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E3MC General Studies

The E3MC program – short for Educating, Engaging, and Empowering means change - offers an accredited college class each semester to individuals incarcerated in the New York City and Westchester County jails who take the course in conjunction with students from our main campus. The course choice for incarcerated students is currently limited to one per semester. The content of the course reflects the expertise of the faculty of record teaching the course. Those confined persons who successfully complete the course will receive an admission letter to take classes at Manhattan College upon release. This high-quality educational experience helps each incarcerated and formerly incarcerated student cultivate psychological resources that help them realize their potential and personal worth, opening up a whole new world of opportunities.

E3MC students earn this certificate after completing 15 credits at Manhattan College. While students would be free to choose among courses in regular rotation and currently in the curriculum, they will be advised to choose appropriate core curriculum courses in the School of Liberal Arts.

Sample E3MC Certificate in General Studies Course Progression:

ENGL 110 First Year Composition

RELS 110 The Nature and Experience of Religion

SOC 150 Roots: Sociology

POSC 150 Roots: Government

RELS 399 Criminal Justice Ethics

For more information on the E3MC program, please click here