculty member, terminating in a final report, and when feasible, a tested design. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 420. Senior Project B. 1-3 Credit.
Independent investigation, under the guidance of an approved advisor and the sponsorship of an electrical engineering faculty member, terminating in a final report, and when feasible, a tested design. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 423. Imaging & Inverse Problems in Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems. 3 Credits.
This course addresses the foundations of inverse problems in robotics and IoT systems. The list of topics includes image sensors; different types of noise; Gaussian and Poisson distributions; estimation techniques; denoising; total variation regularizations; weak signals and photon limit; variance stabilizing transforms; motion estimation under noise; noise estimation. Foundations covered in this course are emphasized with a class project.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 424. Hardware/Software Design Trade off Techniques. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to promote the skills of computer engineering students in the areas of software and hardware integration and related ECE applications. This course focuses on the use of .NET Gadgeteer to program and configure hardware. Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library and Windows programming will be highlighted. Several topics will be covered, including Windows architecture, message-driven programming, dialog-based application development, SDI and MDI applications, Device Contexts, and database access. At the end of the course, a comprehensive project covering key concepts in hardware programming is assigned.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
EECE 425. Control Systems Design. 3 Credits.
Principles of linear feedback control systems. System modeling. Transient response and steady-state error analysis. Stability and analysis of systems from Routh-Hurwitz, Nyquist, and Root Locus viewpoints. Controller design and compensation techniques. Prerequisite: EECE 303.
EECE 427. DSP System Design. 3 Credits.
The design of modern digital signal processing software and hardware using actual DSP devices, analog interfacing to DSP hardware. A review of Signal processing concepts, design of FIR & IIR filters, design of algorithms for computing the FFT and Inverse FFT, analog interfacing hardware on the DSK board, the use of the MatLab Signal Processing package as a part of the overall DSP system design process. Prerequisites: EECE 304.
EECE 433. Photonics. 3 Credits.
Introduction to Optical Engineering. Principles of reflection and refraction of light. Geometrical Optics: lenses and optical instruments. Elements of Lasers, Light Modulators and Detectors. Optics from a systems perspective, Diffraction and Interference of light waves. Coherent optical signal processing. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 434. Bulk Power System Operation. 3 Credits.
Operation of the bulk electric power system in North America. Basic types of high voltage equipment and station configurations. Methods and equipment to control power flow and voltage levels on the power system. Prerequisite: EECE 203 Minimum Grade is C.
Cross-listed with ECEG 734.
EECE 436. Computer Graphics. 3 Credits.
Basic concepts of computer graphics systems include display devices, graphics software and the display of solid objects. Point plotting procedures, line drawing algorithms and circle generators. Displays and controllers, storage and refresh devices. Two dimensional transformations; clipping and windowing. Graphics software; windowing functions, display files; geometric models. Interactive raster graphics. Three-dimensional graphics including surface display, perspective and hidden surface removal. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 765.
EECE 437. Introduction To Quantum Concepts and Computing. 3 Credits.
Classical and quantum bits (Qubits). Quantum states as Hilbert space vectors and their matrix representations. Operators, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Bloch sphere representation of a qubit. Quantum postulates and elements of quantum dynamics. Evolution of a two state system. Quantum gates and elements of system architecture. Criteria for successful quantum computation. Some current problems in system realization.
Prerequisite: EECE 307.
EECE 438. Multimedia Techniques. 3 Credits.
Introduction to multimedia, PC architecture and assembly language basics. Color TV and video concepts. PC audio standards, the MIDI music standard, and audio signal processing. Multimedia presentation and authoring techniques. HTML authoring and the fundamentals of the World Wide Web. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 439. Protective Relays. 3 Credits.
Analysis of faulted power systems, symmetrical and asymmetrical systems, transient stability, emergency control and system protection.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 738.
EECE 441. Robotics. 3 Credits.
Introduction to the operation of industrial manipulators. Robotic theory includes homogeneous coordinate transformations, kinematics and dynamics of articulated manipulator arms, and elements of feedback control theory. The design of hardware and software used for motion control. Introduction to computer vision and artificial intelligence. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 442. Computer Vision & Imaging. 3 Credits.
Detection, image formation, and engineering design of vision and imaging sensors and systems. Unmanned aerial and underwater imaging systems, biomedical image recognition, medical image understanding, inspection, and robotics applications. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 742.
EECE 443. Biomedical Imaging Systems. 3 Credits.
Engineering and physical principles of biomedical modalities, as applied to clinical diagnostics and pharmaceutics, gene arrays and Omics imaging technologies central to the detection process, system design, data analysis and classification. Clinical examples. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 743.
EECE 445. Medical Device Miniaturization. 3 Credits.
Engineering design of miniaturized medical devices, operating on electrical, and quantum principles, with reduced form factor and weight, while reducing power consumption and boosting performance. Integration trends, functionality, scalability, reconfigurability. Case studies and platform-based designs of miniaturized medical devices, such as medical implantable devices, heart monitors, pacemakers, video cameras.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306. Cross-listed with ECEG 745.
EECE 447. Image Processing & Pattern Recognition. 3 Credits.
Digital image processing for manipulation and enhancement of images, development of advanced techniques for object recognition, object classification, image reconstruction, image compression, and feature extraction. Computational analytic and interpretive approaches to optimize extraction and use of imaging data. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306. Cross-listed with ECEG 747.
EECE 448. Applied Machine Learning for Electrical & Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
Fundamental concepts, methods, and technologies of machine learning. Design, modelling, implementation, and optimization of hardware architectures for machine learning systems.
Machine/deep learning for signal detection, channel modeling, estimation, interference mitigation, and decoding. Performance analysis and evaluation of machine learning techniques in
communication and networks systems. Machine learning for emerging communication systems and applications, such as drone systems, IoT, autonomous navigation and robotics, edge computing, smart cities, and vehicular networks.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 748.
EECE 449. Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles. 3 Credits.
History of the UAV, basics of mechatronic design, common sensor payloads, high-definition cameras, sonars, lidars, vision and imaging design parameters. Major design challenges, laws and regulations, operations and safety. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 749.
EECE 453. Applied Bioinformatics. 3 Credits.
Bioinformatics principles applied to microscopic and biomedical image acquisition methods and applications, methods and applications of image analysis and related machine learning, pattern recognition and data mining techniques, image oriented multidimensional. Methods and applications for the analysis of post-translational modifications, proteomic, mass spectroscopic, and chemoinformatic data. Prerequisite: EECE 315.
Cross-listed with ECEG 753.
EECE 455. Bionanophotonics. 3 Credits.
Nanoparticles for optical bioimaging, optical diagnostics and light guided and activated therapy. Use of nanoparticles platforms for intracellular diagnostics and targeted drug delivery, PEBBLE nanosensors. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 755.
