Academic Policies & Procedures
All students shall abide by the Manhattan University Community Standards and Student Code of Conduct which can be found at .
For crimes of violence, including, but not limited to sexual violence, or crimes that meet the reporting requirements pursuant to the federal Clery Act, Manhattan University shall make a notation on the transcript of students found responsible through a judicial process pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct. It will be noted that they were "suspended after a finding of responsibility for a Code of Conduct violation" or "expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation." For the student who withdraws from the University while such conduct charges are pending, and declines to complete the disciplinary process, institutions shall make a notation on the transcript of such students that they "withdrew with conduct charges pending." Appeals seeking removal of a transcript notation for suspension can be directed to the Dean of Students and will be heard, provided that such notation will not be removed prior to one year after the conclusion of the suspension. Notations for expulsion will not be removed. If a finding of responsibility is vacated for any reason, any such transcript notation shall be removed.
Each student is expected to be familiar with the academic regulations of the University and the particular requirements for their educational program. The student has sole responsibility for complying with regulations and meeting degree requirements. General academic standards and regulations are set forth below.
Students should also consult the current Student Handbook, which explains University procedures, disciplinary regulations, residence student life and related matters. This handbook is available in the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of the Director of Residence Life.
To be eligible for graduation a student must have satisfactorily completed all the courses required in the program for which they are registered. In following their program all students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses before moving to more advanced work. All students must obtain a minimum average of C (i.e., a cumulative scholarship index of 2.00, computed according to the method set forth in the University Catalog). Students are personally responsible for meeting the degree requirements prescribed in the Catalog at the time they entered Manhattan University.
The grades used to indicate the quality of the student’s performance in every course are as follows: A means excellent, B means good, C means satisfactory, D means poor but passing, F means failing. For the purpose of computing grade point averages, the corresponding numerical equivalents for letter grades will be used:
Grade | Quality Points |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.67 |
B+ | 3.33 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.67 |
C+ | 2.33 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.67 |
D+ | 1.33 |
D | 1.0 |
P | 0.0 |
F | 0.0 |
W Withdrawal. Indicates withdrawal from a course in which the student is regularly enrolled. The student is required to have the withdrawal notification form signed by the instructor of the course and the dean of the student's school. The deadline for withdrawal from a course will be the end of the twelfth week of the semester. In “W” courses, neither quality hours nor quality points are assigned.
AW Administrative Withdrawal - Indicates a student has never attended a course that they were officially registered for.
An AW grade will function the same as a Drop.
UW Unofficial Withdrawal - Indicates a student has stopped attending a course that they were officially registered for.
A UW grade will function the same as an F grade.
P Passing. No quality points assigned.
NC No Credit.
P/F Pass/Fail. In Pass/Fail courses, neither grade influences the grade point average. Credit is awarded for a P grade; no credit for F.
Quality points and quality hours are assigned for every credit attempted at Manhattan except those taken on a Pass/Fail basis, and those for which designations of a W or an I have been assigned. The scholarship index is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of quality hours.
For all students, the cumulative scholarship index is computed at the end of each semester; for those who attend the summer or winter sessions, it is also computed at the end of each session.
GPA Calculation
Computing the Grade Point Index (GPA)
The following is the method by which a student’s GPA is calculated:
1. Multiply the quality points equal to the grade by the number of credits for which the grade was earned
A=4.00 quality points x 3 credits = 12.00 points
2. Add the total quality points earned in a semester
3. Divide by the total number of credits for a semester
The total quality points, divided by the total credits equals the GPA for the semester. To compute a cumulative grade point average, include all MC courses taken to date and divide by the total number of credits for which grades other than W, P, NC, AUD, have been earned or given.
