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Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement

The mission of the Manhattan University Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement is to ensure that our graduating students and alumni who desire to continue on to graduate or professional school are provided with the preparation and support to make that transition and to succeed at the graduate level. In addition, we provide every level of support to students and alumni applying to external fellowships. The Center offers individualized advising, centralized resources and information, and programming for students interested in graduate school, research, and fellowship opportunities.

The Center provides a comprehensive and seamless approach to advising on decisions about career pathways and life after Manhattan University. We work closely with the Center for Career Development to provide a warm engaging space where students and alumni can explore their future. Students are encouraged to think about their options for after graduation, considering both graduate school as well as industry opportunities. We help students and alumni identify interests, develop realistic goals, gain relevant and necessary experience, overcome challenges, and make informed decisions. We are also focused helping students understand undergraduate research experience in the context of graduate school, fellowships, and career pathways. We will work with students to determine whether or not graduate school fits in with their own professional development plans.

Applying for Fellowships

The Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement is committed to helping students understand the very competitive process of applying to external, national and international fellowships. We have a faculty committee that reviews student applications for fellowships requiring an institutional nomination, and we work to educate students about different fellowship opportunities. We can provide guidance on exploring fellowships, preparing applications, developing research proposals and preparing for interviews. We can help students explore and identify potential fellowship opportunities that will help them meet their professional development goals.

Preparation for Law School

The Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement works closely with the Faculty Pre-law Advisor, the Center for Career Development, and Alumni Relations to provide advising, resources, and opportunities for students interested in pursuing law school. There is no single major here at Manhattan University that is a prerequisite for applying to law school. In addition, there is no pre-law major or minor. Students that do well in the application process have strong analytic and problem solving skills, critical reading skills, writing skills, communication skills, research skills, task management skills and a dedication to public service and promotion of justice, according to the American Bar Association. Students are also encouraged to join and actively participate in student groups.

Pre-Health Advising and Preparation for Medicine and Dentistry

CGSFA works closely with the Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC), a body of faculty members, to give guidance and support to students interested in careers in medicine, dentistry and allied health fields. We are available to help students investigate their career options in healthcare, and to discuss curricula, activities, internships, research, and application procedures in the health professions. We support candidates through all aspects of the application process, and we work to provide opportunities to prepare students to be competitive applicants to health professions schools.

Health Professions Advisory Committee

The Health Professions Advisory Committee is a group of faculty members who give guidance to students interested in preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry and allied fields. This committee helps students become aware of the course requirements and experiences essential for admission to professional schools. The committee advises students on the selection of programs of study that will give both background in the sciences and a broad liberal education to prepare them for effective participation in the human community. 

The minimum required courses for admission to professional schools are:

BIOL 111
  & BIOL 112

General Biology I
   and General Biology II


BIOL 113
  & BIOL 114

General Biology Laboratory I
   and General Biology Laboratory II


CHEM 101
  & CHEM 102

General Chemistry I
   and General Chemistry II


CHEM 319
  & CHEM 320

Organic Chemistry I
   and Organic Chemistry II


CHEM 323
  & CHEM 324

Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
   and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II



PHYS 101
  & PHYS 102

Physics I
   and Physics II


or PHYS 107
  & PHYS 108

Introductory Physics I
   and Introductory Physics II


Specific schools may require or recommend other courses. Applicants are required to obtain 6-9 credits in English and 6 credits in Calculus I and Calculus II or Statistics.  We strongly recommend foundation courses in Psychology, Sociology, and Biochemistry for students interested in pursuing a medical degree. Students should see an advisor for specific course recommendations.

Pre-Health Minor

The Pre-Health Minor is recommended for students that wish to gain entrance to health professions schools, including medical school, dental school, veterinary school, optometry school, physician assistant programs and other health profession schools.  While students are not required to be a part of the concentration in order to get a committee letter of evaluation from HPAC, students are strongly encouraged to consider enrollment in this concentration to be part of the competitive cohort that applies to health professions schools each year.