EECE 456. Drug Delivery Systems. 3 Credits.
Instrumentation, devices, and techniques to characterize the physiochemical, optical properties, and in vitro immunological, biological, and stability characteristics of drugs delivery, proteins, and nanomaterials. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 756.
EECE 457. Bioinspired Robotic Vision Systems. 3 Credits.
Animal vision combined with human vision and cognition can provide a source of inspiration for the design and development of novel computational, efficient, and robust electro-optical vision systems. The underlying philosophy of this course is to introduce new evolutionary cognitive vision systems that use artificial neurons to mimic the functions and characteristics of the human brain and drive improvements in costs, efficiency, and processing.
Students taking this course will develop an integrative knowledge of bioinspired vision systems and artificial intelligence algorithms as well as the impact of biomimetic vision on a large gamma of imaging and robotic vision systems, and modalities. As a result, the students will be inspired towards the conception, and design of novel bio-inspired vision robotic applications, systems, and techniques for different segments of industry, autonomous systems, healthcare, defense, and consumer electronics.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 757.
EECE 458. Cybersecurity Systems. 3 Credits.
Cybersecurity as it relates to systems and then on the engineering principles for secure systems. The course focuses on the differences between threats and vulnerabilities, examples of cybersecurity attacks and events, frameworks, requirements and principles for securing systems.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 758.
EECE 459. Quantum Cryptography. 3 Credits.
Methods that seeks to solve the problem of how to securely send cryptographic keys between two parties by encoding them within light particles, or photons. Quantum cryptography and key distribution technique. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 460. Big Data, & Deep Learning for Electrical & Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
This class will focus of how to extract actionable, non-trivial knowledge from unstructured, heterogenous, massive number of data sets using machine learning and deep learning techniques. On the tool's side, we will cover the basic systems and techniques to store large volumes of data and modern systems for cluster computing based on MapReduce patterns such as Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark, and Flink. FPGAs, GPUs, and neuromorphic processors with emphasis on edge, fog, and cloud computing architectures, industry, manufacturing communications, autonomous navigation systems, IoT, systems, remote sensing.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 767.
EECE 461. Network Security Systems. 3 Credits.
Theoretical and practical aspects of network security. Security of TCP/IP applications; firewalls; wireless LAN security; denial-of-service defense.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 761.
EECE 462. Data & Applications Security. 3 Credits.
Explore principles, technologies, tools, and trends in data and application security within software and hardware systems. Topics include data security fundamentals, access control models and policies, secure applications development practices, secure software and hardware architectures, trusted computing principles. Prerequisite: EECE210 and EECE321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 760.
EECE 464. Database Management Systems (DBMS). 3 Credits.
Software and hardware design problems for DBMS; an overview of database systems, data manipulation languages, normal forms, machine architectures. This course will focus on basics such as the relational algebra and data model, schema normalization, query optimization, and transactions. Case studies on open-source and commercial database systems are used to illustrate these techniques and trade-offs. More topics can be added by the instructor. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 465. Quantum Computing. 3 Credits.
This course provides a theoretical and practical treatment of quantum computing. Topics covered include brief quantum mechanics history, and the postulates of quantum theory. Dirac notation, quantum operators, composition, entanglement, and measurements. Quantum Computing via quantum circuit model: Description of qubit and universal set of gates. Simple quantum protocols: teleportation, superdense coding. The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm and the Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm. Grover’s algorithm for searching. Entanglement and Bell’s theorem. Quantum communications and quantum error correction. Applications in cybersecurity, cryptography, financial modeling, drug development and artificial intelligence; Senior Status
Cross-listed with ECEG 777.
EECE 466. Green Energy Sources. 3 Credits.
This course presents basic information on Energy outlook, interconnection issues of distributed alternate energy resources, efficiency of power production, electric energy conversion and storage (fossil fuel, nuclear, hydro, solar, fuel cells, wind, and batteries). This course also explores the different energy link integration methodologies using Matlab/Simulink
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 768.
EECE 467. Physical Electronics. 3 Credits.
Exploring the operation of electrical and electronic devices, focusing on the internal physical laws that determine their utility and limitations. Thermal, optical, electrical, magnetic and quantum properties; energy audit, waves. Transducers, heat sinks, diodes, solar cell, LED, TEDs, FET, memories, nanostructure. Three lectures. Prerequisite: PHYS 101 and PHYS 102 with Minimum Grade is C.
EECE 469. Introduction to Remote Sensing. 3 Credits.
This course is intended to provide an introduction to remote sensing of objects with applications in defense and environment. The course covers the basic principles of image sensors and techniques, image interpretation, remote sensing theory, and digital image analysis in relation to optical, thermal and microwave remote sensing systems. Examples of remote sensing applications will be presented along with methods for obtaining quantitative information from remote sensing imagery.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 769.
EECE 470. Introduction to Space Systems. 3 Credits.
This course is intended to provide the fundamental principles of space systems, in terms of electro-optical sensing, robotic vision, and imaging. Critical space missions such as monitoring of the integrity of spacecraft structures, detection of debris, object recognition and classification will be presented and discussed. Defense and commercial applications will be introduced and discussed.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 770.
EECE 471. Artificial Intelligence Applications in Electrical & Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course introduces methods for designing computer visualization, robotics, and IoT systems utilizing artificial intelligence, and machine vision. The following topics specifically related to the area of electrical and computer engineering will be covered: classification algorithms, information transference human/machines, single-agents and multi-agent Systems (MAS), expert systems, engineering knowledge presentation, automated planning, uncertain knowledge, reasoning in engineering design, simple and complex decision making, and time varying systems.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 729.
EECE 472. Computer Networks. 3 Credits.
The course describes and investigates Local and Wide Area Networks. Description of topologies and protocols for ETHERNET and TOKEN RING. The OSI model and applicability to LANs. IPX/SPX and TCP/IP protocols. Protocols stacks for PC'S. Server based and peer to peer networks. Network operating systems including NETWARE and NT Server Connectivity devices, hubs, bridges, switches, and routers. The Internet and Internet access. WANs including ATM, SONET, ISDN, and other high speed networks. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 473. Operating Systems for Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
A study of the modular design of operating systems and device drivers. Demand paging and virtual memory; scheduling algorithms, race conditions between processes; file systems, real time operating systems analytic tools for the evaluation of operating systems. Computer engineering applications. Prerequisite: EECE-232 or equivalent. Lecture with embedded lab.
Cross-listed with ECEG 728.
EECE 474. Modern Communication Systems. 3 Credits.