Incomplete Grades
An “I” grade indicates that some requirement of a course has not been satisfied by the end of the term. In all cases, the incomplete work must be completed and submitted to the instructor no later than 45 days from the last day of the term’s final examination period. The faculty member must submit the final grade no later than 50 days from the last day of the term’s final examination period. An incomplete will be converted to a grade of F if the work is not completed on schedule and if the final grade is not submitted on schedule. Extensions for the completion of the work or the submission of the final grade will be granted by the Dean of the school only in highly unusual circumstances. All incomplete grades must be resolved before the student graduates. A grade of “I” does not satisfy the grade requirement for any prerequisite course. The “I” grade must be resolved with an acceptable grade before a prerequisite course can be counted as being successfully completed and before the student is permitted to take any course requiring the prerequisite.
Repeating a Course
Students may only enroll in a course offered at Manhattan University three times to pass that course, excluding withdrawals (W grades). If the student is unsuccessful in passing the course after their third time, they may not enroll in an equivalent course at another institution and transfer in that course in order to continue on their initially intended degree path.
All grades will be shown on the transcript and are included in both the semester and cumulative GPA, unless, the student applies for the grade replacement policy.
Grade Replacement Policy
The Manhattan University grade course replacement policy primarily applies to any student who has not met the minimum required grade for their program of study. Secondarily, a student who has earned a C or less in a course may be allowed to apply this policy to improve the course grade and cumulative GPA. When the student repeats the same course at Manhattan University the higher of the two grades is used in calculating the student’s GPA. The lower grade will remain on the student’s record but will not be used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. No additional credits are earned. All grades earned will appear on the student’s transcript. See requirements below:
Grade Replacement Conditions
- Eligible students wishing to apply the course replacement policy may do so at any time during their undergraduate enrollment, but petitions will not be honored after the degree is awarded.
- Ordinarily, this applies only to the first time a course is repeated.
- Applies to 100 or 200-level courses taken at Manhattan University. The dean of the student’s school will approve or deny the application.
- A student may petition to apply the same policy for a 300 or 400-level course. The dean of the student’s school will approve or deny the student’s petition.
- Ordinarily, it is expected that students repeat a course within a year after first taking it
- Applies to no more than 16 credits of the student’s academic record.
- The grade of the original course will not be removed from the GPA calculation until after the new grade has been completed at the end of the term.
- Only the higher of the two grades is used in calculating the GPA.
- The lower grade remains on the student’s transcript and will not be used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. No additional credits are earned.
- All grades remain on the transcript.
- Grade replacement may not be used to replace a grade assigned as a result of academic dishonesty.
- Does not apply for courses which transfer credits have been awarded.
- Grades of “W” or “AUDIT” will not replace previous grades.
- G.I. Bill ® students and others receiving Veterans Administration benefits are advised that replacement of any grade other than an unsatisfactory grade must be reported to the V.A. and may result in the retroactive reduction of benefits for the semester for which the replaced grade was originally assigned. An unsatisfactory grade may be replaced without similar consequences. Notify the Veteran Certifying Official when applying to use this option.
- Federal and/or state regulations may supersede portions of this policy. For example, students with financial aid are required to follow federal regulations regarding repeating courses. Please consult with the Office of Financial Aid to check how this policy may impact your eligibility for financial aid.
Note: In the future, if you apply for admission to other universities, universities, graduate, and professional schools, or if your record is evaluated by a national testing agency such as AMCAS or LSDAS, both MC grades will likely be included in the calculation of your GPA.
Academic Warning
Students will be considered to be officially on warning when a statement to that effect has been issued from the Dean’s office noting that there is some indication that the student is experiencing difficulty in maintaining the academic standards necessary for graduation. Such warning will usually include an offer of academic counseling.
Academic Probation
The regulations of Manhattan University provide that students are subject to be placed on academic probation when their cumulative grade index falls below the norm for satisfactory academic progress (see above). Students may remove themselves from academic probation by achieving the cumulative grade index consistent with the norms for satisfactory academic progress by the end of the following regular semester. Students on academic probation may be required to take a reduced course load and be restricted from participating in University activities.
