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International Student Services

The office of International Student and Scholar Services provides services for
Manhattan University students and scholars who are in the United States on non-
immigrant F and J visas. These services are designed to aid their transition and study in
New York City. Services include issuing required federal visa documents; assisting with
immigration regulations governing enrollment, employment and travel, and sharing
information on a variety of related issues. The office conducts an orientation session for
all new international students and scholars in August and in January, and available to
connect students with on and off campus resources.
International students and scholars on non-immigrant visas are required to visit the
office of International Student and Scholar Services when they arrive on campus, and
are encouraged to maintain close contact with the office throughout their time at the
University. The office is located in Miguel 100. For further information, contact the Director
of International Student and Scholar Services at (718) 862-7741.