Digital and analog wireless and wired communications systems, including satellite communications and personal mobile communication systems. Techniques used in modern communication systems such as source coding, channel coding, multiplexing, multiple access, spread spectrum, cellular concepts. Passband digital transmission, and basics of cognitive and software radio. Lecture +Labs. Prerequisites: EECE 303 and EECE 315.
EECE 475. Computer Network Architecture. 3 Credits.
This course focuses on providing the skills and knowledge necessary to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small branch office Enterprise network, including configuring a switch, a router, and connecting to a WAN and implementing network security. A Student should be able to complete configuration and implementation of a small branch office network. Finally, this course will link the contents to the modern networking elements such as Network Function Virtualization and the Software Defined Networks.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
Cross-listed with ECEG 727.
EECE 476. Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures for Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
Objected-oriented programming, classes, objects, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism. Data structures, list, trees, stacks, queues, search trees, hash tables, sorting algorithms. Applications to computer engineering problems. Labs. Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
EECE 477. Power & Energy Systems. 3 Credits.
Modern power system/energy conversion operation. Models for interconnected power grids, transmission lines, transformers, and power flow analysis. Development of basic power flow digital simulation programs and run power labs. Prerequisites: EECE 303 and EECE 305.
Cross-listed with ECEG 736.
EECE 478. Applied Data Mining for Engineers. 3 Credits.
This course will provide students with an understanding of fundamental data mining methodologies and with the ability to formulate and solve problems with them. Special emphasis attention will be paid to practical, efficient and statistically sound techniques. Hands-on experience with data mining software, primarily R, to allow development of basic execution skills. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 705.
EECE 482. Grid Integration of Wind Energy. 3 Credits.
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with various essential aspects in harnessing wind energy and its conversion and delivery as electricity. A broad understanding of essential elements in wind-electric systems: turbines, wind- plant development and their integration into the utility grid, environmental impacts, wind forecasting and more. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Cross-listed with ECEG 782.
EECE 488. Cyber-Physical Systems Security. 3 Credits.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate physical components and computational capabilities, connected through networks, to interact and collaborate with each other and with the physical world. Security architectures for CPS, secure communication protocols, mitigation strategies, intrusion detection and prevention, and case studies on CPS security incidents. Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
EECE 490. Cybersecurity Systems Fundamentals. 3 Credits.
This course provides a broad introduction and understanding of fundamental principles, concepts and techniques in cybersecurity to develop secure systems and protect sensitive information. It covers various topics, including cryptography, access control, network security, system security in both software and hardware aspects. Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
EECE 491. Special Topics in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
Topics of current interest to senior electrical engineering students. Subject matter will be announced in advance of semester offering. Written permission of the chair is required. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 492. Special Topics in Power Systems. 3 Credits.
Topics of current interest to senior electrical engineering students focusing on power systems. Subject matter will be announced in advance of semester offering. Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
EECE 493. Special Topics in Cybersecurity. 3 Credits.
This course offers an in-depth exploration of emerging and specialized areas within the field of cybersecurity. Topics of current interest to senior electrical engineering and computer engineering students. Subject matter will be announced in advance of semester offering.
Prerequisites: EECE 210 and EECE 321.
EECE 494. Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Electrical and Computer Engineering. 3 Credits.
On a variety of levels, the course explores Artificial Intelligence (AI): systems and tool chains for AI engineers in depth. Topics of current interest to senior electrical engineering and computer engineering students. The subject matter of the course will be announced in advance of the semester.
Prerequisites: EECE 304 and EECE 306.
Engineering Science Courses
ENGS 115. Introduction to Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course is designed around a variety of engineering themes. Each theme is related to one (or more) of the engineering disciplines offered through the School of Engineering. Every theme involves project work emphasizing design, problem solving methodologies, critical thinking, and team participation. All students participate in all projects. A course objective is to acquaint all students with the areas of engineering available through the School in order to assist them in their choice of major. Ethics, professional responsibilities, and economic concerns are emphasized as part of the projects. Fall.
ENGS 116. Introduction to Engineering Computation. 3 Credits.
This course introduces students to computational tools for solving engineering problems,
focusing on both spreadsheet applications (e.g. EXCEL, Google Sheets) and programming (e.g.,
Python or MATLAB). Students will learn how to create spreadsheet solutions using cell formulas,
built-in functions, solver, and graphing tools to organize, analyze, and visualize data. In the
programming portion of the course, students will learn about data types, loops, recursion,
conditionals, arrays, functions, debugging, numerical methods, and the basics of artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Through a combination of lectures and lab sessions,
students will gain the skills to analyze, model, and solve engineering problems using
computational techniques. Lecture/Lab.
ENGS 117. Introduction to Engineering Computation Honors. 3 Credits.
This honors course provides an introduction to computational problem-solving in engineering,
with a focus on advanced programming techniques, computational methods, and modern
technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). Students will learn how to develop algorithms, apply
numerical methods, and write efficient code to solve engineering problems. The course includes
hands-on experience with a programming language (e.g., Python or MATLAB) with instruction on
data types, loops, recursion, conditionals, arrays, functions, debugging, object-oriented
programming, data structures, and the basics of AI and machine learning. Through a combination
of lectures and lab sessions, students will gain the skills to complete challenging engineering
projects that require innovative solutions and efficient code development. Lecture/Lab.
ENGS 201. Materials Science. 3 Credits.
Atomic structure; crystallographic concepts; relationship of structure to properties of metals, ceramics and organic materials. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium relationships of multiphase materials. Methods for changing properties of materials. Three lectures, three-hour laboratory every second week. Fall and Spring. Prerequisite; CHEM 101.
ENGS 202. Materials Science Laboratory. 0 Credits.
This is the laboratory portion of ENGS 201. Performance in the laboratory will be incorporated in the grade received in ENGS 201. Three hour laboratory every second week. Fall and Spring.
ENGS 203. Electrical Systems. 3 Credits.
Elementary electrical concepts. Resistive networks. Nodal and mesh analysis. Dependent sources. Network theorems. Energy storing elements. Transient response of first and second order circuits. Sinusoidal excitation. Phasors. Alternating current steady state analysis. Computer-aided solutions. The curriculum is consistent with the needs of the PE examination. Four hours a week includes problem and laboratory sessions. Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: MATH 186 (or MATH 104).
ENGS 204. Environmental Engineering Principles I. 3 Credits.
Introductory course in environmental engineering designed to provide the foundation for understanding local and regional environmental problems. Topics include mass balance concepts, chemical stoichiometry, reaction kinetics, water quality evaluations for surface and ground water systems, acid rain, risk assessment, water supply, water and wastewater treatment processes, and treatment of hazardous waste. Three lectures. Fall. Must receive a minimum grade of C. Prerequisites: MATH 185, CHEM 101.