Academic Suspension
Students are subject to suspension from the University when dismissal is indicated and a judgment is made that a student’s studies at Manhattan should be interrupted for a designated period of time, usually six months or one year, before reinstatement would be considered. Suspended students must present evidence of their ability to continue their studies successfully when applying for such reinstatement.
Academic Dismissal
Academic dismissal is considered a permanent separation from the University (not just from a school of the University), ordinarily imposed when there is a poor history and prognosis of academic success. Students may be dismissed from the University if they fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards within one semester of being placed on probation or fail to observe the restrictions imposed during probation. Students may also be dismissed from the University when they receive failing grades in all credits attempted in any one semester. Academic Dismissal is noted on the student transcript.
A student may appeal a dismissal decision to the dean of the student’s school. A written appeal for reconsideration must be submitted to the dean within 14 days of being notified of the dismissal, providing a credible explanation for the student’s unsatisfactory academic performance and a compelling reason why the student should not be dismissed. The dean, in consultation with the Provost’s Office, will review the appeal and give the student a decision of acceptance or denial within 14 days after receiving the appeal. The dean’s decision regarding the appeal is final.
If the appeal is granted, a plan for achieving satisfactory academic progress will be prepared by the dean, with a specific timeline. If a student fails to follow or meet the requirements as outlined in the academic progress plan, they will be dismissed from the University. This decision will be final and not subject to appeal.
After dismissal, students may not reapply to the University until they have been away for at least two years. As part of the reapplication process, students must provide evidence that they are now able to successfully make progress toward their degree. Reapplication does not guarantee admittance to the University. If a student is readmitted after a period of two years and is academically dismissed a second time, the dismissal is final and there is no opportunity to appeal.
Withdrawal from the University
Regular Withdrawal
Students currently enrolled in Manhattan University who wish to withdraw from the University, effectively ending their status as matriculated students, must complete the required Manhattan University Withdrawal Form. An appointment should be made with the appropriate Academic Advisor to have an exit interview and to complete the required form. This form must be completely filled out or students will not be eligible for tuition adjustments and may be responsible for paying back any financial aid received from the University. Students will be considered withdrawn on the date that they officially notify the University. Students who withdraw from the University after the last day for course withdrawal will receive a grade of “F” for all courses during the session unless a waiver is granted by the Provost for medical, psychological or emergency reasons. In this case, the student will receive a grade of “W” for all courses during that session.
Administrative Withdrawal
A student may be administratively withdrawn from the University:
- If they fail to register for classes by the end of the add/drop period.
- If they fail to attend classes by the end of the add/drop period.
- If they have not returned to the University or fails to qualify to return to the University when the approved period of leave of absence has expired.
- If they have not returned after academic or disciplinary suspension at the time specified and the period of suspension has not been extended.
- If in extraordinary circumstances a student is unable or unwilling to request a voluntary leave of absence or a voluntary medical leave of absence and there is a clear need to protect the safety of the student and/or others or to protect the integrity of the University’s learning environment.
Retroactive Withdrawal
Retroactive withdrawals from classes are generally not allowed. Under exceptional circumstances, a retroactive withdrawal may be approved if the issue precipitating the withdrawal has been documented and communicated to a student’s advisor before the end of a semester. No retroactive withdrawals will be approved beyond 30 days after the end of the semester.
Medical Withdrawals approved within the 30-day deadline must have an official withdrawal date specified within the term and if no such date is provided, the default date will be one day before the last date of the semester.
Involuntary Medical Leave
If the University determines that a student should be placed on leave due to medical or psychological reasons related to the health and safety of the student, Manhattan University reserves the right to place a student on an involuntary withdrawal from the student’s academic program of study. This may occur when the student is not able or willing to take a voluntary leave and the University has made a reasonable determination that the student poses a direct threat to the health and/or safety of self and others.
Where Manhattan University believes that an involuntary withdrawal is to be considered, the Dean of Students will identify a team of professionals to make a reasoned determination. Included on that decision-making team will be a medical or mental health professional. The student will be informed of the University’s concerns and the pending decision to consider an involuntary withdrawal.
