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Center for Academic Advising & Academic Success

Academic Advising

Academic Advising is integral to the student experience. Through person-centered academic advising, students learn to become engaged members of the Manhattan College community, to think critically about responsibilities and expectations as students, and to prepare for lives of personal, academic and professional success. 

Academic advising is a collaborative relationship between a student and an academic advisor. Through this collaboration, students receive guidance on academic program planning in relation to one’s personal and academic goals. Academic Advisors assist with course registration and preparing students for meeting with their Faculty Advisor. Located in Thomas Hall, they also serve as great resources to refer students to various offices and support services on campus.

Academic Success

The Center is committed to providing student-centered and student-led programs and initiatives designed to enhance learning and promote success and persistence for all Manhattan College students. Students work collaboratively with qualified peers and professionals to develop knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to thrive in the classroom and beyond. Tutoring is in three locations on campus: the Writing Center and the Learning Center in Thomas Hall, the math and engineering tutoring center in Leo Hall, and the Lee Learning Commons in Lee Hall. 

The Center prides itself on its holistic approach to learning and is proud to offer various programs designed to support the entire student body. We provide tutoring designed to support students with their courses by providing them with content-specific assistance accessed through individual in-person or online tutoring. 

Services include peer tutors, writing consultants, supplemental instructors, professional learning specialists, and an English language specialist, all of whom work to support the academic success and learning experiences of all students.