ENGS 205. Introductory Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.
Definitions of energy systems, properties, and unit systems. work, heat, and the first law of thermodynamics in open and closed systems. Applications to compressors, pumps, turbines, heat exchanger, and nozzles. The second law of thermodynamics and its effect on energy systems. Must receive a minimum grade of C. Students may only repeat the course two times, after which they are subject to dismissal from the engineering program. Four lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: MATH 186 or MATH 188, CHEM 101, PHYS 101. (Cr. 3).
ENGS 206. Statics. 3 Credits.
Vector quantities, forces, and moments; resultants of force systems; free body diagrams and static equilibrium; analysis of truss, frame, and machines in static equilibrium; dry friction; belt friction; first and second moments. Three lectures. Fall and Spring. Must receive a minimum grade of C. Students may only repeat the course two times, after which they are subject to dismissal from the engineering program. Prerequisites: MATH 186 or MATH 188, PHYS 101.
ENGS 220. Dynamics. 3 Credits.
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum; introduction to mechanical vibration. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisite. ENGS 206.
ENGS 230. Introduction Solid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
Analysis of stress and strain due to axial, torsional, and flexural loads; beams, shafts, columns. Elastic deformation under axial, flexural, and torsional loads. Statically determinate and indeterminate problems; principles of superposition and compatibility. Elastic column buckling. Three lectures. Fall and Spring.
Must receive a minimum grade of C. Students may only repeat the course two times, after which they are subject to dismissal from the engineering program. Prerequisite: ENGS 206.
ENGS 301. Engineering Professional Development I. 0 Credits.
This zero credit course is offered in order to enable an undergraduate engineering student to receive recognition for participating in professional development activities, including seminars, workshops, meetings, field trips, mentoring, etc. This course meets three hours a week and is graded P/F. May be repeated.Only offered in the Fall semester.Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor.
ENGS 302. Engineering Professional Development II. 0 Credits.
This zero credit course is offered in order to enable an undergraduate engineering student to receive recognition for participating in professional development activities, including seminars, workshops, meetings, field trips, mentoring, etc. This course meets three hours a week and is graded P/F. May be repeated. Only offered in the Spring semester. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or chair.
ENGS 401. Internship for Engineering. 0 Credits.
This zero credit course is offered so that an engineering student may receive recognition on the academic transcript indicating participation in this type of experiential learning. May be repeated.
ENGS 402. Service for Engineering Students. 0 Credits.
This zero credit course is offered so that an engineering student may receive recognition on the academic transcript indicating participation in organized service activity. This course is graded P/F. May be repeated. Fall, Spring and Summer. Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor.
ENGS 410. Student Experiential Research. 3 Credits.
This course is for those students who wish to participate in summer research with a faculty member and receive college credit. This course may be used as a technical elective in some engineering programs.
ENGS 478. Sustainability Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course is the undergraduate equivalent of ENGG 678 Sustainability Engineering. Options for sustainable energy utilization are discussed with regard to the current state of the technology, the opportunities for future development and the potential environmental and economic impact. This course will focus on specific renewable energies and materials. Sustainable energy solutions, such as, solar energy, utilization of wind power, geothermal and oceanic thermal processes, hydroelectric tidal and wave technologies, biofuels, and a systems approach to sustainable energy solutions are presented.
Environmental Engineering Courses
ENVL 204. Foundation of Envl Engineering. 3 Credits.
Introductory course in environmental engineering designed to provide the foundation for understanding local and regional environmental problems. Topics include mass balance concepts, chemical stoichiometry, reaction kinetics, water quality evaluations for surface and ground water systems, acid rain, risk assessment, water supply, water and wastewater treatment processes. This is a bridge course and is only open to non-engineers who will be enrolling in the Environmental Engineering Masters Program. Permission of Environmental Engineering Graduate Program Director required.
ENVL 304. Foundations of Fluid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
Fluid properties; fluid statics; fluid flow; flow balances; derivation and application of the Bernoulli equation; analysis of pressure pipe systems; force of fluid; head loss; pipe friction losses; minor friction losses; open channel flow; rivers; road drainage; partially full pipes; fluid measurement. This is a bridge course and is only open to non-engineers who will be enrolling in the Environmental Engineering Masters Program. Permission of Environmental Engineering Graduate Program Director required.
ENVL 316. Environmental Engineering Field Applications. 3 Credits.
Undergraduate combined lecture and laboratory course will introduce students to environmental analyses used in water and wastewater treatment processes, as well as field sampling techniques and sample analyses. Students will be introduced to the statistical analysis and interpretation of environmental data. Field trips to water and wastewater treatment plant sites included.
ENVL 402. Environmental Data Analysis & Process Design. 3 Credits.
Basic theory of physical, chemical and biological processes. Data analysis and material balances and their use in developing design criteria. Design criteria of various unit processes. Selection and design aspects of equipment and instrumentation used in water and wastewater treatment facilities. Prerequisite: CEEN 314 with a grade of C or better.
ENVL 406. Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes. 3 Credits.
Basic principles of groundwater hydrology and subsurface contaminant transport. Construction and use of flow nets; pumping well and aquifer response under confined and unconfined conditions. Contaminant sources, transport, adsorption and degradation; the behavior of contaminant (non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in the subsurface. Design of groundwater extraction systems, subsurface cutoff walls, caps, and emerging technologies for soil treatment. Three lectures. Fall. Must earn a grade no less than a C. Prerequisites: ENGS 204, CEEN 303, CEEN 305.
ENVL 407. Groundwater. 3 Credits.
Basic principles of groundwater hydrology and subsurface contaminant transport. Construction and use of flow nets; pumping well and aquifer response under confirmed and unconfirmed conditions. Contaminant sources, transport, and retardation; the behavior of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLS) in the subsurface. Design of groundwater extraction systems, subsurface cutoff walls, caps, and emerging technologies for soil treatment.
Prerequisite: ENGS 204
Cross-listed with ENVG 507.
ENVL 408. Environmental Engineering Design. 3 Credits.
Engineering design concepts applied to environmental facilities and infrastructure. The course may include the design of new or upgraded facilities such as water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, industrial treatment plants and hazardous waste treatment systems. All designs will include: data analysis to establish basis of design: process selection and sizing; plant layout and siting; major equipment and instrumentation selection and sizing; energy and chemical requirements; overall plant mass balances and cost analysis; hydraulic profile. Two lectures and one two-period design sessions. Spring. Prerequisites: ENGS 204, CEEN 305, CEEN 307, ENVL 406 or ENVL 402 with a minimum C grade, Senior Status or permission of the Chair.
ENVL 409. Environmental Chemistry. 3 Credits.