The University reserves the right to notify parents or legal guardians if deemed appropriate under the circumstances and applicable law, including making arrangements for family members to pick the student up from the University’s facilities, house the student or obtain health care assistance.
Reinstatement Following Withdrawal
A student who withdraws or is withdrawn from the University may apply for reinstatement. In order to return to the University from a withdrawn status, a student must make a request in writing to their Dean at least eight weeks before the beginning of the semester to which the student seeks to return. The University reserves the right to require, review and approve documentation that the student is qualified and ready to return to academic work.
In the case of a voluntary withdrawal for medical/psychological reasons or any administrative withdrawal under this policy related to a physical or mental health condition, the student must submit a written progress assessment from a treating health professional as part of the request for reinstatement. The Director of Counseling and Health Services may require a release from the student to discuss current treatment and follow-up needs with the treating health professional, in order to assess whether the student is qualified and ready to return to the University and whether the University can provide the follow-up care needed to maintain the student’s enrollment. The Director of Counseling and Health Services approves the return of all students who have withdrawn or been withdrawn for medical or psychological reasons.
Students who are reinstated following withdrawal from University will comply with the degree requirements of the catalog in effect when they are reinstated.
Withdrawal from a Course
After the Add/Drop period at the beginning of each semester, students are permitted to withdraw from a course without academic penalty until the twelfth week of the semester. Students can withdraw from courses using Self-Service, but will not be permitted to withdraw from all courses using this method. Withdrawing from a course after the Add/Drop period and before the deadline for all withdrawals places a W on the transcript for that course. After the withdrawal deadline at the end of the twelfth week, the student will receive a grade of F for that course, unless there are extraordinary circumstances (such as severe illness) that merit an exception. Students are cautioned to avoid a pattern of regularly accumulating W grades on their transcripts.
Course Requirements
At the beginning of each semester or session, each instructor is expected in each course to state the objectives of the course, indicate the course requirements, and the criteria to be used in evaluating the performance of students. Each instructor is also expected to announce whether a final examination for the course will be given, and likewise, will outline the course requirements and indicate the criteria to be used in evaluating the performance of students.
Attendance Policy
Students are required to fulfill all course requirements as detailed in the course syllabi for their registered courses. Implicit in these requirements is the completion of all course assignments and attendance in all classes.
A student who is absent from class cannot expect the course instructor to provide notes or allow makeup tests, quizzes, or laboratories. The student may incur an appropriate grading penalty for such absences if the penalty was described in the syllabus. Reasonable accommodations for absences are recommended but are solely at the discretion of the course instructor.
If the instructor believes that a student’s failure to attend class is substantially affecting the student’s course grade, then the instructor is strongly encouraged to report the situation to the dean of the school in which the student is matriculated. It is recommended that the Dean be contacted by the course instructor after the student incurs four hours of absences in a course. The Dean will address the situation with the student.
Credit Hour
During the fall and spring semesters, each class shall meet for at least 50 minutes per week per credit hour. Thus, a three-credit course shall meet for at least 150 minutes each week through three 50 minute periods, two 75 minute periods or one 150 minute period.
After the last scheduled class of each semester and during the final exam period scheduled by the Registrar, each class shall have at least 150 minutes of class contact time. This contact time may be used for a final exam or, as appropriate: final project or papers including reflective papers; presentations or other recitations; annotated anthologies; poster sessions; annotated portfolios; fact sheets; question banks; memorandum or briefs; or other instructor supervised activities.
Credit for Off-Campus Courses
Once matriculated into a degree-granting program (major) at Manhattan University (University), a student may not take off-campus courses offered by another accredited institution for transfer to the University without prior written approval from the student’s academic advisor and the student’s dean. A maximum of 12 credits may be taken in off-campus courses after matriculation. Each school may set limitations on what types of courses may or may not be approved for its students that are consistent with the University’s overall requirements.