An introduction to the chemistry of natural waters and the atmosphere. The application of the principles of physical and analytical chemistry to the solution of problems related to environmental engineering and science. Includes a unit on relevant properties of organic compounds that are relevant to the environment and public health. Cross-listed with ENVG 508.
ENVL 410. Hazardous Waste Design. 3 Credits.
Fundamentals of hazardous waste management and treatment design. Includes review of current hazardous waste regulations, groundwater and air contaminant fate and transport concepts, and risk assessment. Primary focus on the treatment processes including air stripping of volatile compounds, bioremediation of contained aquifers and soils, and incineration. Emerging treatment technologies will also be presented. Spring.
ENVL 417. Environmental Law. 3 Credits.
ENVL 425. Surface Water Quality Modeling. 3 Credits.
Principles governing the transport and fate of contaminants in rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs. Water quality standards, transport processes, water quality modeling for water-borne disease, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient enrichment. Engineering controls to meet water quality objectives and case studies are presented. Computer solutions to some problems are required. Cross-listed with ENVG 505.
ENVL 439. Environmental Engineering Projects. 1-3 Credit.
Environmental Engineering Projects
Individual student research or design projects, utilizing computer methods, laboratory experimentation, field studies and literature surveys. Proposal and report required. Under the sponsorship of an environmental engineering faculty member. Must be approved in writing by the chair. For students of superior ability. Fall, Spring.
ENVL 505. Surface Water Quality Modeling. 3 Credits.
Principles governing the transport and fate of contaminants in rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs. Water quality standards, transport processes, water quality modeling for water-borne disease, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient enrichment. Engineering controls to meet water quality objectives and case studies are presented. Computer solutions to some problems are required. Three lectures. Fall.
ENVL 517. Environmental Law. 3 Credits.
Introduction to legal aspects of environmental regulations. Historical perspectives and current regulation for air, land and water quality. Application of "cradle to grave" tracking. Three lectures. Fall.
Mechanical Engineering Courses
MECH 211. Technical and Graphical Communication. 3 Credits.
This is an introductory course in the “languages” of mechanical engineering. Topics include: discussion of mechanical engineering principles and concepts; use of Word for report generation (including equations and graphics); use of Mathcad for engineering computation; introduction to orthogonal and isometric views. A main focus of the course is introducing the student to state of the art computer based drafting and solid modeling applications. Two lectures, two-hour laboratory. Fall. Prerequisite: ENGS 116. (Cr. 3).
MECH 230. Introductory Solid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
Analysis of stress and strain due to axial, torsional and flexural loads; beams, shafts, columns. Elastic deformation under axial, flexural and torsional loads. Statically determinate and indeterminate problems, principles of superposition and compatibility. Elastic column buckling. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisite: ENGS 206. (Cr. 3).
MECH 231. Solid Mechanics Laboratory. 1 Credit.
Application and verification of principles of mechanics of solids. Preparation of technical reports and presentations. Three hours. Spring. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MECH 230. (Cr. 1).
MECH 240. Applied Thermodynamics. 2 Credits.
Power cycles and efficiencies; air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump cycles; analysis of moist air systems; design of simple thermal systems. Two lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: ENGS 205. (Cr. 2).
MECH 302. Applied Thermodynamics. 2 Credits.
Power cycles and efficiencies; air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump cycles; analysis of moist air systems; design of simple thermal systems. Two lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: ENGS 205. (Cr. 2).
MECH 303. Special Topics: in Applied Thermodynamics. 3 Credits.
MECH 312. Introduction to Mechatronics. 3 Credits.
A study of the interface between mechanical and electrical systems. Topics include: actuators; sensors; and interfacing elements. The actuators covered include pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical devices, with emphasis on the analysis associated with each system. The sensors portion covers the devices used to obtain information needed for system control, as well as a study of the necessary interfacing components. Other issues addressed will include power sources and operating practices. Pre-requisite: MATH 286.
MECH 314. Engineering Analysis and Numerical Methods. 3 Credits.
A unified treatment of engineering analysis and numerical methods. Solutions of linear algebraic systems using both classical and numerical methods. Analytic and numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Fourier Series. Laplace transforms. Analytic and numerical solution of linear algebraic systems. Pre-requisites: MATH 286 and ENGS 116.
MECH 318. Fluid Mechanics I. 3 Credits.
Fluids properties; fluid statics; integral form of governing equations of fluid motion; dimensional analysis; internal flow (pipe flow); differential form of governing equations of fluid motion. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: ENGS 206. (Cr. 3).
MECH 319. Fluid Mechanics II. 2 Credits.
Flow around immersed bodies; drag and lift. Introduction to boundary layer theory. Compressible flow: one-dimensional isentropic flow; normal and oblique shocks; Prandtl-Meyer flow; Rayleigh and Fanno flow. Two lectures. Spring. Prerequisite: MECH 318.
MECH 320. Special Topics: in Fluids. 4 Credits.
MECH 321. Solid Mechanics Laboratory. 1 Credit.
Application and verification of principles of mechanics of solids. Preparation of technical reports and presentations. Three hours. Spring. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MECH 230. (Cr. 1).
MECH 323. Machine Design. 4 Credits.
Static failure theories and design for steady loading. Design for fatigue strength and reliability. Design of mechanical elements such as fasteners, gears, shafts, and springs. Individual design projects. Four lectures. Fall. Prerequisites: MECH 230. (Cr. 4).
MECH 325. Heat Transfer. 4 Credits.
Conduction, convection and radiation as different modes of heat transfer. Steady and unsteady states. Combined effects. Applications. Four lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: ENGS 205, MECH 318.
MECH 330. Thermal & Fluid Laboratory. 2 Credits.
This laboratory course allows students to perform thermo/fluid experiments to underscore the material that they learn in the thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics classes. This laboratory course also has a component that teaches the students how to construct and perform their own experiments. The material covered in this section includes the mathematical design of an experiment, instrumentation, signal processing, statistical analysis, and data presentation. The students are also required to investigate a physical phenomenon experimentally. Two hour laboratory. Two hour lecture. Fall. Prerequisites: MECH 240, 318, and pre- or co-requisites MECH 319, MECH 325. (Cr. 2).
MECH 332. Finite Element Analysis and Computer Aided Engineering. 3 Credits.
Introduction to the theory of finite element methods; introduction to the variational calculus, one-dimensional linear element, element matrices, direct stiffness method, coordinate systems, introduction to two-dimensional elements. Design process using CAE software. Solid modeling, finite element modeling and simulation. Selected problems in mechanical engineering will be modeled, designed and analyzed and solutions will be compared to those obtained from alternate methods. Two-hour lecture, two-hour laboratory. Spring. Prerequisite: MECH 323. (Cr. 3).
MECH 336. Manufacturing Processes. 3 Credits.
Introduction to metal cutting, and manufacturing processes such as turning, milling, and drilling. Other topics covered include metal shearing and forming, the economics of metal cutting and process planning, inspection and statistical quality control, automation in manufacturing and computer numerical control. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: ENGS 201, MECH 230 (Cr. 3).
MECH 337. Manufacturing Systems Laboratory. 0 Credits.
This lab gives hands-on practice in various computer aided manufacturing processes including CNC machinery, controls, and robotics. Three-hour laboratory every second week. Spring. Prerequisite MECH 314.Corequisite: MECH 336. (Cr. 0).
MECH 338. Special Topic: in Manufacturing System Laboratory. 1 Credit.
MECH 401. Mechanical Engineering Design I. 2 Credits.
Engineering design process, problem definitions, information sources, alternative solutions, technical and societal constraints. Group design project and report. One lecture hour, three design hours. Fall. Prerequisites: MECH 314, MECH 318, MECH 323, MECH 325, and MECH 332.
MECH 402. Mechanical Engineering Design II. 2 Credits.
A continuation of MECH 401. The design project in MECH 401 will be expanded or a model will be built and tested. Students may also start a new project in consultation with faculty. Group or individual design project and report. One lecture, three design hours. Prerequisites: MECH 401 and permission of the Department Chair. Spring. Co-requisite: MECH 401.
MECH 405. Thermal/Fluids Laboratory. 2 Credits.
This laboratory course allows students to perform thermo/fluid experiments to underscore the material that they learn in the thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics classes. This laboratory course also has a component that teaches the students how to construct and perform their own experiments. The material covered in this section includes the mathematical design of an experiment, instrumentation, signal processing, statistical analysis, and data presentation. The students are also required to investigate a physical phenomenon experimentally. Two hour laboratory. Two hour lecture. Fall. Prerequisites: MECH 302, 318, 319, 325. (Cr. 2).
MECH 407. Solid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
Review of principles of solid mechanics and vector methods. Stress-strain-temperature relations, residual stresses and stress concentrations. Beam and column behavior, shear center, torsion of non-circular members, buckling and energy methods. Three lectures. Prerequisites: MECH 230, MECH 314, MECH 323.
MECH 408. Mechanical Engineering Projects I. 3 Credits.
Individual student research or design projects. Where applicable, computer methods, experimental work, and literature study will be used. Proposal and report required. Six to nine hours of project. Taken only with approval of advisor and chair of department.
MECH 410. Mechanical Engineering Projects II. 3 Credits.
Individual student research or design projects. A continuation of MECH 408 for students who have successfully pursued a research or design project and wish to continue it for a full year. Proposal and report required. Six to nine hours of project, (Taken only with the approval of advisor and chair of department.) Prerequisite: MECH 408.
MECH 411. Mechanical Vibrations. 3 Credits.
This course covers the modeling, analysis, and optimization of mechanical vibrating systems. The course starts with elements of a single degree-of-freedom (DOF) vibrating system, and continues with time and frequency response, and application of different single DOF vibrating systems. Multiple DOF system will be introduced and methods of determining their natural frequencies, mode shapes, time response, and frequency response will be covered. Vibration control techniques such as use of a vibration isolator, a vibration absorber, and suspension optimization. Newton and Lagrange methods are used throughout the course. Pre-requisites: MATH 286 and ENGS 220.
MECH 412. Special Topics - Fluid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
MECH 413. Independent Studies in Mechanical Engineering. 1-3 Credit.
Individual student independent study in a Mechanical Engineering topics. Students upon approval of a faculty adviser. Proposal and report required. (Taken only with approval of advisor and chair of department.) One to three credits. Prerequisites: MECH 314, MECH 318, MECH 323, MECH 325.
MECH 414. Engineering Economy & Project Management. 3 Credits.
This course provides a background in company operation and management tools. These include: economics; project planning; forecasting; decision analysis; inventory control; and network analysis. Emphasis will be placed on solving practical problems by using software tools such as Excel and other appropriate analysis tools. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: Senior Status. (Cr.3).
MECH 417. Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering. 3 Credits.
Special topics in mechanical engineering of current interest to undergraduate students; subject matter and prerequisite will be announced in advance of particular semester offering.
MECH 421. Solar Energy Systems. 3 Credits.
Study of solar energy systems with emphasis in solar heating and cooling; design of various types of solar collectors using different materials, working fluids, and geometries; energy storage systems for solar assisted heat pumps; use of solar energy in power generation. Pre-Reqs: MECH325, MECH319.
MECH 422. Thermal/Fluids System Design. 3 Credits.
Design and selection of basic components of typical thermal/fluids systems such as heat exchanger, pumps, compressors, and turbines. System synthesis and optimization. Individual or group design projects. Three lectures. Prerequisites: MECH 240, MECH 318, MECH 325.
MECH 425. Analysis of Hvac Systems. 3 Credits.
Air conditioning systems; moist air properties and conditioning processes indoor air quality, comfort and health; heat transmission in building structures; space heat load; cooling load; energy calculations. Three lectures. Fall. Prerequisite: MECH 302, MECH 325.
MECH 427. Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering. 3 Credits.
Special topics in mechanical engineering of current interest to undergraduate students; subject matter and prerequisite will be announced in advance of particular semester offering. Three lectures. Prerequisite: Senior Status. (Cr.3).
MECH 428. Combustion Systems. 3 Credits.
Basic Cycles for spark ignition and compression ignition engines. Combustion chemistry, flame temperataures, fuels and heating values. Actual versus ideal cycles, equilibrium charts, knock and engine variables. Mechanics of spark ignition and compression ignition engines.s. Three credits.
Cross-listed with MECG 528.
MECH 429. HVAC Systems. 3 Credits.
Design of piping in HVAC systems; pumps and compressors, and their selection; fans, air distribution in buildings and duct design; heat exchangers; refrigeration systems. Three lectures. Prerequisite: MECH 425. (Cr.3).
MECH 431. Structural Biomechanics. 3 Credits.
An introduction to the application of solid mechanic principles.including non-linear behavior, to the human anatomy such as bone, muscle, ligaments, and tendons. The course includes discussions of material properties and behavior; the response of the body to adverse loading; failure and repair mechanism; prosthetic/body interfacing; and prosthetic system design. Issues associated with tissue engineering will also be introduced. Prerequisites: ENGS 230 and Senior status.
MECH 435. Legal Aspects of Engineering. 3 Credits.
An interdepartmental course covering basic legal doctrines, professional-client relationship, design and practice problems. Topics include American judicial system, contracts, quasi-contracts, agency, licensing, client obligations, construction process, copyrights, patents and trade secrets. Three lectures. Prerequisite: Senior Status.