Credit for courses taken at other institutions by matriculated students of Manhattan University will be recognized under the following conditions:
- Required courses in a major or in a minor may not be taken off-campus except in extenuating circumstances and with compelling reasons, and with the approval of the chair of the major or minor program.
- Only courses from accredited two- and four-year universities and from accredited universities will be considered.
- Written approval to take courses with departmental or school course numbers is obtained in advance. First, the chair of the department offering the course at Manhattan must approve the off-campus course based on the equivalency or substitutability of the course. Second, the Dean of the student’s school must approve the off-campus course based on the chair’s assessment and other circumstances. Online courses are acceptable if approved. Approval to take courses without departmental or school course numbers may be approved by the dean.
- The required form and transcript are filed with the Registrar and the required fee is paid to the Bursar.
- The grade received at the other institution must be equivalent to or higher than the Manhattan University grade of C.
- Grades earned at other institutions will not be transferred to the student’s record at Manhattan University.
- Study-abroad courses do not count toward the 12-credit maximum.
- The required nine (9) credits of Religious Studies courses – RELS 110, a 200-level course in Catholic Studies, and a 300-level course in Global Studies and Contemporary Issues – are at the core of the Lasallian heritage of the University. Generally, these courses will be taken on-campus. These courses are offered in both in-class and online formats by the University. A required RELS course may be taken off-campus if the RELS program does not offer enough openings in the course. Any exceptions will only be permitted for one of the three-credit RELS courses and as part of the overall 12 credits allowed. Any RELS course taken off-campus to meet the nine-credit hour requirement will require review for equivalency or substitutability by the dean of the School of Liberal Arts before approval by the student’s dean.
- Each School may adopt additional guidelines to meet specific accreditation or curricular requirements for its programs.
Leave of Absence
Students currently enrolled in Manhattan University who wish to leave the University in the following semester for personal, medical or psychological reasons, after which they intend to return, should request a leave of absence from the Dean of their School. With approval, a student can take a leave of absence not to exceed one year. Students requesting a leave of absence for medical or psychological reasons must have their requests reviewed by the Director of Counseling and Health Services.
If the request for a leave of absence is approved, a maintenance-of-matriculation registration must be completed and will be used to maintain the student’s matriculation status active during the leave. In addition, the maintenance-of-matriculation registration permits the student, on their return to Manhattan University, to follow the degree program requirements in effect at the time the leave was granted. In special circumstances, a student may apply through their Dean’s office for one (and only one) additional semester of leave by completing a maintenance-of-matriculation registration. If a student is not returning after the approved maintenance of matriculation is over, they must inform their Academic Advisor.
A student whose request is approved will be billed a maintenance-of-matriculation fee.
Generally, students who have been approved for a leave of absence do not need to apply for reinstatement to the University. In addition, any academic scholarships awarded by the University will remain available to them after a one-semester leave of absence, provided they continue to meet the eligibility requirements. Students taking a leave of absence who are recipients of federal Title IV financial aid must consult with Student Financial Services to determine the implications of that leave on their financial aid eligibility.
A leave of absence for medical or psychological reasons requires prior approval of the Director of the Counseling Center. When the leave of absence is granted for medical or psychological reasons, the student can return to Manhattan University only after the Director of Counseling and Health Services has indicated that the medical or psychological condition has been addressed and the student is capable of resuming their studies at Manhattan. To this end, the student will be required to submit a written progress assessment from a treating health professional attesting to the student’s readiness to resume studies at Manhattan University. This documentation must address the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan for the semester of return. The Director of Counseling and Health Services may also require a release from the student to discuss current treatment and follow-up needs with the treating health professional, in order to assess whether the student is qualified and ready to return to the University. The director of counseling and health services approves the return of all students who have been granted a leave of absence for medical or psychological reasons.
If a student is approved for a leave of absence and later is suspended, dismissed or placed on probation as a result of academic issues or suspended or expelled as the result of a judicial decision, these sanctions take precedence over a leave of absence and stand as a matter of record.
Final grades can be viewed on self-service at the end of each semester and at the conclusion of work in the Summer and January Intersessions. Mid-term grades are issued to all undergraduate students to indicate their standing in courses up to that time and to assist faculty and advisors in providing students the necessary guidance they might require. These mid-semester grades are not recorded on the permanent academic record.
Contested Grades
If a student believes that their final grade in a course is not consistent with the grading criteria designated by the course instructor, the student should first discuss the matter with the course instructor. If the student and the instructor cannot resolve the matter in this discussion, the student may discuss the matter with the department chair. Copies of all graded tests, quizzes, and other assignments will be needed.
In the event that the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the discussions with the course instructor and the chair, the student may make a written request to the chair for formal consideration of the problem. This request must be submitted within three weeks after the beginning of the semester immediately following the regular Fall or Spring semester. Included in the request will be an outline of the student’s specific complaints. The chair shall make a detailed investigation and shall notify the student and course instructor of their findings. The student may appeal the findings of the chair to the Dean of the school in which the course was offered. The Dean of the school will respond to the student in writing and will preserve the documentation of the process. When the department chair is the course instructor, the student may appeal to the Dean of the school in which the course was taught who will investigate the matter and notify the student and the department chair of their findings.
Students should be aware that only the course instructor may change a grade.
Grade Changes
All course grades (except “I” grades) are intended to be final and permanent. It is expected that course instructors will determine and report final grades as accurately and precisely as the nature of the evaluation of student achievement and the grading system will permit. It is considered the instructor’s direct and personal responsibility to ensure that grades are fair and reported correctly.
Notwithstanding all precautions, faculty members can make errors. When this occurs, the errors should be corrected so that students are not unfairly penalized. If a course instructor decides to request a grade correction, the appropriate forms must be completed and sent to the Dean of the school in which the course was taught. A copy of the change of grade form will be sent to the Dean of the school where the student is registered. Except in the case of contested grades, all requests for correcting grades must be submitted by last day of the fourth week of the semester of the following Fall or Spring semester. Only the course instructor can submit a grade change request. The Dean of the school where the course is taught may disapprove of the request, indicating in writing the reason why.
Academic Progress Requirements
All students are required to maintain good academic standing as a condition of enrollment at Manhattan University. The guidelines vary, depending upon the student's grade level. Good academic standing is measured by reviewing a student's quantitative and qualitative progress. The quantitative measurement ensures that students are making progress toward their degree goals, while the qualitative measurement ensures that students are succeeding in their coursework.
- All undergraduate students are required to have a cumulative average of 2.0 or higher while earning a minimum number of credits to demonstrate good academic standing.
- All undergraduate students are required to maintain a 2.0 for any institutional aid; this does not include scholarship aid.
- All graduate students are required to have a cumulative average of 3.0 or higher while earning a minimum number of credits to demonstrate good academic standing.
- All undergraduate and graduate students will only have federal aid paid one time for courses they are repeating to improve a course grade.
- Each School at Manhattan University may implement additional guidelines for satisfactory academic progress in their programs.
In addition to the Manhattan University academic progress policy for all students, students who receive financial aid are subject to academic progress guidelines: view the SAP Policy
Change of Program
Students wishing to change their degree program to another program at Manhattan should seek the advice of the Dean or Academic Advisor of the program they wish to enter. The Dean or Academic Advisor will examine the student’s academic record to determine if the desired change in the degree program is advisable. Students wishing to change their program should do so before the end of their third semester at Manhattan. Students should take note that no part of their academic record will be altered when they change their degree program. All courses and grades remain on the academic record and constitute the student’s academic history.
Transcripts can be ordered by letter, online (, or in-person from the Office of the Registrar. To ensure prompt delivery of the transcript, requests should be made at least two weeks before the transcript is desired. The established fee for each transcript is five dollars*.
*Other fees may apply.