MECH 436. Fundamentals of Engineering. 3 Credits.
Review of the fundamental principles of engineering. Preparation to qualify as a licensed professional engineer. Specific attention is placed on review of the principles that are the basis for questions on the Fundamentals of Engineering examination. Prerequisite: Senior Status.
MECH 437. Biomechanical Instrumentation. 3 Credits.
In biomechanics it is important to be able to measure mechanic variables with accuracy and in an appropriate manner. This course will cover the methods and issues associated with measuring mechanical and chemical properties in a biomechanical environment. This will include identifying the mechano-chemical source of biological signals, measuring basic mechanical properties such as position, pressure, flow-rate and temperature with particular attention being paid to biological applications. In addition, the methods needed to measure different types of radiation will be studies to allow students to understand how radiological equipment is used and controlled.Pre-requisite: MECH 312.
MECH 438. Operation Research. 3 Credits.
Presentation of the analysis associated with managing manufacturing operations. Topics covered will be decision-making, forecasting, materials requirement planning, queuing, project management, and aggregate planning. Three credits.
MECH 439. Manufacturing Process. 3 Credits.
Introduction to metal cutting, and manufacturing processes such as turning, milling, and drilling. Other topics covered include metal shearing and forming, the economics of metal cutting and process planning, inspection and statistical quality control, automation in manufacturing and computer numerical control. Three lectures. Spring. Prerequisites: ENGS 201, MECH 230 (Cr. 3).
MECH 440. Manufacturing System Lab. 0 Credits.
This lab gives hands-on practice in various computer aided manufacturing processes including CNC machinery, controls, and robotics. Three-hour laboratory every second week. Spring. Corequisite: MECH 439. (Cr. 0).
MECH 441. Special Topics. 3 Credits.
MECH 442. Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mechanical Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course will familiarize students with a broad cross-section of models and algorithms in this field. The course will discuss classification algorithms and regression and clustering techniques. The course will include several examples of engineering problems such as Design of Machine Elements, Biomechanics, Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing and Autonomous Vehicles. Three credits.
MECH 446. Manufacturing Systems. 3 Credits.
Group projects emphasizing design for manufacturing, manufacturing system simulation, and prototype fabrication. Concurrent with projects are lectures on modern manufacturing technologies. Two lectures and two-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: MECH 336.
MECH 448. Introduction to Robotics. 3 Credits.
The geometry and mathematical representation of rigid body motion, forward and inverse robot kinematics, robot dynamics, trajectory generation, position sensing and actuation, and the control of manipulators. Three credits. Cross-listed with MECG 548.
MECH 450. Intro to Tissue Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and experience to
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. An introduction to extracellular
matrix (ECM), cell mechanobiology, cell dynamics and tissue organization will be
covered. The application of collagen scaffolds, cell adhesion, cell trafficking, and
molecule delivery in tissue engineering will be discussed. In addition, students are
introduced to the concept of scaffolders tissue engineering and translating
engineered tissues to the patients. Prerequisites: MECH 318 and ENGS 205.
MECH 451. An Intro to Biofluid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
An introduction to the application of fluid dynamics principles, including non-Newtonian flow, the the human circulatory and respiratory systems in health and disease. The course includes discussions of blood flow in the heart, arteries, veins, and microvascular beds; gas transport between capillaries and the surrounding tissue; flow and particle transport in the lungs; gas exchange across the lung's blood-air interface; and the role of hemoglobin in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the circulatory system. Senior Status.
MECH 461. Propulsion. 3 Credits.
Various forms of propulsion will be examined. This will include helicopters, regular propeller
operation, jet engines, gas turbine engines, and turbo-props. The course will start from basic
actuator disk theory and move onto engine design via a thermal/fluids analysis. In addition, basic
rocket operation will be explored.
MECH 462. Aircraft Design. 3 Credits.
A course focused on preliminary design of a commercial airplane. The beginning of the course
reviews incompressible and compressible fundamental aerodynamic principles. These principles
are used to perform initial sizing of a commercial aircraft. Technical drawings of aircraft layout
including cabin layout are produced. Flight performance of an aircraft is evaluated and aircraft
stability concepts are introduced. Pre-requisite of MECH 319.
MECH 468. Astronautics. 3 Credits.
In this course the motion of object in gravitational fields is studied. Governing equations are
derived and applied to study orbits, orbit transfers, and interplanetary trajectories. Vehicle design
for space travel is also examined and includes vehicles delivering payload to the orbit such as
single and multi-stage rockets and reentry vehicles.
MECH 471. Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant systems. 3 Credits.
MECH 471. Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant systems. 3 Credits.
Study of current in-service nuclear plant design, including nuclear plant reactor, reactor auxiliaries, secondary steam plant, and electrical systems; review of the design bases for major systems and components in current operating nuclear plants; evaluation of how the systems function in an integrated fashion. Case studies are used to explore historical engineering and operational issues. New vendor nuclear plant designs are explored and compared to current designs. Three credits. Equivalent to MECG513.
MECH 472. Energy Dynamics of Green Building I. 3 Credits.
The course emphasizes understanding the impact that various environmental systems have on the building design and operation process. Site and climate analysis will be the starting point for defining performance criteria of the built environment. Students will be introduced to analysis tools for interpreting weather data and the fundamentals of occupant comfort. Criteria used to define internal environmental conditions will be discussed as design goal to which all building elements must strive to achieve through systems integration. Three credits
Cross-listed with MECG515.
MECH 473. Analysis&Design Hvac Systems. 3 Credits.
Indoor air quality and human comfort, economy and environmental protection requirements. Heating and cooling loads. Introduction to equipment selection and system analysis.
Cross-listed with: MECG 525.
MECH 474. Introduction to Biomechanics. 3 Credits.
Fundamental concepts and analysis of the engineering associated with human biology. Basic ideas of molecular biology, cell structure and function will be presented along with the mechanics of biological materials: ligament, muscle, and bone. Organ operation will then be examined from an engineering perspective, and will specifically address heart and lung operation. Body dynamics will also be addressed via the examination of walking gait and muscle dynamics. Finally, the engineering involved with the design and operation of artificial joints will be studied along with the instrumentation employed in bioengineering such as bio-imaging. Cross-listed with MECG 531.
MECH 475. Data Driven Problem Solving in Mechanical Engineering. 3 Credits.
Data Driven Problem Solving in Mechanical Engineering. 3 Credits.
This course focuses on the implementation of data analysis to provide optimum solutions to engineering problems. The course will discuss how to; 1) visualize and classify information, 2) identify problems using data analysis and machine learning tools, 3) provide possible solutions and predict outcomes for engineering problems using data mining, and 4) design products and structures informed by data. A broad range of applications within mechanical engineering will be discussed. Three credits.
Cross-listed with: MECG 542.
MECH 477. Flight Mechanics. 3 Credits.
The operation of an aircraft as a function not only the wing but also the engine operating characteristics and overall aircraft parameters. This course develops the analysis needed to calculate flight envelop characteristics, take-off and landing parameters, engine/wing matching requirements, and basic conceptual aircraft design protocols. Three credits. Cross-listed MECG 605.
MECH 478. Introduction to Aerodynamics. 3 Credits.
Pressure distribution and forces on aerodynamic shapes are predicted by using potential flow theory. Incompressible, potential flow governing equations are derived. Equations representing uniform flow, vortices, and potential flow sources are developed, and used to study velocity and pressure fields in some common external flows including airfoils. The study of boundary layers and how they affect the performance of lifting surfaces will be covered. Additionally, a panel method computer code is developed to predict pressure distribution and lift and drag forces on an arbitrary airfoil. Cross-listed with MECG 608.
MECH 481. Energy Management. 3 Credits.
This course covers solid mechanics and material issues associated with the design of an aerospace structure. Students will learn how the structure of aircraft and spacecraft are designed and manufactured and how safety is incorporated at every stage. Students will also receive what are the particular structural material choices that should be made in design. Specifically, fracture mechanics and fatigue failure issues due to cyclical stresses will be reviewed. The safety philosophies used in aerospace structural design, and how they affect design choices will also be discussed. Three Credits. Cross-listed with MECG 614.
MECH 482. Solar Energy System Theory & Design. 3 Credits.
Study of solar energy systems with emphasis in solar heating and cooling of buildings; design of various types of solar collectors using different materials, working fluids, and geometries; energy storage systems for solar assisted heat pumps; use of solar energy in power generation.Three Credits. Cross-listed with MECG 617.
MECH 483. Biomechanics Modeling. 3 Credits.
A rigorous examination of the various components of the human body is covered. These include structural elements such as bones, ligaments, muscles, and the brain. The mechanical properties and behavior of these materials are studied with emphasis being placed on the response of these materials to different loading scenarios. Also, fluid mechanic elements such as the cardio-vascular system and the respiratory system are examined to characterize the interaction between the fluid and organ operation. Particular attention will be paid to the modelling of different parts of the human body via FEA/CFD analysis using nonlinear behavior and material properties. Three Credits. Cross-listed with MECG 631.
MECH 484. Project Management. 3 Credits.
Study of the content, planning, and control of an industrial project; comparison of functional management and project management, the role of the Engineering Manager, project organization structures, project planning, use of critical path methods and project control; emphasis on the project management concept and its applicability to a wide range of industrial projects; the case study method is used to examine a variety of specific management issues, e.g. staffing, controlling and directing the project, identifying and resolving critical issues, anticipating and solving team personnel problems, etc.; various managerial decision tools and project control methods, such as CPM and PERT are discussed. Three Credits.
Cross-listed with ENGG 614.
MECH 485. Design of Aerospace Structures. 3 Credits.
This course covers solid mechanics and material issues associated with the design of an aerospace structure. Students will learn how the structure of aircraft and spacecraft are designed and manufactured and how safety is incorporated at every stage. Students will also receive what are the particular structural material choices that should be made in design.
Specifically, fracture mechanics and fatigue failure issues due to cyclical stresses will be reviewed. The safety philosophies used in aerospace structural design, and how they affect design choices will also be discussed.
Cross-listed with MECG 606.
MECH 486. Control System Theory & Application. 3 Credits.
System model formulation; transfer functions and block diagrams; linear control and feedback systems; root-locus method will be covered along with control hardware and schematic diagrams. Case studies and applications to various engineering systems will be used to introduce students to the principles of control system design. Three credits.
Cross-listed with MECG 730.
MECH 487. Applications of Instrumentation and Data Acquisition. 3 Credits.
Operation, application, and selection of engineering instruments for measuring common engineering variables, e.g. position, velocity, temperatures, pH, force, pressure, strain, flow rate, light intensity, concentration, etc; sensors, data acquisition and processing. Output devices, including logic and actuator operation and selection. Computer-based data acquisition and automated analysis are considered. Cross-listed with MECG 620.
MECH 488. Turbomachinery. 3 Credits.
Review of fundamentals of fluid mechanics, dimensional analysis in fluid machinery; classification and characteristics of fluid machinery (positive displacement, radial, mixed flow and axial); efficiencies; incompressible flow machines (pumps and hydraulic turbines); cavitation; compressible flow machines (compressors and gas turbines); choking and surge.
Cross-listed with MECG 516.
MECH 489. Applied Biofluid Mechanics. 3 Credits.
The efficient flow of water-based liquids and a number of gases in the human body is essential to life. In this course, the principles of fluid mechanics are applied to the solution of a variety of biological flows; such as, blood flow in large arteries and in the capillary bed, and air flow in the lung. Diseases caused by the interruption of normal flow patterns are also considered. Both analytical and numerical solution methods are discussed. Three credits.
Cross-listed with MECG 536.
MECH 512. Energy Conversion. 3 Credits.
Overview of thermodynamic concepts, application of the concept of availability to improve efficiency of gas and vapor power generation systems. Thermodynamics of reacting systems as related to combustion of hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels. Overview of nuclear reactions and solar energy as energy sources. Environmental impact of power plant operation. Introduction to innovative energy sources such as thermoelectric, photoelectric, electrochemical, wind, tidal and geothermal energy. Prerequisite: Senior Status.
MECH 516. Turbomachinery. 3 Credits.
Review of fundamentals of fluid mechanics, dimensional analysis, classification and characteristics of turbomachines, component efficiencies, incompressible and compressible turbomachines; hydraulic and wind turbines. Prerequisite: Senior Status.
MECH 521. Advanced Mechatronics. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and experience to design and build mechatronic systems. The course covers basic transducer operation, controller design and programming, a-to-d and d-to-a issues, and motor selection and use. The course also introduces the students to basic programmable logic controller (PLC) systems and ladder logic. Pre-Reg: MECH312.
MECH 525. Hvac Systems Analysis. 3 Credits.
Indoor air quality and human comfort, economy and environmental protection requirements. Heating and cooling loads. Introduction to equipment selection and system analysis.
MECH 528. Combustion Systems. 3 Credits.
Fundamentals of combustion processes, thermochemistry, equilibrium, adiabatic flame temperature calculations, thermodynamic cycle analyses and performance estimations of turbojets, turbofans, turboshaft, and ramjet engines, preliminary design of liquid and solid propellant rockets.